The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

July 28, 2016 

                           See what GSSA is up to on these social media sites:       


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, girls having fun while learning at Beach Scouts! Beach Scouts is a STEM-based Day Camp on the coast funded by the Erie Meyer Foundation.

Visit our Facebook page to see lots of photos of girls living the Girl Scout life in southern Alabama.  

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail your photo with event information to
How Do You S'MORE?

How do you S'MORE? 

National S'mores Day is August 10, and we have a fun contest for you!  

Would you like to win a S'mores Party for your troop?  Just send us a photo of you, your Girl Scout, or your troop creating or eating s'mores!

The last day to enter the contest is Friday, August 5, and we will announce the winner on National S'mores Day, August 10.

Send your photo to and show us how you s'more!

"Explore Something Different" with Fall Product!

Come "explore something different" with the 2016 Fall Product Sales. 

While the troop leaders are in the adult training (at the same location), girls will participate in fall product-themed games and crafts. We will have a taste test table, a magazine table, games, crafts and a fun photo wall where the girls can pose with our new mascot, the Koala! 

This is a great way for the girls to familiarize themselves with the products they will be selling this fall! The cost includes lunch, a rally patch, and activities.

Mobile (ALL) - 9/10                             Montgomery (ALL) - 9/11

Teen Mentors Leadership Course in Mobile or Montgomery

Want to earn your Program Aide or Volunteer-in-Training Pin? This is the core leadership course you've been waiting for! 

Cadettes will complete the leadership course for Program Aide. Seniors and Ambassadors will complete the leadership course for Volunteer-in-Training. 

Have Fun Earning Your Thin Mint Sprint Patch!

There are so many ways to earn a patch for the 2016 Thin Mint Sprint! 

You can engage as a participant or volunteer, or accumulate walk/run mileage before the race to earn the 5K or the Marathon patch. 

Did Your Girl Scout Earn Program Credits in 2015?

Unused program credits earned during the 2015 Cookie Sale are set to expire on August 30. Renew your membership, sign up for a program, or go shopping at our council shops (or our online shop) by the end of next month! 

Program credits earned during this year's Cookie Sale will not expire until August 2017.

Please Help Girl Scouting Reach Local Girls!

Time for school to begin, and  it's the start of a new Girl Scout year! This time of year our membership staff is frantically working to line up as many recruiting events and activities as possible.   We do not have a large membership staff, so like during cookie season, everyone in the office is turning their attention to membership.  We did gain some lost ground on membership last year, but the long-term trend is still on the downward slide.   This is disheartening; especially when we recognize the value that Girl Scouts has made in our life or the lives of the girls we interact with.
We have many schools and events we simply cannot get to, even though they would be happy to have us recruit at them.   We are always interested in utilizing the assistance of others.  If you are willing to assist us, please coordinate with the field executive for that area, since each has a clear idea of what works best for their assigned territory.  We certainly appreciate any time you can give to help us make sure Girl Scouting reaches as many girls in southern Alabama as possible.
Thanks for all you do to make Girl Scouts successful.
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog

New Programs & Updates
Upcoming Deadlines 

FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
8/13 early registration
Press Rep Applications Due (ALL + volunteers)  
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
Program Credits earned during 2105 Cookie Sale expire on August 30  
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Thin Mint Sprint is ON! Join Us August 20 in Mobile
Join us for a fun Saturday morning on the USA Campus in Mobile.  The Thin Mint Sprint 5K Run/Walk, Fun Run and Health Expo has something for everyone!  Plus FREE Thin Mint Cookies! Register today!