The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

August 11, 2016 

                           See what our Girl Scouts are doing:       


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, National S'mores Day was yesterday, and we announced our winner for our "How Do You S'MORE? Contest! " 

Drumroll, please: the winner is Troop 8263, who gave us an excellent image of just how fun and gooey a s'more can be.  Troop 8263's prize is a S'mores Party, and they will be the first to taste the new S'mores cookie!  Enjoy, Girl Scouts!

We thank all the entrants for their photos -- you can see them all on our Facebook page!

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail your photo with event information to
Announcing our Newest Cookie: S'MORES!

In honor of National S'mores Day, we are announcing our newest cookie addition: the Girl Scout S'mores Cookie! 

The Girl Scout S'mores Cookie celebrates the very essence of Girl Scouting -- in fact, the first recorded S'mores recipe appears in "Tramping and Trailing with Girl Scouts," published in 1927! 

This year, ABC Bakers has updated this traditional fireside snack: Crispy graham cookie double dipped in yummy creme icing and finished with scrumptious chocolatey coating. S'mores will be available during our upcoming Cookie Sale Program!

Recruitment Events in August


Saturday, August 27: Come try out rock climbing at the indoor rock wall at USA's recreation center and introduce your friends to Girl Scouting! Click here for details and registration information.

Informational Events for Parents and Girls: 

Tuesday, August 16: Daleville   

Thursday, August 18: Ozark City/Dale County

Tuesday, August 23: Ft. Rucker

Thursday, August 25: Montgomery

Thursday, August 25: Geneva County


There's more!  For September events, see the calendar on our Join Girl Scouts page.


Press Rep Applications Open for 2016-17 Girl Scout Year!

Are you an outgoing person who would like to inform others about why Girl Scouting is important to you? Then submit your application to be a Girl Scout Press Rep! 

Girl Scout Press Reps can be girls or adults, who enjoy public speaking or writing and would like to represent the council. Press Rep activities vary and they may include writing articles, public speaking and more. 

Press reps will be required to write at least three articles during the year about Girl Scout activities for possible publication. 
Click here  to see posts that Press Reps have written for our Girl Blog.

Did Your Girl Scout Earn Program Credits in 2015?

Unused program credits earned during the 2015 Cookie Sale are set to expire on August 31. Renew your membership, sign up for a program, or go shopping at our council shops (or our online shop) by the end of next month! 

Here's a great program to use your expiring credits: Mini-Destination: Savannah! in June

Program credits earned during this year's Cookie Sale will not expire until August 2017.

Amazon Will Donate (at NO Cost to You!)
Support us when you shop for back-to-school items. #StartWithaSmile at  and Amazon donates.

Thin Mint Sprint is ON! Join Us August 20 in Mobile
Join us for a fun Saturday morning on the USA Campus in Mobile.  The Thin Mint Sprint 5K Run/Walk, Fun Run and Health Expo has something for everyone!  Plus FREE Thin Mint Cookies! Register today!

Farewell, Liz, and Thank You

The first time I met Liz Brent, I instantly liked her.  What I didn't know yet is what a smart, talented, remarkably kind, and funny individual she is.  I also didn't imagine what a cherished friend she would become. 
During the last nine years, I've spent countless hours with Liz. We've driven thousands of miles on two-lane roads together, made countless presentations, and worked as a team to serve our girls.  We've locked ourselves out of cars, faced down multiple snakes, and dealt with our fair share of sticky issues. One of my favorite memories of Liz involves a trip to Camp Humming Hills where she and two board members ended up getting her car stuck in the woods and having to hike back a mile and a half through a bog to get out.  The hilarious text messages from the ranger's wife kept my family in stiches all evening! 
What I really want you to know about Liz, though, is how hard she has worked for our girls.  Liz tirelessly worked to rebuild this council after it was merged during realignment. She has faced challenges that most of our volunteers and girls couldn't fathom, and she has done all of this with great wit and determination. Most of the work she has done is behind the scenes.  Liz doesn't show off or tout her accomplishments.  She simply works hard and does what needs to be done.
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog

New Programs & Updates

 Both Service Centers and Shops will be closed on Monday, Sept.5, for Labor Day
Time updated to 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. "Explore Something Different" with Fall Product! Mobile (ALL) 9/10

Upcoming Deadlines 

FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
8/13 early registration
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
Program Credits earned during 2105 Cookie Sale expire on August 31  
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.