The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

April 14, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, Katelyn and Janet of Troop 8547 went completely "fangirl" when they met their fave celebrity -- Juliette Gordon Low, the original J-Lo.  Doesn't she look good for her age?  She was at the same museum they were!  What a coincidence!  

Just kidding.  Katelyn and Janet were in Washington, DC, over Spring Break and went to see JGL at Madame Tussands Wax Museum.    Katelyn had been to DC for the 100th GSUSA birthday celebration on the National Mall, and wanted to see her again.
Click on the image or here to see a larger version. 

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Abby Legge Shares her Gold Award Process

Abby's Take Action Project, The Buddy System, is a program that partners elementary age students with high school students for tutoring sessions. Each tutor works specifically with one student in order to learn that child's learning styles and serve as a role model for that child.

How did you come up with your idea?  
The spring of my junior year I was hired to tutor a third grade boy. As I worked with him, I recognized that he wasn't dumb or slow, he just needed one person to sit down and work individually with him. As the semester went on, and as getting to know him better, it became easier to recognize what helped him and what tricks helped him learn better. I recognized that there are a lot of other children who will go without that help and will continue to struggle, so I decided to do something about it.

Shop Discounts for our Volunteers! 

As a special Thank You to our wonderful Volunteers, our council shops (including online) are offering a 20% discount to all Volunteers, and a 30% discount to Leader-Licensed Volunteers.

Just ask for your discount at the shops, or enter THANKS20 or THANKS30 in the ordering instructions when you place your order online  Sale runs April 16 - 22.

Here are the details: your credit card will be charged the correct (lower) amount after confirmation of your status.  Discount does not apply to uniform items, books, badges, or gift cards.

What Happened in 2015? Read the Annual Report!

Our CEO, Liz Brent, presented the CEO Report to the Membership: 2015 in Review at the Annual Meeting last Saturday. 

We keep the most recent annual report (as well as many other publications) on our website on the Forms & Resources page.   Check them out!

Top Cookie Sellers Announced!

Gold Award Centennial Celebration -- Bronze & Silver, too! 

The Gold Award is 100 years old!  Please join us in Mobile (May 14) or Montgomery (May 21) for a celebration of all our past and current Gold Award recipients.

We will also be honoring recent Bronze and Silver Awardees.  Come celebrate the awards (and the awardees!) that help create young women of courage, confidence and character.

Read Why Your Fellow Volunteers Love Being a Leader!

In honor of National Volunteer Month, we asked our Facebook page friends to tell us why they love being a Girl Scout Volunteer.  We got the most wonderful responses!

If you use Facebook, check out all the fantastic reasons why they love volunteering with Girl Scouts

Learning Never Looked so Fun!      

Building birdhouses, marking trails, horseback rides, sailing, making paper, what fun girls can have on their weekends.   Learning never looked so much fun.   I saw girls doing all sorts of things this weekend, learning and giving back to others while enjoying each other, the woods, and nature.  When asked if they were having a good time, they all gave an enthusiastic "yes!"
We have some great council programs planned for the remainder of spring, and I know of many troops who have some fun stuff planned as they draw this school year to a close.   I often wonder if the girls who do not participate in Girl Scouts have any idea what they are missing?   Do they recognize that there are so many opportunities they could have that will shape what they know and who they will become?
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog

New Programs & Updates
 DEADLINE EXTENDED through TODAY Outdoor Badge Day at CSW (B J C S) 4/23
Upcoming Deadlines 

online study
Kamp Kiwanis
6/12, 6/16, 6/22  
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Newly Listed Events: