Damariscotta Heart and Soul Logo

Damariscotta Planning
Advisory Committee
September 30, 2009

river view pedestrians Damariscotta View 

Almost 60 people took part in the pre-charrette workshop on September 22 at Round Top Barn. Thank you everyone for taking part in these discussions. Now we hope you will also take part in the up-coming 4 day charrette on October 22-26 at the Round Top Barn and bring a friend!
The Damariscotta Planning Advisory Committee will have business meetings on October 6, 13 and 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building.  Everyone is invited to attend these meetings as we plan for up-coming acitvities and events.
Damariscotta 2030: What do we value now and want to maintain for the future?
Over the past 12 months, DPAC has heard from hundreds of people about what makes Damariscotta special.  Several values seem to be repeated again and again through every story, conversation and workshop:
  • We can live and work locally.  We have and need jobs for a variety of people; we have a good variety of businesses; merchants are helpful; we have an historical job base, all ages/incomes are welcomed in town.
  • Damariscotta is where culture and nature meet: there is hunting/fishing/kayaking; beautiful places are accessible and visible; nature is all around town; there are many cultural events and activities and low cost entertainment.
  • We are an involved community:though the schools, volunteer networks, community events, and government involvement, Damariscottans are involved!
  • Damariscotta is accessible: We can get around town physically as well as have access to our every day needs, to information, to our government, and to natural areas.
  • There is a sense of community: Damariscotta is a friendly, safe, small town, where people trust each other. Our many community events and gatherings, like the up-coming Pumpkin Fest, build our sense of community.

Do you agree? How do we make sure these same values that we find so important now continue into the future? Take part in DPAC meetings, the October charrette and additional discussions over the coming year to plan for the future! Your efforts now help bring results later!

Charrette Schedule postcard
The up-coming October Charrette has multiple times and dates for you to participate. The tentative schedule is:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
6:30 pm  Opening Presentation & Hands-on Community Design
Friday, October 23, 2009
10:30 am  Technical Meeting #1 Live Locally - Population, Housing, Downtown
1:00 pm  Technical Meeting #2 Community -
Places to Meet, Volunteers, Safety
2:30 pm  Technical Meeting #3 Access to Nature & Culture - Scenic Views, Recreation, Culture
4:30 pm Public Pin-Up & Review
Saturday, October 24, 2009
9:00 am Technical Meeting #4
Understanding Alternatives - Measure & See Outcomes
10:30 am Technical Meeting #5 Access to Town - Links between Uses, Needs, & People
4:30 pm Public Pin-Up & Review
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10:30 am Technical Meeting #6 Work Locally - Jobs, Downtown, Businesses
4:30 pm  Public Pin-Up & Review
Monday, October 26, 2009
4:30 pm Public Pin-Up & Review
6:30 pm Closing Presentation
Be sure to watch local papers and your e-mail for more information.  Visit www.damariscottame.com for any updates.
Please forward this information to your friends, neighbors and colleagues who may be interested in hearing more about DPAC and the future of Damariscotta. 
Jane Lafleur
Damariscotta Heart and Soul Coordinator
15 Courtyard Street, Suite 2
Damariscotta, Maine 04543
(207) 380-4802
Mondays and Tuesdays
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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