Cookie Sale ends March 27

Here is a message from ABC Bakers:

ABC Council Partners,

Due to the large number of errors and report issues experienced by users in SNAP, we have decided to disable the Cookie Sheet to improve the system responsiveness. The reason for this is that each time a user accesses SNAP+ the Cookie Sheet and Reports are competing for the same resources, increasing the load on the server and causing errors. We expect that disabling the dashboard will alleviate the load on the servers and allow users to complete their orders and transfers without errors, as well as run reports successfully. We are expecting this change to improve the user experience.

Data included on the Cookie Sheet can be accessed via reports. For Troops, the Cookie Sheet data can be accessed through the
Girl Cookie Total Summary report and theTroop Balance Summary report. Also, theTroop On Hand Inventory report will provide information on Troop inventory that has not yet been transferred to girls.  Service Units can use the same reports listed for Troops and also view Recognition Orders from the Recognitions tab and then filtering by the data required.

The following message will be posted on the Snap login screen tomorrow:

To improve system performance we have disabled  
the Cookie Sheet for this season.

This will help users access the system
and complete the needed transactions.

We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please use reports to access the information you may need. 
Upcoming Deadlines (no change)  

March 27: Last day of Sale   

March 30: Troop Paperwork and recognition orders due to SUCC. (Snap locked for troops  11:59pm)

April 4: SU Paperwork due to Council   

April 6: Final ACH   

As always, contact Teri at or Cheryl at with questions or concerns.  

Thank you for all you do! 
Teri and the GSSA Product Sales Team
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