The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

January 14, 2016 


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, Girl Scout Troop 9151 ("Troop Destiny") used Fall Product proceeds to prepare a meal for  homeless and less fortunate members of their community.

Excellent community service, Troop Destiny!

Click here or on the image to see a larger version. 

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Cookie Bites: Reminders for Cookie Chairs
Booth and Cookie Drive Thru sign ups in SNAP begin tomorrow at 11 a.m.  Here's a link to the updated calendar.

You can stock up at your local cookie cupboard or pantry for Walkabout Weekend (this Friday - Monday). Have fun taking photos of your Girl Scouts having fun!
Vote for the Newest #GirlsChoose Badge: Art in the Outdoors!

The winner of the latest Girls Choose badge vote was Art in the Outdoors!

Now it's time for the girls to vote for the badge design for the Girl Scout level they will be in the 2016-17 Girl Scout Year.

Voting is open until January 22.  Click here for more information and to vote!

Camp Ranger Position available at Kamp Kiwanis

Are you organized and handy with all sorts of maintenance and repair?  Do you take pride in your work, like kids, and want to spend your days in a beautiful outdoor setting?  We are seeking a skilled Camp Ranger for our beautiful Kamp Kiwanis on Lake Martin.  Click here for more information.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service is Monday, January 18

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr Day is coming up on Monday, January 18. The MLK Jr. Day of Service mobilizes citizens for service as a tribute to his life of selfless action.

This is a great opportunity to share the spirit of community service with your Girl Scout troop. Be sure to let us know how your troop gives back to the community.  To learn more, visit .
Cookie Drive - Thrus are New This Year     

Don't you just LOVE a drive through?   I have some favorite fast food places, but two don't have a drive through, and I have to admit, I don't go to them as often because I have to get out of the car and stand in line to get my food.   That might be the epitome of laziness, but convenience matters in today's busy world.

With this in mind, the staff has been working hard to develop cookie booth drive - thrus.   They have been outlining the rules so we comply with our safety standards, but still provide an opportunity for those who want to purchase cookies, but who might not stop at some of the booth sites to get their always-desirable Girl Scout cookies.

Continue reading on our Virtual Volunteer Blog.  
New Programs & Updates

Both council Service Centers and Shops will be closed on Monday, January 18.
Upcoming Deadlines 

every Thurs + as needed
CPR/FA/AED Certification  (Volunteers) 
online study
Booth Site Reservations Begin in SNAP (TCM/SUCM) 
11 am

Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)

Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
online study
Planned order due in SNAP (TCM/SUCM)
Final Gold Award Proposal Deadline (Graduating Ambassadors)
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.