Happy Mardi Gras!
Girl Scouts LOVE cookie booths, but sometimes their high spirits can be a little too rowdy for a store entrance.  And some girls don't realize that they shouldn't check their phones or listen to music when they are talking to customers. 

Now is a great time to play Good Booth, Bad Booth with your girls to review appropriate behavior.
It's very easy for one bad experience to damage our relationship with a store manager.
We can lose a booth location for years if we don't behave like respectful guests. 
Going over the Booth Etiquette pledge at the booth with the girls is also a good way to refresh everyone on how to act.

When you are setting up your booth, please check in with the store manager on duty for any special requirements they may have.  If you can, give them a box of cookies to sweeten the day!  Then pass on those requirements to any other volunteers so everyone is on the same page. 

As always, contact Teri at teversole@girlscoutssa.org or Cheryl at cmiller@girlscoutssa.org with questions or concerns.

Thank you for all you do! 
Teri and the GSSA Product Sales Team
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