Black Friday and Cyber Monday were for getting. Giving Tuesday is for giving.
Annual Meeting and Back to Basics

Annual Meeting (4/9):
Girl Scout leaders, volunteers and girls over the age of 14 are invited (and needed) as delegates to the council's annual business meeting. 

This is a great opportunity to discuss the state of the council, as well as participate in fellowship with other Girl Scout leaders.  The meeting will take place at the Kamp Kiwanis in Eclectic, AL. Lunch will be provided.  Here's the Agenda and the Board of Directors biographies. 

Optional Friday Overnight (4/8): Join us at Kamp Kiwanis on Friday night for an evening of songs/skits around the campfire, games, and exchanging S.W.A.P.S. for girls and adults.

Back to Basics overnight patch
Back to Basics Day for Girl Scouts
and Siblings  
On Saturday while adults are at the Annual Meeting, girls age 5+ and their siblings will tie-dye bandannas (you may even bring a small article from home to dye) , make some simple campfire cuisine, and go on a letterboxing adventure.  Come prepared to have some good old-fashioned Girl Scout fun!

You may register for the Meeting/Back to Basics Activity or add on the optional Friday Overnight

Thanks for all you do for Girl Scouting!
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