The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

August 25, 2016 

                           See what our Girl Scouts are doing:       


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, Emily, Elisa, Emma, and Carly of Auburn Troop 7182 work on refurbishing two playrooms at Hosanna Homes, a residential facility where women undergoing a addiction recovery program may live with their children.

The Troop chose this as their Silver Award Project after touring Hosanna Homes and saw the state of the playrooms. They cleaned the rooms, painted the walls, assembled bookshelves, organized, and provided new toys. The resident children were very excited! 

The Girl Scouts finished this project with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Congratulations!

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail your photo with event information to
Cookie Bites: Order Trios by Monday, September 26

Trios, the delish gluten-free cookie, is once again being offered in our upcoming Cookie Sale Program. 

Gluten Free Trios are cookies made with real peanut butter, delicious chocolate chips, and certified whole grain, gluten free oats. What a treat! Our cookie allows celiac disease sufferers and those trying to avoid gluten to support the efforts of Girl Scouts as they enjoy a product created just for them.

Because Trios are produced in a limited run by our baker, we need to place our order for them early.  SU and Troop Cookie Managers must place their troop order by Monday, September 26.  We will reserve your cases, and have only a limited amount available after that.

Here is the link with all the details and ordering information.

Recruitment Events in August / September
Please tell friends who might be interested in Girl Scouts for their daughters!

Informational Events for Parents and Girls:    

Thursday, August 25: Montgomery
Thursday, August 25: Geneva County
 Monday, August 29: St. Mary's, Mobile
 Monday, August 29: Mobile County
Thursday, September 1: Mobile County
Thursday, September 1:  Prattville/Millbrook
 Thursday, September 1:  Enterprise/Coffee County

There's more!  For more September events, see the calendar on our Join Girl Scouts page.

Sister to Sister -- Helping Louisiana Flood Victims

As Girl Scouts, we hold true to our pledge of helping people at all times. Help us be a sister to Louisiana Pines to Gulf Council, which has 13 parishes affected by the flood. 

 Collection sites will be located our two Service Centers, and at other points in our council area, until September 2.

After collection sites close on September 2, we will travel to our sister council, Louisiana Pines to the Gulf in Lafayette, and donate the supplies.

Did Your Girl Scout Earn Program Credits in 2015?

Unused program credits earned during the 2015 Cookie Sale are set to expire on August 31. Renew your membership, sign up for a program, or go shopping at our council shops (or our online shop) by the end of next month! 

Here's a great program to use your expiring credits: Mini-Destination: Savannah! in June

Program credits earned during this year's Cookie Sale will not expire until August 2017.

Girl Scouting Matters. Help Us Spread the Word!

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience changes lives.  Period. As volunteers and Girl Scout parents, you know this and so do I. 
I've watched my daughter and countless others become strong, capable, successful young women through their experiences in Girl Scouting.  Whether it's exploring careers, doing science experiments, or helping feed the homeless in their communities, Girl Scouts are developing skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
Through the Girl Scout Leadership Program these girls will develop a strongSense of Self and Positive Values.  They will be Challenge Seeking.  They will develop and maintain Healthy Relationships. They will use these skills to participate in Community Problem Solving, contributing to their world in positive and meaningful ways.  In short, they will grow up to become women who make the world a better place.
I want you to meet a Montgomery Girl Scout alumna, who credits her experiences in Girl Scouts for who she is today. Deja Chappell, who will be attending YALE says, "Girl Scouts certainly played an early role in...
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog

New Programs & Updates

 Both Service Centers and Shops will be closed on Monday, Sept.5, for Labor Day
 Both Service Center Shops and the online shop will be closed Sept 29-30 for inventory.

 Save the Date: Wing It! - Mobile (11/12)

Upcoming Deadlines 

Program Credits earned during 2105 Cookie Sale expire on August 31  
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
ChemScouts (B J)
 Kamp Kiwanis
 Kamp Kiwanis
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
 Kamp Kiwanis
 Scoutshire Woods
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.