Fall Product Sale  
earns great proceeds for Troops!   
Fund Your Fall Fun! 

The sooner your Girl Scout sends additional emails and texts, the more opportunities friends and family have to buy nuts, magazines and photo keepsakes to help your Girl Scout to reach her goals and earn the MyPatchCreation personalized patch when reaching $250 in online sales!  

She can customize her MyCreation™ giraffe to uniquely reflect herself and her name. After reaching the online sales level, you will receive an email to the QSP/Nut Online Program registered email with the option to edit/submit the final personalized patch design.

After submission, the MyPatchCreation™ personalized patch arrives in 4 to 6 weeks to the parent/girl selected address. It's that easy!

To participate, click on the "QSP/Nut Online Program" giraffe image.
If the image above does not connect you, simply copy and paste this link into your web browser:  https://girlscouts.qspgao.com/southernalabama
Be sure to send 12+ e-mails to earn the interlocking "Online" patch.
Don't forget to check out "Text & Share" to have your Girl Scout also reach out to friends and family via texting, Facebook and Twitter.  All orders will automatically be recorded to make sure your Girl Scout gets credit towards recognitions , including the MyPatchCreation™ personalized patch, and troop proceeds for all orders made online by the conclusion of the sale