The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

October 22, 2015


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, Troop 9041 had a fun time competing in the Montgomery Lions Club Chili Cookoff.  Elizabeth (Daisy) said she felt like she was camping because she helped cook chili and make s'mores.  Anna (Senior) enjoyed the fast-paced competition.  Troop 9041 would like to thank team sponsors  McPhillips Shinbaum and David Kahn & Co. Real Estate.

Great job, ladies!  Tasty, too!  Click here or on the image to see a larger version.

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Press Rep Tamantha  at SU 931 Fall Festival
Hello, my name is Tamatha and I'm here to tell you what a wonderful day I had.

We went to Botanical Gardens in Dothan with the Girl Scouts (to Service Unit 931's Fall Festival). There were 8 troops and 75 girls who attended. We played 3 games, one was where you had to toss plastic pumpkins into a bin. Then there was another game where you had to roll the tennis ball at the tin cans and no matter if you won or not you got candy or a prize. The last game was like a ring toss game.

Another really fun thing was you could decorate a cupcake. You could put candy, or icing, or frosting, or you could choose all of those. I chose a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting. After that you could have your face painted. My friend Kaitlyn and I both got minions painted on our faces.  Read more at our Girl Blog.

Updates to GSSA Council's Own Patches

We've updated many of our Council's Own Patches to reflect minor changes in how badges and patches are earned. 

We've also ditched the Patch Book, and given each badge or patch its very own pdf file on our new Council's Own Badges & Patches page at 

Since October is Stop Bullying Month, why not check out our KARMA patch? Kids Against Ridicule, Meanness & Aggression is a great way for Girl Scout Brownies - Ambassadors to learn more about combating bullying.

Girl Scouting Encourages Girls to Grow in Their Faith

Did you know there is a My Promise, My Faith pin that Girl Scouts may earn every year?  The focus of this earned award is for the Girl Scout to examine the relationship between the Girl Scout Law and her faith, through activities and discussions with members of her faith community.

Girl Scouts partners with P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religions Activities with Youth) to identify religious recognitions that girls may earn (one of the requirements of the My Promise, My Faith award). Click here to learn more.

AmazonSmile will Donate to GSSA when YOU shop!

For many of us, online shopping at Amazon will start to increase soon.  AmazonSmile will donate, at no cost to you, 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama! Sweet!

Whether you are buying for gifting, for your home, or for your pet, Amazon will make donations to GSSA on your behalf.  It's free -- all you need do is sign up GSSA as your nonprofit.  Every penny will go to support Girl Scouts here in Southern Alabama!

Click here to sign up with AmazonSmile. Then start all your shopping adventures at  Thank you!

Our Four Camp Properties are Among the Best in Alabama    

GSUSA recently worked on introducing new badges using girl voting and input to determine what badges to pursue at what age level.   One set of badges revolve around the outdoors.   Girl Scouts has always been a leader in outdoors education, so this was a perfect match for them.

The Girl Scout experience offers prime forests, hiking trails, lakes and opportunities for girls in the outdoors.   My own view is that we offer some of the most pristine and best property in the State of Alabama.   We boast four very different camps, with differing opportunities at each.   I recognize they are not necessarily proximate to one another, but each has something unique to offer.

The Civilian Conservation Corps built Camp Scoutshire Woods, just a quick 45-minute drive from Mobile, when the economy was really a wreck during the Great Depression. The original buildings and lake were developed only from materials taken from that property, which is one of the things that make it unique and special.   The lake has a spillway that empties into a stream that is fun to wade in.   There is a wonderful hiking trail around the perimeter of the camp with different side trips that offer pitcher plants, a bog, and other interesting opportunities to see nature.   Read more on our blog, the Virtual Volunteer.   
New Programs & Updates

 CANCELED: Archery Day (C S A) 10/31
Upcoming Deadlines 

CPR/FA/AED Certification  (Volunteers) 
online study

FULL: Wing It! (J C S A)




 Alabama Dance Theatre - Behind the Scenes and Mistletoe Performance (B J C S A)


11/8 + 15 



Kamp Kiwanis
High Adventure Day (B J C S A)
Tues., Thurs, or Sat.
Kamp Kiwanis
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.