The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

November 12, 2015


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, meet Press Rep Tristan!  She offers these thoughts on the Girl Scout Promise and Law:

"First of all, the Girl Scout Promise means to me that you are promising to respect other people, and to show the respect to things in life and for God. I show honor by going to church, helping people when they need it, and much more, and it is important for every Girl Scout is to live by the Girl Scout Law!
"The Girl Scout Law means to me is that every Girl Scout should do their best to be honest and fair because if you don't you will be breaking the Girl Scout law. A way to be honest and fair is to be a good sport and to be honest and truthful about things. Another way is to be friendly and helpful! I like to be friendly and helpful by helping my friends with home work and by having a good relationship with them."
Read more of Tristan's essay on our GSSA Girl Blog

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Just a Few More Days to Vote!
Voting for the new Girls' Choice badges will end on November 15. The time for girls to vote is NOW!

Do you want more Outdoors, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or  Financial Literacy in this round of new badges? 

Ask your Girl Scouts to vote, because #GirlsChoose

The mall can be a fun place during holiday season, especially when you are giving busy shoppers a hand and helping Girl Scouts at the same time!

This year, please consider having your older girl troop volunteer for a few hours wrapping presents at Eastdale Mall.   All proceeds will benefit Girl Scouts, your girls will earn community service hours, and have fun!

 Volunteer Op: Wrap Gifts for the Holidays (Montgomery) 
Are You on Facebook?  Update your GSSA Like for All the Latest!

You read the GSSA Weekly to keep up on what's new in our council.  But for the latest news, "Like" our Facebook page (

But wait -- there's just one more step to be sure you get all the information available on Facebook from us. Update your "Like" to get the most from Facebook.

Giving Thanks for Special Volunteers        

 I was driving between service centers last week, pondering the differences between a volunteer who was especially frustrating and another who isn't.    Most of my musing was on the latter volunteer, whom I won't name because she would be embarrassed by the attention. 

I don't always agree with this volunteer, but she is always working hard to communicate.   She talks to everyone in the service center.   About once a month, she calls one of the camp rangers, just to see how he is doing.   If she has time on a Saturday and knows there are girls at camp, she will drive up to talk to the troop leaders and meet the girls.   This individual's daughter aged out of Girl Scouts many years ago, yet she has remained involved and engaged.

Over time, this volunteer and I have talked about the realignment that occurred eight years ago, a discussion that was very hard on volunteers, benefactors and girls in the Movement.   We have talked about staff members. She always reports those who are helpful vs. those who could use a reminder about customer service.    I don't always agree with her, and she certainly doesn't always agree with me.   We have different perspectives, and that's just fine.   We view the organization from different perspectives, but I value what she has to say, even if I don't agree.   I've been mad at her, she's been mad at me, but we have continued to talk to one another.   We communicate through thick and thin, which I appreciate.

 Continue reading in our Virtual Volunteer blog.
New Programs & Updates

 Both Service Centers and Shops will close on Wednesday, November 25, at noon for the  Thanksgiving Holiday, and will re-open on Monday, November 30.

 FULL: Night Owl Overnight at KK (C S A) 11/21

Upcoming Deadlines 

 Cookie Training - Mobile (Volunteers)
every Thurs + as needed
Kamp Kiwanis
Camp Scoutshire Woods
CPR/FA/AED Certification  (Volunteers) 
online study
All About Money (ALL + Volunteers)
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status. 

Newly Listed Events:  
Upcoming Events:
  CPR / AED Certification (11/14) Spanish Fort

 Parade Op: Santa's Arrival Parade at Shoppes of EastChase (11/14) Montgomery

 Girl Scout Patch Day at Audubon Zoo (11/14) New Orleans

 First Aid (11/18) Daphne

 Make Holiday Cards for Heroes (11/20 deadline)