The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

July 14, 2016 

                           See what GSSA is up to on these social media sites:       


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, silly faces on our Kamp Kiwanis campers as they prepare for their zipline adventure!  

Click here or on the photo to see a larger view.

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  
E-mail the photo with event information to
Did Your Girl Scout Earn Program Credits in 2015?

Did your Girl Scout earn Program Credits during the 2015 Cookie Sale?

Unused program credits earned during the 2015 Cookie Sale are set to expire on August 30. Use them to renew your membership, sign up for a program, or go shopping at our council shops (or our online shop) by the end of next month! 

Program credits earned during this year's Cookie Sale (2016) will not expire until August 2017, so there's plenty of time to use them!

Thin Mint Sprint is ON! Join Us August 20 in Mobile
Join us for a fun Saturday morning on the USA Campus in Mobile on August 20.  The Thin Mint Sprint 5K Run/Walk, Fun Run and Health Expo has something for everyone!  Plus FREE Thin Mint Cookies!
Register today!

Did Your Girl Scout Have a Great Time at Camp? 

Commemorate her fun at camp with an inscribed brick paver at Kamp Kiwanis!

Over the years, individual Girl Scouts, Troops, and SUs have placed brick pavers at the Sawyer-Weil Pavilion overlooking Lake Martin to mark their memories of camp, record Camporees, or thank their Troop Leaders.

You can, too -- just visit our Council Service Center shops or our online shop.  Whenever you visit Kamp Kiwanis, your memory will be waiting!

Camp Gives the Gift of Independence

As I sit here writing, there is a slight breeze off Lake Martin, although the humidity is pretty high today.   This is the best office in the world. I spent 30 years in higher education in a basement office with no windows, so you have no idea how much I have enjoyed my summer offices in the woods.
As I write this, I see girls standing on stand up paddleboards, kayaking in the slough, now with skills they did not possess when they arrived.  Some didn't want to try the stand up paddleboards, but summoned the courage to give it a try.   Now they can paddle around without ending up in the water, but seem to enjoy falling in, too.
There's another group in the Sawyer-Weil Pavilion, singing songs with different hand motions, while some are working on making lanyards.   The song floats across the water and through the woods.
There's the whirrrrrrr of the zip line running.   Girls are donning their helmet, putting on the harness, getting connected to the lanyard and experiencing a thrilling rides down the line.   Some are concerned about taking that step off the platform, but these girls have courage, so they will try it.
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog.  

New Programs & Updates
Both Service Centers and the online shop will be closed on Wednesday, July 27, for a staff meeting.
Upcoming Deadlines 

FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
FA/CPR/AED Certification (Volunteers)  
online study
8/13 early registration
Program Credits earned during 2105 Cookie Sale expire on August 30  
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Upcoming Events: