World Tai Chi & Qigong Day News


News for people changing their lives and their world with Tai Chi and Qigong

Imagine News . . .
   Post Videos / Photos of Events at CNN iReports ...
Dear World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Supporters,
Below are the first initial WTCQD event reports pouring in from around the world ... I'll be at this for days :-)  ... please enjoy them and also take a few moments to forward them/this newsletter widely!
But first ...
For years our students and schools in Kansas City have felt like the proverbial cobbler's kids who have no shoes because their dad's always busy making other's shoes, just as I've always worked hard on WTCQD and after to get everyone around the world's photos and videos out to the world. THIS YEAR, our KC area students of several schools representing the Yang, Sun, Chen, and Guang Ping Yang Styles, held such a beautiful and moving event, I wanted to thank them by making Kansas City front and center this year. See below video.
Kansas City World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - Students Gift All Their KC Area Tai Chi & QG Teachers
Kansas City World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - Students Gift All Their KC Area Tai Chi & QG Teachers
We've got a lot of new groups this year holding events, so I need to explain. All these photos & videos and stories you read are the result of hours and hours of painstaking work on my part, in front of my computer :-)
Soooooo, I'm asking all groups to take a few minutes and post your photos and/or videos and a short report of your WTCQD event to CNN iReports so we can get CNN International News to pick up this story.
WHY should you? Because if you listed your event at Events/Classes directory, then people in your city/nation seeing it on CNN will find your classes.
We are trying to help you become more successful and prosperous, because YOU are making a healthier better world for all of us.
PLEASE ...  SEND US YOUR EVEN'T VIDEO YOUTUBE LINKS & then POST YOUR VIDEO/PHOTOS/STORY TO CNN iREPORTS ... SEE BELOW!  We'll share your events with the world!!  Also send us the links to your CNN iReports, and we'll share those worldwide!
Also, remember to order your free tai chi and
Chinese medicine ebooks for WTCQD, see below. Over 500 of you have taken advantage of these author's generous WTCQD gift!
HARVARD'S Profound Contribution to WTCQD, and how YOU can use their efforts in your local community!

You should share this newsletter and the below Harvard lecture links with every local Tai Chi and Qigong contact you have, and with local media and healthcare providers, to expand tai chi and qigong use in your community. Harvard has given you a treasure to use: 


A special presentation in recognition of
World Tai Chi & Quigong Day

On, April 11, 2013 researchers from across Harvard Medical School came together to share the cutting edge research that is happening relating to Tai Chi.  This special edition of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine's Research Seminar Series was held in honor of World Tai Chi day, which is on April 27, 2013. 

Tai Chi and Parkinson's Disease: Video


Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi
You can also order the book from

Harvard Tai Chi Guide




This year the global wave began in Samoa, with Samoa's FIRST WTCQD event, followed by New Zealand's beautiful events which have initiated this global wave in the past. Samoa's the first time zone so they've already had their event.

 Photo courtesy of Samoan Photographer
POST your WTCQD event videos on Youtube: (Then email your youtube link(s) to us at [email protected], w/ WTCQD youtube in Subj. line w/ your city, state, country)

Post to CNN iReports:
Also, please view and LIKE a pre-WTCQD announcement we posted:
To celebrate WTCQD 2013, Sifu Richard Kosch, is giving away free digital copies of his new book TODAY: Tai Chi Principles for Massage Therapy, to anyone who sends him a request on April 27th by putting World Tai Chi Day Gift in the subject line. They can request the copy by emailing: 
Reminder, author, Matthew Harrigan, is giving his book for FREE TODAY as a WTCQD gift to celebrate WTCQD 2013. YOU MUST CLICK THE BELOW "ON WTCQD" to get if for free!
WTCQD Note from author:

Happy WTCQD! Thanks for creating such a wonderful
event for the world.

I went down to the bay and did some qigong this morning will post pic later.

The Body Energy book is free but only until midnight Pacific Standard Time.

So far we have over 500 downloads! For any of your members that were not able to download or do not have access to a device to read a kindle book I can send them a PDF copy if they send me an email to [email protected]

All the best,
Matt Harrigan




Australia, New Castle,
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!

 Australia, New Castle              

Hi there, here are some shots from this morning in Newcastle NSW Australia. The Australian Tai Chi Institute welcomed 80 people to Empire Park, Bar Beach to participate in the event. It was great to see such an array of community members, elderly with their walkers, mums with their children, hearing impaired all wearing smiles and thoroughly enjoying the energy. One world, one breath, a magic memory!

Cheryl Lee Player


 Australia, New Castle 1 



















Vilnius, Latvia
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Many thanks Bill for creating such meaningful event.
We have had beautiful Tai Chi day in Vilnius.
this is my first link of this day


Romualdas Petkevicius





















A Hilarious Kansas City Story of
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day in KC!
 A funny thing happened to me today


I was unable to go to the nelson atkins today so instead this happened to me.

I was about 2 hours into my daily standing meditation routine today when I heard some footsteps approaching me. normally I stand inside or in my backyard but it was raining so I was on my porch. I opened up my eyes and saw two cops with their hands on their guns, I decided to say hello.
"hello." I said
"Hi we got a report that some one has been standing in a catatonic state for the last hour." The first officer said

I decided to keep the situation light, so I scoffed and said,
" pfff try two hours." they then laughed and went away and I continued with my practice. About 5 minutes later while I was listening to a squirrel talking I heard some more boots coming toward me. I opened my eyes and saw SIX more officers coming towards me, one with his gun drawn. So I decided to wave and say,
"hello, happy world tai chi day." to which one of the officers replied,
"hey my mom does that!" 












Singapore's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Dear Bill,

Thank you for all your great work in making WTCQD a great success.  Thank you for all your hardwork and to many others working with you.
world tai chi & qigong day Singapore MAH01229
world tai chi & qigong day Singapore MAH01229

Also forward some photos to you.
Singapore Banner

Jennifer Chung



















London, England
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!



Video clip of today's Tai Chi / Chi Kung event:


World Tai Chi & Chi Kung Day 2013 in London
World Tai Chi & Chi Kung Day 2013 in London



for photo's of the event:


Thank you for everyone who came along, and an extra big thank you to Terry (co-organiser and teacher), John, Richard and Tom for sharing your forms.


Have a wonderful chi weekend


Gayatri Lindsey, London, England















Capetown, South Africa
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


"Many Qi blessings and greetings from our
WTCQD in Cape Town, South Africa!"


 South Africa, Capetown
 Britta Stalling














Veneto, Italy (Italia)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Nonostante il tempo instabile un gruppo di atleti dell' ITKA - Veneto si sono ritrovati questa mattina al parco di Par� per praticare insieme Taiji Quan e Qi Gong. Come il solito qualcuno preso dall'entusiasmo ha scattato troppe foto..questo quindi � solo un piccolo assaggio, il resto arriver� domani!


Stephen King From 9:24 am on April 27
Despite the unstable weather of a group of athletes' ITKA - Veneto, Italy gathered this morning at the park to practice together Pare Taiji Quan and Qi Gong. As usual enthusiasm took someone took too many pictures .. so this is just a small taste, the rest will come tomorrow!


Italy Veneto Flyer



Italy, Veneto 1



 Italy Veneto 2


 Italy Veneto 3












Founder of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day
Speaks to San Francisco Mass Event!


California, San Francisco



CA San Francisco - Founder speaks                               


World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founder Speaks to San Francisco WTCQD event - 2013
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founder Speaks to San Francisco WTCQD event - 2013











Winona, Ontario (Canada)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!

Canada, Winona, Ontario


Bill &,


For the seventh year I have participated with a small group in Canada - Winona, Ontario. My class of students with Qigong Circle Canada followed a short taichi routine followed by respiratory qigong movements. The weather was gorgeous and we are happy again to have participated this year with you and all our friends of Taichi and Qigong around the world.


Kind regards,


Bas Opdenkelder

Qigong Circle Canada


taichi 2013
taichi 2013









Manchester, New Hampshire (USA) World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Randy A. Gagne

"It was quite a day in Manchester,NH.

A good turn out.Good Times."



New Hampshire, Manchester                                












Brasil, Niteroi's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2013
Niteroi, RJ, Brazil


Sergio Villasboas


Brazil Niteroi

















Brasil, Niteroi's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2013
Niteroi, RJ, Brazil


Sergio Villasboas


Brazil Niteroi

















Seattle, Washington (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


2013 World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - Seattle, Cal Anderson Park
Students came from Renton, Burien, West Seattle, the International District and Capitol Hill as did many newcomers to join in practicing Joint Lubrication Longevity Qigong, Silk Reeling, Spiral Energy Qigong, Yin Yang Medical Qigong, as well as Chen's 18 Essential Forms and the Yang 24. The wind and temperature were bracing but we warmed from the inside out.
Viola Brumbaugh



WA Seattle 1



WA Seattle 2 















St. Louis, Missouri (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Dear Bill &,


Attached are a couple of photo's from our WTCQGD celebration.  It was raining and 54 degrees in St. Louis but for my first time we had a great turnout of 35 people.


I will get you some video and more pictures hopefully tomorrow.  Thank you for all of the work that you do putting this event together.  I think all had a great time. 


Many Thanks, 


Craig M Miller


  MO St. Louis 1


MO St. Louis 2 














St. Augustine, Florida (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


"Gloria Deen's Palm Coast and Joanna Marks' St Augustine FL Tai Chi classes will be celebrating World Tai Chi and Qigong Day at the Princess Place Preserve, Palm Coast FL 10:00 EDT. All are welcome."
















Cairns, Australia
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Hi Bill &,

Firstly let me thank you for your inspiration, motivation and generosity to humankind! I find it a challenge to get my local area of Cairns informed and updated with news of the event and you do the whole world! What you started 15 years ago is growing with the energy of that first idea you and your wife had. What a brilliant idea it was! Thankyou from all of us in Cairns, Queensland, Australia - you are appreciated.

We in Cairns have just finished our WTCQD celebration on the beautiful Esplanade. I read your opening message and everyone clapped. Then we began Shibashi and you could feel the qi expand. We had the biggest number of participants ever with 70 people gathering in lovely weather under huge Fig Trees to move effortlessly in unison and enjoy the flow. The few spots of rain threatening held off and the Universe must have been listening. First photo attached and better shots to come!

We will post some short video clips on the link so I hope you get to see them. We love World Tai Chi Day here in Cairns and look forward to it every year, and every year it's bigger, better and more uplifting of spirit. People really seem to connect - from the heart.

Hope you enjoy your celebration in Kansas and it's so lovely to be part of the "world wellness wave! " I bought a copy of the Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi - great book! Have been encouraging all my students to get a copy and promoting it, about time tai chi got the recognition it deserves and support from academia.

Warm regards

Kay Thoren
Australian Academy of Tai Chi & Qigong
(formerly "Butterfly Tai Chi & Qigong Cairns")


Australia, Cairns
















New Zealand, Christchurch,
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Dave Thew leading the Christchurch New Zealand group at Barrington park on World Tai Chi and Qigong Day 2013



 New Zealand, Christchurch 1


New Zealand, Christchurch 2















Saginaw, Michigan (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Saginaw, Michigan celebrates WTCQD



 Michigan, Saginaw                               













Cummings, Georgia (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


"Our group in Cumming, GA! We started at the
sound of the gong!
Great Qi!"

Jyll Jordan


 Georgia, Cummins (USA) 














Syracuse, New York (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


World T'ai Chi Day 2013 Syracuse, NY



 Michigan, Saginaw                               


World T'ai Chi Day 2013 Syracuse, NY
World T'ai Chi Day 2013 Syracuse, NY











Minneapolis, Minnesote (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


"What we did at the Twin Cities Tai Chi Center on World Tai Chi Day - Tai Chi :)"


MN Minneapolis



  MN, Minneapolis 














Minneapolis, Minnesote (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Here are a few of our students at Kerr Park in
Dowingtown PA honoring World Tai Chi and Chi Gong Day.  Photo by Raymond Wolfgang
 PA Dowington
Back row from left: Claudia, Dot, Pat, Fran, Chris, Annette, Lena, Sun
Front row from left: Steven, Christian (instructor), Judith, Jaclyn, Kathleen

- Kathleen Rice, administration & PR,
United Tai Chi of Chester County PA

Like us on Facebook

















Charlottsville, Virginia (USA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!


Dear Bill &,
Thank you for the information on how to acquire an official proclamation.
Attached is a proclamation from Mayor of Charlottesville, VA. 
Warm Regards,
Hiromi Johnson
  Virginia, Charlottsville Proc


















Harvard Medical School Launches Tai Chi Lecture Series TODAY - to celebrate WORLD TAI CHI & QIGONG DAY 2013!
WTCQD organizers can partner on
spreading this video series worldwide!
  Harvard Medical School


Tai Chi for Health: Current State of the Research and Challenges Ahead

A special presentation in recognition of World Tai Chi & Quigong Day

On, April 11, 2013 researchers from across Harvard Medical School came together to share the cutting edge research that is happening relating to Tai Chi.  This special edition of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine's Research Seminar Series was held in honor of World Tai Chi day, which is on April 27, 2013. 

Click here to watch the video of the lectures from Helene Langevin, MD, Peter Wayne, PhD, and Gloria Yeh, MD, MPH. 

Tai Chi and Parkinson's Disease: Video

Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi

Dr. Peter Wayne, Research Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine has just published theHarvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi. 

Preview the Table of Contents and Foreword written by Dr. Ted Kaptchuk, world-renowned author, researcher, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Purchase Dr. Peter Wayne's new book now from Shambhala Publications. Use coupon code HMPC12 before June 1 to save 30%!

You can also order the book from












Together, changing the world one central
nervous system at a time.
PLEASE, share the below video Press Release widely!
One World ... One Breath,
Bill Douglas & Angela Wong Douglas,
Founders of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Press Release
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Press Release
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day
10100 Roe Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66207
Wear a Beautiful and Meaningful Piece of History
   T-Shirt 2013 Mockup
"One World ... One Breath" in 34 languages on the back. Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man & Yin Yang on the front. Cotton t-shirt: sapphire blue, with dark blue print & logo.
In This Issue
Australia, New Castle,...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Vilnius, Latvia...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
A Hilarious Kansas City Story of...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day in KC!...
Singapore's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
London, England...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Capetown, South Africa...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Veneto, Italy (Italia)...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...Nonostante il tempo instabile un gruppo di at...
Founder of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day...Speaks to San Francisco Mass Event!...
Winona, Ontario...(Canada)...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Manchester, New Hampshire (USA) World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
St. Augustine, Florida...(USA)...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Cairns, Australia...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
New Zealand, Christchurch,...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Saginaw, Michigan...(USA)...World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!...
Harvard Medical School LAUNCHES powerful Tai Chi Lecture Series TODAY to celebrate WORLD TAI CHI & QIGONG DAY 2013!
Wear a Beautiful and Meaningful Piece of History...OFFICIAL WTCQD T-SHIRTS! TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO GET IT BEFORE WTCQD 2013

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