The GSSA Weekly from Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

October 15, 2015


Welcome to GSSA Weekly, the council's e-newsletter. 
At right, our own Gold Award Recipient, Rebecca Pober Citrin, was honored as a National Young Woman of Distinction in New York.

Her Gold Award Take Action project, a documentary about Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S., is being used as a training tool by the FBI. Click here to see her presentation. Her talk begins at the 27:35 mark.  Congratulations, Rebecca!

Want to see your Girl Scouts featured in GSSA Weekly?  E-mail the photo with event information to
Press Rep Claire's Troop Now Includes Brownies!
My Girl Scout troop, Troop 9327, recently had second graders join us.  We are enjoying having Cadettes and Brownies. 

The Cadettes are earning our Leadership In Action Award by helping the Brownies earn their WOW Journey.  As part of the Journey, our troop went the Lanark Nature Center in Millbrook.   Read more at our Girl Blog.
All About Destinations! Webinar on Sunday, Oct. 25

Has your older Girl Scout ever considered going on a Destination?

Destinations are domestic and international travel opportunities available only to Girl Scouts.  Girls, aged 11 and older, travel with other Girl Scouts from across the country and around the world on chaperoned trips.

Scholarships are available for these once in a lifetime adventures!

GSSA Council Staff Cheryl Miller and Jeannie Napper will present a webinar on Destinations on Sunday, October 25, at 2 p.m

Girls 11 and older, their parents, and troop leaders are invited to attend the webinar. We will walk them through the application process and answer questions.

To sign up for this free webinar, email Jeannie Napper at  She will email you the link to the webinar.

When Life Gives You Lemonades, Have a Party!   

Service Unit and Troop Cookie Chairs: 

Come join us to celebrate the 10th birthday of the Lemonade Cookie!  Oh, yes, and to learn all about updates to Digital Cookie, SNAP, COCO-Direct and much, much more! 

This year we won't be talking AT you -- we'll be listening and sharing.  Our baker has created lots of instructional videos to help answer questions 24/7, so we can focus on talking about your specific questions! (And having a Lemonade Party, of course!)

Here's the link to sign up in all areas of the council.  See you there!
Good for a Year from Purchase!


Fall Reminders to Make Your Scouting Life Easier   

 Fall is clearly in the air. Some mornings are cool and crisp, and the trees are just starting to take on another color. However, there seem to be plenty of leaves in my driveway each evening. Darkness seems to be earlier than before. It always seems to come on so quickly.

Each year at this time, I try to do my annual reminder that girls, parents, volunteers need to be registered, not just because we want them to be registered, but for their own protection and safety.

I recognize sometimes that registering can certainly be a challenge. The system was down last week without warning. We weren't notified, either, and found out through calls from many of you. We regret any inconvenience this caused. With registration comes insurance, so it is important that you and all those who participate in Girl Scout activities are registered. Being registered matters because, if there is an accident and you are not registered, you are not covered by Girl Scout insurance. The same is true of parents and others attending events.

Read more on our blog, the Virtual Volunteer.   
New Programs & Updates
Upcoming Deadlines 

Archery Day (C S A)
Camp Scoutshire Woods
CPR/FA/AED Certification  (Volunteers) 
online study

FULL: Wing It! (J C S A)




 Alabama Dance Theatre - Behind the Scenes and Mistletoe Performance (B J C S A)


11/8 + 15 



Kamp Kiwanis
High Adventure Day (B J C S A)
Other Opportunities
Because we want our girls to have many learning (and fun!) opportunities, we offer this additional calendar for programs that are not presented by our council. Some of these programs are presented by our volunteer Troops and Service Units, others are put on by groups in the communities we serve. Calendar listings do not imply endorsement by the council.  This calendar is available on our Events & Programs page 
Please contact the volunteer listed in the program for more information and program status.