The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

February 18, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, members of Girl Scout Troop 8431 posed with their signs at their recent cookie booth at Gander Mountain. Looks like fun!  Good marketing, Girl Scouts! 

Thanks for sharing on our Facebook page!

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Cookie Bites: Level Up!
Did your Girl Scout set a goal for the Cookie Sale?  How is she doing?

Setting goals and working towards them is one of the five skills emphasized in the Cookie Program. 

Setting a higher goal when the first goal is achieved is a way for girls to find they can accomplish more than they expected.   If your Girl Scout has met her initial goal, why not review the 2016 Cookie Recognitions with her, to see which incentive she would like to shoot for in these last few weeks of the Cookie Sale.

Thanks for all you do to support your Girl Scouts!

Nominate Volunteers for Council Awards

Girl Scout Volunteers are the heart of our organization. Do you know a special volunteer whom you would like to see recognized?  The deadline for Council level award nominations is March 1.

Gulf Quest -- Spend the Night at the New Maritime Museum

Come chart a course and set sail on the Gulf Quest Overnight Adventure. 

Gulf Quest is the first museum dedicated to the Gulf Coast's rich maritime traditions - and one of the only interactive maritime museums in the country.  Girls will navigate through the museum's hands-on exhibits by completing a treasure hunt. They will take a trip through a 6-foot diameter solar system sphere where girls will view the sun, the planets and their moons, and participate in other instructional navigation activities.  Check out the details!

Honor Breast Cancer Survivors with Friendship Bracelets

The Joy to Life Foundation asks Girl Scouts to create special friendship bracelets for breast cancer survivors for their annual Walk of Life event.  This is a great opportunity for girls to use their arts and crafts skills to bring support, joy and friendship to women and men of all ages who have been touched with this disease.

Girls of all ages and skill levels can create a bracelet by either coming up with their own design or using various tutorials made available on our Girl Blog at There is no minimum or limit to how many a girl can make.  Once finished, the bracelets can be turned into either the Montgomery or Mobile Service Centers. 

Click here for more information on the bracelets and the Joy to Life Walk

Fun Contests, with Great Prizes! 

Bling your booth!   I was surfing GSUSA's Bling Your Booth Facebook page, and so far there are only 68 booths posted.   If there are 25 winners, I would say at the moment the odds are pretty good to win.  Of those 68, only one is from GSSA troop from Mobile.   Now, I know the girls of this council, and they are an exceptional group.   So, if you are exceptional in decorations, color, and creativity, you should bling your cookie booth!   We have some good booths; let's show them off!

Just a reminder about some of the contests of this year's cookie program. Your chances of being a council super seller are easier because we divided the council into 5 regions, since some were rural and others more heavily populated.   The super seller for their region has a choice between a Kindle Fire or a $200 GSSA program credit.   Also, all girls who sell 150 or more packages of cookies are entered into a drawing to win a Kindle Fire.
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog.  
New Programs & Updates
Upcoming Deadlines 


Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
online study
online study
Advocacy Day (ALL) 
Night Moves (C S A) 
DeSoto Caverns
Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Newly Listed Events: