World Tai Chi News for People Changing
  Their Lives and Their World w/ Tai Chi & Qigong ...
 Please Share Our Newsletters on FACEBOOK - Twitter!       
Dear World Tai Chi & Qigong Day supporters,
This may be the most exciting and informative Newsletter yet! Don't look at this as an "email" but as a magazine. Save it, flip back to it. We often tend to think that "free" equals worthless. If you take time to truly read our WorldTaiChiDay newsletters you'll find they provide information that can change the lives of people.
The President of the nation of Croatia just recognized World Tai Chi & Qigong Day for Croatia! He joins 22 US governors, mayors and officials worldwide, including the Senates of California, New York, and Puerto Rico.
More HUGE things happened this week. Harvard Medical School will soon release The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi. More on this important groundbreaking book in coming newsletters!
The American Academy of Neurology recognized a tai chi study as the MOST IMPORTANT advance in movement disorders research for 2012 (see article below).
We get emails from some tai chi or qigong practitioners or teachers who say "why should I care about this research? It doesn't affect me." That is true if you don't use it. Since this report came out, I forwarded it on to the administrators of a hospital program I teach Tai Chi and Qigong for. It resulted in the launch of a newly funded Tai Chi program for people dealing with particular health issues. Within hours, I now have a whole new class venue, that will help god knows how many people in coming years, and helps supplement my income as a struggling tai chi teacher. This is the power of the Medical Research Updates in our newsletters, and of our free Medical Research Library.
Also, earlier this year, you read in our Newsletter how we were working with the producers of the documentary film on American healthcare called  "Escape Fire" to organize Tai Chi and Qigong teachers nationally to participate on expert panels at these premiere openings of this powerful documentary, to field audience questions. THIS WEEK CNN AIRED THIS PROFOUND DOCUMENTARY! This documentary proves how our healthcare system is wasting trillions of dollars by over using drug and surgical solutions, while profoundly under using mind-body wholistic health options. (see article/video below in Medical Research section).

15th Annual World Congress on Qigong - San Francisco, Tokyo, China (see below)

  Angie and I are sitting on a big pile of Official T-Shirts that have not been ordered yet.
We provide deep bulk order discounts so local groups could use them as local fundraisers for their schools or group, while still supporting our efforts too.
Even though your group might have uniforms or your own t-shirts, please consider adding the Official World Tai Chi & Qigong Day t-shirts to your event as a fund raiser for your group or as a gift to your organizers. We noticed each time we attend any local event the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Official T-Shirts we bring are a sellout. Try placing a small order of 11 or more ( in a combination of sizes) to get the group discount and you can retail it at $25 or more each at your event, watch it sell out. Then next year, you will know to get more. Give it a try!!
Organizing a global event is a massive and very expensive endeavor. Angie and I simply cannot do what we do without your help.

We also understand you would like get your group organized before you get your t-shirt group order in. But it will help us greatly if you can place your order before April so we could get your order out to you in plenty of time and it will make packing & shipping the orders out easier and help move our inventory on t-shirts out of our living space.

We appreciate your help in helping us move the t-shirts out of our house. By ordering the Official World Tai Chi & Qigong Day t-shirt, it is another way of your contribution to help promote this worldwide event to make it successful and it also help us to deflate part of the high cost of administration, maintenance, operational, research, media etc year round.
It is a real pleasure working with the global tai chi and qigong family, together, changing the world, one central nervous system at a time, We want to thank every one for making this amazing global health & healing event the phenomenal and inspiring global reality that it has become.
We believe in what tai chi and qigong offer the world, and we believe in those enthusiasts, teachers and schools around the world sharing it with others. That is why we do what we do, to together create a clearer, healthier, calmer world.
"One World ... One Breath."
Bill Douglas and Angela Wong Douglas,
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founders
Kathleen Sebillius 
Bill & Angie explain research to U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebilius,
proving how tai chi and qigong could transform society as more people learn about them.

Thanks so much to all the groups who ordered our Official T-Shirts, this is our only major fundraiser to support our year-round work. We can't do what we do without you. THANK YOU!
T-Shirt 2013 Mockup
Click to view or order:
Official T-Shirt Prices Increase in 4 Days!
Order now to get a lower price!

