Order gluten-free TRIOS
by September 26

The Gluten Free Cookie will be back in the 2016-17 Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama Cookie Sale!  

Be sure to order gluten-free TRIOS for the 2017 Cookie Sale by Monday, Sept. 26.

Because gluten-free Trios are still in test marketing (and are direct sale only), we need to pre-order from the bakers.

We will reserve cases of Trios for troops that want them and will have only a limited supply after that. 

September 26, 2016 is the deadline for Trios pre-orders. 

 About the cookie: Gluten Free Trios are cookies made with real peanut butter, delicious chocolate chips, and certified whole grain, gluten free oats. Trios allows celiac disease sufferers and those trying to avoid gluten to support the efforts of Girl Scouts as they enjoy a product created just for them.  Click here for more information about Trios.

NEW This Year: * Sales of Trios cookies WILL be managed in SNAP. * Sales of Trios DO count toward girl's sales numbers and recognitions. * The money due for Gluten free Trios will be included in the ACH withdrawals from troop accounts. 

 A few facts about Trios:  * Available in a 5-ounce re-sealable foil pouch with 12 pouches per case * Gluten Free cookies retail for $5.00 per package; troops earn $.75 for every package they sell. * Trios will not be listed on the order form because it is a direct sale cookie only. 

Only troops that order by Monday, September 26, 2016 are guaranteed to have gluten free Trios cookies for direct orders and booth sales. Gluten free Trios will be distributed to participating troops with their initial cookie order in January 2017.

 This email is being sent only to Service Unit Cookie Managers, Service Unit Managers, Troop Leaders, and Troop Cookie Chairs.  We are using the 2016 Cookie Sale SNAP email list, so please forward this email to your Troop Leader/SU Manager if you don't handle both roles.

We are using the 2016 Cookie Sale SNAP email list until Cookie Training in October, so please forward this email to your Troop Leader/SU Manager if you don't handle these roles.     

Thank you for all you do for the girls we serve. We look forward to another successful Cookie Program!