Leading the fight for coastal land rights in California
Protecting property and the rights of property owners in the nation's coastal zones -- that's the sole mission of Pacific Legal Foundation's Coastal Land Rights Project.  As 2015 comes to a close, and as we reflect on the year's accomplishments, we want to express our sincere gratitude to you, our ardent supporters.

We simply could not bring important challenges on behalf of property owners without you.

We couldn't stand strong against abusive government bureaucracies, like the California Coastal Commission, without your help.

We couldn't win legal precedents in the nation's courts without the strong financial muscle you provide to our litigation.

So, as the clock ticks down the final seconds of 2015, we have one simple, but very important message to convey -- Thank You!

Freedom and our Constitution have no greater ally than you, Americans who are willing to stand up to defend them with PLF.

Happy New Year!

The Members of PLF's Coastal Land Rights Project Team

Joshua P. Thompson
Coastal Land Rights Project Team
Pacific Legal Foundation
(916) 419-7111

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