"Our Tai Chi programs continue to grow
and our numbers of Tai Chi Schools continue
to grow at a phenomenal rate and I feel your
efforts are fueling this growth worldwide
and we are all in awe of what the
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day has done.

-- Dave Pickens
National Chairman Chinese Martial Arts Division
United States Amateur Athletic Union
"Your organizing of this global event
has been very helpful in gaining media
attention for the benefits of Qi Gong &
Tai Chi and in creating awareness of
our school and classes.

-- Howard Fraracci - Qi Gong teacher
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  Letter from the President of Croatia's Office ...
Croatia's President Recognizes WTCQD
 Below is a rough translation of the letter from the President's office:
Dear Mr. Nikolas [Croatian World Tai Chi &
Qigong Day organizer] ...
The President of Republic of Croatia, Mr. Ivo Josipovic,
has accepted your letter, in which you have notified
him about activity in promotion and affirmation of
tai chi in the country of Croatia.
The President affirms every effort for promotion of
sport as a means of keeping health and social
integration, especialy of young people.
The President of Croatia is expresing his assurance
that tai chi will have many followers in Croatia and
that commemorating World Tai Chi Day in the
Republic of Croatia will have the well deserved
attention of public, in both sports society
and wider society.

with respect
Vito Tursik, Chief of Staff of the President's Office
of the Republic of Croatia
_____________________________________ wants to thank Nikolas Maricic, Tai Chi Federation of Europe
Gold Medalist in Tai Chi Competition, and World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Organizer for Croatia, for your amazing work in Croatia and Europe, and also for valuing and supporting our efforts at via ordering our Official T-Shirts.
You can contact Nikolas at:




Croatian Tai Chi Gold Medalist  

______________________________________ has spent hundreds of hours teaching tai chi and qigong groups, teachers, and schools how to aquire Official Proclamations from government officials recognizing the value of tai chi and qigong and tai chi and qigong professionals in cities, states and nations.
Over 22 US governors, the senates of California, New York, Puerto Rico, the President of Croatia, the Health Minister of Bonairre, etc. etc. This in turn has generated media, and shifted programs and expanded use of tai chi and qigong in many ways worldwide.
Click below to learn how to Acquire Official Proclamations.
FREE BANNER/POSTER/FLYER ARTWORK: See below free Banner Artwork you can take to Costco or Kinkos and print a banner for your coming WTCQD event so your photos and videos of your event will show where in the world you are in this global wave. You can add your group's local website, city, state, nation to the banner.
VIDEO: If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. Start organizing your local group to have one or two, or three people video taping your event on WTCQD 2013. Post short 3 to 5 minute clips of it on Youtube, and then send us the Youtube links to your video, and we'll post them in our website and worldwide email newsletter. IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS talk to your group, if they don't know how, ask them to recruit their younger children to do it. These kids today are tech saavy. You may have an HD recorder on your cell phone. Have these kids video tape your event, and post it on Youtube for you, and send us the links on WTCQD.
Be sure your BANNER is in the video so the world knows where you are. Ensenada, Mexico is working with their local city government to have a BIG SCREEN video player at their WTCQD event, so we will feed your Youtube links as you send them to us on WTCQD, so they can share the world events with their local attendees.
Earth World Tai Chi & Qigong Day   

One central nervous system at a time ... 

Hasselt, Belgium, Europe
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2012 event in the city's
beautiful Japanese Garden ...
Belgium 2012 event 
  View gorgeous World Tai Chi & Qigong Day event photos and video
  in our Gallery Page from all around our beautiful planet! has spent thousands of hours receiving, sizing,
  posting, photos and videos from events worldwide to connect and
  support a global tai chi and qigong community year after year.
"One World ... One Breath"

SPECIAL ARTICLE: Documentary Creator Offers Preview Clip of Her Documentary in Development, Which Includes World Tai Chi & Qigong Day as a Subject. In Support of a Fundraiser for Nancy Nelson, a Creative Force in Hawaii Circles.
Documentary Opens with a Scene from a BBC Interview
w/ World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founder


End Of The Day Documentary Clip in Honor of Nancy Nelson - Friends of Nancy
End Of The Day Documentary Clip in Honor of Nancy Nelson - Friends of Nancy


Nancy Nelson, part of a creative collective in Hawaii is dealing with severe cancer. Her friends, including this documentarian, are raising funds to help Nancy make her transition. This is a note from the video producer/director:


This AT THE END OF THE DAY documentary film video clip is presented in
honor of Nancy Nelson to acknowledge her love of life and of Hawaii. The video
features creative contributions from some of her friends to highlight things
people do in Hawaii, and beyond, to 'live well'. The global healing event
World Tai Chi Day is introduced by founder Bill Douglas.

