Milk was not included on the labeling of Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix...

Troop Fall Product Managers: 
Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix
label did not list MILK as an ingredient 

Is there anything wrong with the Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix?
No, the product is fine -- it is just not correctly labeled.  People with milk allergies should not eat the product.

What does this mean to me as Troop Fall Product Manager?
We need your help getting the word out to your Girl Scouts and their customers who may already have this product in hand, that it is under an "allergy alert" for people with milk allergies.  Please contact your Girl Scouts who sold this product and ask them to share this information with their customers who bought this product. 

What do I do with the Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix boxes that haven't been delivered to the girls in my troop?
If you have any Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix, please do not deliver it.  We will be replacing it with a box with the correct label (details are being worked out).
What about people who bought this product through the online store at Ashdon Farms?
They will be contacted directly because their contact information is on record.    

What if a person who bought this product has a milk allergy and doesn't want it anymore?
There's a phone number below to call Ashdon Farms (the manufacturer) to arrange for a substitution.

Please contact Teri Eversole at if you have questions or concerns.  Please understand it will take several days for us to receive correctly labeled product.

Thank you for all you do for Girl Scouts!

Below is the alert we received from Ashdon Farms, the manufacturer:

Ashdon Farms Issues Allergy Alert on Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix and Honey Mustard Mix
Ashdon Farms, Waukesha, WI 53188 is alerting consumers that Honey Mustard Pretzel Mix sold under the Girl Scouts of the USA brand and Honey Mustard Mix sold under the Ashdon Farms brand distributed to consumers on or before November 15, 2015 are being recalled because milk is not declared in the "contains" statement on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume these products. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.
Girl Scouts of the USA branded product packaged in 7 oz bags (no UPC code) has been sold through Girl Scout councils and online sales nationwide. Ashdon Farms branded product in 8 oz bags (UPC 79113-41184) has been sold through fundraising distributors nationwide. Ashdon Farms is currently correcting the label at the distribution level so that all product distributed to consumers on or after Nov 16, 2015 will correctly declare the milk allergen. ONLY PRODUCT DISTRIBUTED TO CONSUMERS ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 15, 2015 IS AFFECTED.
Due to correction at the distribution level the product cannot be identified based on code date. Affected packages can be identified by the contains statement found immediately below the ingredient listing. The contains statement on incorrect labels reads "Contains: Cashews, Almonds, Soy, Wheat." Packages with the correct label read "Contains: Cashews, Almonds, Soy, Wheat, Milk."
There have been no reports of illness or injury associated with this product.  Milk allergic consumers who have purchased the product may contact Ashdon Farms at 800-274-3666 for substitution with a non-milk containing product." 
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