A message from GSSA Board Chair, Janie Corlee

Recently, GSSA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Elizabeth Brent announced her retirement. We thank her for the nine years she has dedicated to our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place, and wish her the best. In her nine years of service, Dr. Elizabeth Brent successfully negotiated the challenging process of council realignment, implemented exciting upgrades to our several camp properties, and kept pace with our "girl-led" movement. 

The Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama Executive Board is excited to announce that we have chosen Karlyn Edmonds to succeed Dr. Elizabeth Brent. Karlyn brings 13 years of Girl Scout experience where she has held the positions of Chief Development Officer and Chief Operating Officer. She has successfully led the membership, volunteer, product sales, program and marketing teams. In addition, Karlyn recently became director of Camp Sunshine, a Girl Scout outreach summer camp that serves Montgomery girls who live in public housing. Karlyn was a Girl Scout and has a daughter who is in her fifth year of the program and who just earned her Bronze Award. Karlyn is an advocate for empowering girls and has a passion for the movement.  We are confident she will continue to lead GSSA in the right direction. 

Please join us in congratulating Karlyn Edmonds, and in thanking Dr. Elizabeth Brent for her many years of dedicated service. 

We thank you for all you do to serve girls in southern Alabama. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at communications@girlscoutssa.org

Yours in Girl Scouting,
Janie Corlee
Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Chair, Board of Directors

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