The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

March 17, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right members of Girl Scout Troop 9338 celebrate Girl Scout Sunday at their local church.  Thanks for sharing on our Facebook page, ladies!

Click on the image or here to see a larger version. 

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Sikes & Kohn Cookie Booth Sites Available
Don't forget we have some excellent booth opportunities still available at Sikes & Kohn's Country Mall.

Sign up in SNAP -- this is great opportunity to move your cookie inventory!

For troops signing up for the Sikes & Kohn booth, here's the specifics:
Sikes & Kohn Country Mall
22150 Troy Hwy
Ramer AL 36069
Set up on right side, near the entrance to the parking lot, just off the highway.Do not sell near or inside the store or approach customers.
It's helpful to post signs at the intersection before and after the entrance, "GS Cookies, next turn!"

Overnight Journey for Juniors, Cadettes at Camp Scoutshire Woods

Juniors and Cadettes -- come have fun earning a Journey during an overnight stay at Camp Scoutshire Woods!  

Juniors will complete the "Get Moving" Journey and Cadettes will complete the "Breathe" Journey.    To learn more and register, click here.

Care About Girl Scouting? Attend the Annual Meeting (have fun, too)

Girl Scout leaders, volunteers and girls over the age of 14 are invited as delegates to the council's annual business meeting.  This is a great opportunity to discuss the state of the council, as well as participate in fellowship with other Girl Scout leaders.  Here's the Agenda and the Board of Directors biographies.

On Saturday while adults are at the Annual Meeting, girls will get "Back to Basics" and tie-dye bandannas, make some simple campfire cuisine, and go on a letterboxing adventure.  Come prepared to have some good old-fashioned Girl Scout fun!

Click for more information on the Annual Meeting and Back to Basics Day.

Spend Friday night at Kamp Kiwanis for games, SWAPSs, and skits/songs around the campfire! Here's info on the Optional Friday overnight before the Annual Meeting.

Camp Registration Opens to All on Monday, March 21

Just a few days left for Cookie Entrepreneurs to register before camp registration is open to everyone!  As always, horse sessions are going fast, so place your deposit now!

Visit our Summer Camp page, or download the 2016 Camp Guide for more information.
Camporee with the Biscuits!

This fun annual event is a great time for the whole family!

Enjoy the inflatables, walk in the pre-game parade.  After the game, there will be a massive fireworks show! After dinner, Girl Scouts will settle in for a movie and overnight on the infield.

Order your T-shirts and patches by Friday! To learn more, click here.

The Future of Girl Scouting     

Recently, I attended the GSUSA CEO meeting where we spent three days discussing how to project the Girl Scout organization forward.    GSUSA has conducted quite a bit of research on parents and how they decide whether their daughter should be a Girl Scout.   They acknowledged that the girls had some input, but generally the parents also had decision-making power.

One of the elements of the research was the large number of people who don't understand what Girl Scouts does and don't even consider it because of their lack of knowledge about our organization.   It is hard to believe a 104-year-old organization, which has an iconic brand, isn't known or understood by part of the population.   The good news is that there wasn't a lot of data that indicated Girl Scouts isn't relevant.   The focus of the program on the outdoors, STEM, entrepreneurship, and life skills seems to have addressed some of the conclusions about that, so in some respects, we are moving at GIRL SPEED.

Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog.  
New Programs & Updates
Upcoming Deadlines 

LAST Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
Camp Scoutshire Woods
online study
Outdoor Badge Day (B C S A) 
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
Kamp Kiwanis
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.