The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

March 24, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right members of Girl Scout Troop 9081 held a lovely  Investiture Ceremony for three new members.  Congratulations and welcome, new Girl Scouts!

Click on the image or here to see a larger version. 

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Press Rep Claire Goes to Tennessee!
My Girl Scout Troop 9327 and the sisters of a few of my troop members who are also Girl Scouts, took a great trip to Chattanooga this past weekend.  We participated in an overnight at the Tennessee Aquarium.  

We got to tour behind the scenes and find out how the animals in the aquarium are cared for.  We slept in the undersea cavern where sharks, sea turtles, and fish swam above and around us all night.  

After the overnight program, we went to Ruby Falls and participated in a scouts program where we learned about the geology of the formations in Lookout Mountain, took the cave tour, and then did some gemstone panning. It was a great trip.

  -- Press Rep Claire

Honor Your Favorite Volunteer! SU Adult Awards Deadline is April 1

The heart of Girl Scouting is our indispensable volunteers who make it all possible! Because volunteers contribute their time and skills in many ways, there are several Adult Awards that are available to recognize their efforts. 

Every person reading this knows someone who deserves to be recognized!  Check out these awards, and nominate a worthy Girl Scout Volunteer.  Deadline for these awards is April 1.  More information may be found on the Adult Awards page of our website.

Join Us to Honor Longtime Volunteer Pat Hall at the Annual Meeting

We will be honoring Pat Hall, our Volunteer of the Year, at the Annual Meeting on April 9.  Pat was a Girl Scout for 10 years as a girl and young woman, and has been an active volunteer, in many roles, for more than 30 years!  One of the motivations for her lifelong commitment was the promise she made with her sister Girl Scouts at the International Roundup in Idaho in 1965.  She has kept her promise to stay active and involved in sharing our Movement with girls!

We have good old-fashioned Girl Scout fun planned for the girls and their siblings while the adults (and Girl Scouts over age 14 who wish to participate) are in the meeting.  Join Us!

Click for more information on the Annual Meeting and Back to Basics Day.

Spend Friday night at Kamp Kiwanis for games, SWAPS, and skits/songs around the campfire! Here's info on the Optional Friday overnight before the Annual Meeting.

We Have Large (and Small) Dreams to Support Girls

We have a wish list and you can help grant our wishes!
We greatly appreciate gently used goods and donated services (including printing, event photography and advertising space) that are listed in Our Wish ListWish List contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We will send you a receipt for your donation. Thank you!

Please contact Melinda Stallworth at 800-239-6636, ext. 2802, or for more information.

Programs, Camp, Annual Meeting & Cookie SALE       

Spring is in the air, and spring break is here or about to commence.   I enjoy seeing what many of you do during spring break.   Most everyone that I see photos of is enjoying the beauty of spring and the outdoors.   Funny, I wonder if there is a correlation between that and being a Girl Scout?   I suspect there is.   I'm also struck by how so many of you are people of action, not sitting on the couch much.   Most of you are out with your kids spending time investing in their fun.   It is good to watch and share in those memories.

We have some great spring programs for the end of the school year.   All look fun and like things I would want to do.   I want to remind you that the annual meeting is at Kamp Kiwanis on Saturday, April 9.   There will be an update of what went on last fiscal year with the audit results and the annual report.   We have a good day planned for girls and adults.

We continue to work to sell the excess cookie inventory.   As an appreciation gesture, we will sell cases of cookies for $25.   This includes mixed cases. If you have an interest or know of some businesses that would like to purchase them as thank you gifts, please send Teri Eversole or Amy Murray an e-mail.   They are and
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog

New Programs & Updates

FULL (both sessions) Trail Masters Summer Camp Session (C S A)
Upcoming Deadlines 

online study
Outdoor Badge Day (B C S A) 
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
SUCC Final Paperwork Due to Council  
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Newly Listed Events: