July 2014

islesWorks in July
Isles Youth Institute Graduation
Volunteers Prepare Gardens
Isles in the News
Summer Garden Social


Board of Trustees


Ann Marie Senior

Michele Minter 

Nora Brennan

Francis Blanco

Barbara Coe

Michael Dundas

Stuart Essig

Robert Harris

Jacque Howard

Sean Jackson

Oye Olukotun

Linda Revelle

Sa Mut Scott

Calvin Thomas

Henry Von Kohorn


Thanks for your

service to Isles!


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Since we just celebrated a powerful 19th graduation of Isles Youth Institute (IYI) students, this newsletter celebrates their achievements.  When they join IYI, they are typically failing or have dropped out of school and face daunting challenges.  The average student enters at at a 6th grade reading level and a 5th grade math level.   


We are proud and yet always amazed at how far they can reach and succeed in the typical two year stay at IYI.  With all the chaos in the world, the ability for all of us to learn, like these students, gives us hope. 


Lately, the media has highlighted our work quite a lot.  A handful of articles are linked, including ones that explore our efforts to save the diner (next to old Mrs. G's), organize an ambitious inventory of thousands of vacant properties in Trenton, and create new ways for employees to get out of debt and build wealth.  Check them out.


During the spring and summer months, volunteer groups make a big difference here.  We are thankful for their commitment.


Finally, the Summer Garden Social brings community gardeners and friends from throughout the city to show off their bounty and wildly diverse ethnic recipes.  Take the time to join us on Wednesday, July 30th.  It is a tasty and fun way to understand the many benefits of the 60 community and school gardens "peppered" throughout the region. 


Let us know what you think!


With gratitude and in community,


Marty Johnson
Click on the photo to view full IYI graduation gallery 

Isles Youth Institute Graduation


On June 23, 2014, Isles Youth Institute (IYI) held its 19th graduation at Grounds for Sculpture.  Nineteen students received high school equivalency certificates or high school diplomas.  Monica Weaver, Provost and Dean of Mercer County College, served as the Keynote Speaker.


Highlights include:

  • Twenty-five students completed NJ Youth Corps.
  • Six students received awards for academic achievement, job excellence, and good citizenship.
  • Thirty-nine certifications were earned by graduates and continuing IYI students. Certifications include Certified Nurse's Aide, Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training in electrical wiring and carpentry, and Occupational Safety & Health Administration.


Congratulations to our proud graduates on achieving your goals and best of luck in your future endeavors!

Volunteer Groups Help Prepare Gardens

Thanks to several of our corporate partners, the Children's Garden at Roberto Clemente Park and Isles Youth Institute Garden at Tucker Street are ready for the 2014 growing season.

Team NRG
at the Children's Garden

Team Church & Dwight at Isles Youth Institute Garden

Team FMC at Isles Youth Institute Garden


Isles in the News

Please join us...
Isles, Inc.
10 Wood Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08618