The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

February 11, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, members of Girl Scout Troop 9203 were surprised and honored to meet Senator Harriet Ann Smith!  She purchased cookies and graciously agreed to pose.

Click here or on the image to see a larger version.

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Cookie Bites: Reminders for Everyone!
We are just a few weeks from the end of the Cookie Sale, and we are getting feedback that some of our girls are losing focus at booth sales. 

Checking phones, listening to music, not saying "thank you" to customers (whether they buy cookies or not) -- these are not ideal customer relations, which is one of the five skills we try to teach the girls as part of the Cookie Program. 

In our "constantly connected" world, girls may not realize that customers want personal, face-to-face interaction with the Girl Scouts they are supporting.  Please review the Booth Etiquette Pledge with your Girl Scout.

These are important, life-long skills for all of us! 

Sign Up for Monthly Friends and Supporters e-Newsletter

Introducing Friends!, our monthly e-newsletter! Friends! keeps you up to date on how GSSA engages with the larger community.  We highlight our community partners, share alumnae stories, and provide updates on opportunities to support girls in southern Alabama.

Just enter your email address by the megaphone on our website home page, and check the box next to "Friends and Supporters" newsletter!

Planning On Attending a Program with Your Daughter? Get Approved!

Hey Parents, don't miss out on the fun!  Only approved adults may go with Girl Scouts to programs and events, even those that are open to the public.  Why? It's for the safety of all our girls. Wouldn't you like to know that ALL the adults interacting with your daughter have been background-checked and approved?

Click here to start the process -- it's simple! Approvals can take a few days, depending on volume, so sign up now so you never miss the fun!

New Council's Own Patch: Discovering Southern Alabama

We have a new Council's Own patch!  It's all about Discovering Southern Alabama.  This patch demonstrates some of the many different educational, cultural, service-oriented, and fun opportunities available to explore in our 30-county Council area.

This patch and more may be found on the GSSA Council's Own Badges and Patches page of our website.

Why Do We Sell Cookies?        

At this point, after weeks of being around cookies and getting the money into the bank to pay for them, I thought it might be a good opportunity to remind you why you do so much work.   It is to have a lot of fun with your girls once the sale is over!

Glancing at some of what is on the spring calendar, it looks like a pretty good time to me.   This spring, we are again offering Night Moves in Mobile for older girls.   This is one of my favorite programs because the girls get to go to the Coast Guard base and see what they do there.   Last time we were there, they had gone out of their way to have all the women Coast Guard pilots come in for the program and bring their children.   It was a great way to show girls that you can have a great career in the Coast Guard and still have children.   Girls often get to climb in and out of the many aircraft in both hangers and meet the rescue swimmers.   It is a great program that shows off what careers happen at night.

Last year was the first time the Auburn University WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) group did a program for us called Pi Day.   This program received rave reviews and sounds like it will great again this year.   Girls participated in a large number of fun hands-on science experiments, making learn fun and exciting.   It is a great introduction to how STEM can be fun!
Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog.  
New Programs & Updates

Montgomery Service Center and Shop will be closed on Monday, February 15.

 FULL: DeSoto Caverns Overnight Adventure  (3/19-20)
Upcoming Deadlines 


online study
Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
online study
Advocacy Day (ALL) 
Night Moves (C S A) 
DeSoto Caverns
Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 
Newly Listed Events: