Cookie Sale ends March 27
We have heard that the cookies are not selling as quickly and easily as in the past.   The good news is that we will be extending the sale!   It sounds like many of you still have inventory, and the cupboards still have inventory.   We are working on many more booth sales for those who continue to sell and have been doing so all week long Here are some quick conclusions we have reached we can get out to you today.
1.   The sale will extend until March 27, allowing us to advertise for customers to purchase cookies to enjoy after Lent ends.

2.   We will only require 50% of the current balance due to council for the next payment, instead of the full balance due to the council. This payment will be drawn on March 14. Cookies picked up from the pantry through  Feb. 25 will be included in that payment.

3.   We are working on adding booth sites that are conducive to folks driving to the beach for spring break.
More information will be coming, as we work through the details. We anticipate getting this information out sometime next week.
We appreciate your
great feedback and ideas
and we  are chasing most of them.

Cookie Pantry hours this weekend:
Montgomery: Saturday 9 a.m.-noon; Sunday 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Mobile: Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; emergency phone 251/375-6727
Enterprise: Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Sunday 3 - 5 p.m.
Dothan: Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Sunday 3 - 5 p.m.
Loxley: by appointment; call 251/401-1573

As always, contact Teri at or Cheryl at with questions or concerns.

Thank you for all you do! 
Teri and the GSSA Product Sales Team
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