The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

November 5, 2015


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, proud members of Troop 7282 show off their Bronze Award pins.  Their Bronze Award project included assisting the Humane Society in Auburn by providing pet food and other supplies.

Excellent way to help animals in need, Juniors!  
Click here or on the image to see a larger version.

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Girls Choice is Back! Vote for New Badges by 11/15
So many badge topics to choose from, so little time!  

This time around, the categories are Outdoors, STEM, and Financial Literacy.  Which do YOU want to be the next badge?

Voting for the new Girls' Choice badges will end on November 15. The time for girls to vote is NOW!
As we approach the holiday season, we couldn't be more thankful for you. Thank you for all of the ways that you support the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama. Throughout the next couple of months, we will be showcasing why others give back to GSSA and ways how YOU can  continue to support our mission.

Jana of Troop 9080 shares why she gives to Girl Scouts:

"I give to Girl Scouts because I learned as a child to give back to the community. Being a girl leader is rewarding each day because I get to teach and guide young girls to give back as well.  The tradition of giving provides us all with blessings each day!"

Feel free to e
mail us at and let us know why you give to Girl Scouts! 
Holiday Patches in Our Shop

Girl Scouts love patches!  If you are planning troop events during the upcoming holidays, be sure to stock up on patches for your Girl Scouts. We'll be adding more as the season progresses, so check back often!

We have fun patches of all types in our Service Center shops and our online shop, too!   
Cookies 2016 -- a First Look at What's New       

It is hard to believe, but cookie time is just around the corner.   I was reminded of this when our public relations cookies arrived last week.   It seems like yesterday that we saw the last year's cookies head out the door.   Last year was a great sale; the girls did a tremendous job, as you did as leaders, and parents.   Thank you for that.   We hope to have an even better year this year.  Before we do that, though, I thought I would run through a few reminders.

Cookie training, which has a fun lemonade party theme in honor of the Lemonade cookie's 10th anniversary this year, is a good program to attend if you can make it fit into your schedule.   We have a representative from the cookie baker with us to talk about the changes they have made and new things on the horizon for the year.   This year, ABC Bakers has worked very hard to make the online ordering experience a better one for those using it, as well as you, so there are some improvements there.   Last year, our online sales generated less than one percent of our total cookie program, while most councils saw a 5% increase in sales through the online opportunity.   Clearly, there is room for growth there, and it is not as complicated as order taking and delivery.   If you have relatives and friends that live outside the GSSA footprint, here's your chance to garner some sales from them.

Continue reading in our Virtual Volunteer blog.
New Programs & Updates

 Both Service Centers and Shops will close on Wednesday, November 25, at noon for the  Thanksgiving Holiday, and will re-open on Monday, November 30.

 DETAILS ADDED: KD International Girls' Day Princess Party at AU (ALL) 11/12 evening

  Sail Away Weekend at KK (C S A) 4/8-10

 FULL  High Adventure Day (ALL) 11/14

Upcoming Deadlines 

Tues., Thurs, or Sat.
Kamp Kiwanis
CPR/FA/AED Certification  (Volunteers) 
online study
 Cookie Training - Mobile (Volunteers)
Kamp Kiwanis
Camp Scoutshire Woods
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.