For more about Nancy Nelson and her remarkable life journey visit her
Facebook page that her friends have made up for her... and also the
gofundme account that has been set up on her behalf









American Academy of Neurology Names Tai Chi Study as MOST IMPORTANT Study of 2012!



Peter Harmer's study chosen as a top story by Journal Watch Neurology

Exercise science professor Peter Harmer's publication in The New England Journal of Medicine has been selected as a Top 10 story of 2012 by Journal Watch Neurology.

Harmer's study, "Tai Chi and postural stability in patients with Parkinson's disease," was also recognized by the American Academy of Neurology as the most important advance in movement disorders research for 2012.

His accomplishment resulted from a 24-week study, which was published in the Feb. 9, 2012 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.





Our free




"By linking my site to's comprehensive
and easy to use listing of health research
, I help prospective
students with health concerns learn that Tai Chi will be both
safe and beneficial for them.
Rather than reinventing the wheel,
I just link to this health benefits page on World Tai Chi Day's
website, and provide this service without all the work.
Thank you."

 -- Master Teacher Vincent J. Lasorso, Jr.
White Willow School of Tai Chi, Cincinnati, Ohio     

"I set up a tai chi website for [UK national] health service staff (NHS)
where I add information including [medical research info] you send
through your Newsletters."
-- Mark Peters, Kai Ming Association for Taijiquan, United Kingdom





 _______________________________________ has worked tirelessly to scan global health news, and to keep the global tai chi and qigong family abreast of breaking medical research being done worldwide ... another free service from












World Congress 15   



Experience the 15th World Congress on Qigong/ TCM (15WCQ/TCM), the leading international educational event of its kind.From spectacular feats & amazing demonstrations, powerful all-day workshops to innovative keynote speakers, we invite all join in this global movement to further complementary alternative medicine!  Exciting festivities of the 15thWCQTCM also include: science symposium, Traditional Chinese Tea served all weekend, Gala Awards Banquet, Spectacular performances in Qi-Healing and Martial Arts, Dinner with Entertainment, Music and Dance.

WHEN: May 17-20, 2013
WHERE: 1231 Market St. San Francisco
 > World Congress

The 15WCQ/TCM aims to advance the education of natural health practitioners as well as educating the beginner on health and well-being. It supports the development of clinical research, and facilitates the delivery of high-quality natural healthcare worldwide. Therefore this educational event will feature a plethora of world renown experts, including Qigong, Tai Chi and Martial Arts masters, Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors, physicians, and clinical researchers, as well as other healthcare professionals involved in modern western medicine and natural health care.

View List of Invited Speakers/Presenters:

This year, the 15thWCQTCM will be bigger and better than ever with three international locations in:

·         San Francisco, California, USA ( MAY 17-20, 2013 ) in collaboration with the Asian Heritage Street Celebration (over 100,000 attendees!)

·          Chengdu, China (June 21-25, 2013) in collaboration with the 22 International Conference on TCM/Yang Sheng and the Chengdu University

·         Tokyo, Japan (September 21-23, 2013) in collaboration with Japan Shaolin Temple.

Important dimensions added to this year's Congress:

·         Open Award Nomination

·         Competition for a creative Logo and flyer for our 15th World Congress on Qigong/TCM;

·         Competition for a dedicated song composition for our World Congress

·         Saturday, May 18 will be a FREE day because of annual co-sponsorship with The Asian Heritage Street Celebration, where Dr. Effie Chow is the coordinator of The Healthy Living Pavilion-Natural Medicine.


Other links:


Program Schedule:
Present/Speak at 15thWCQTCM:
Exhibit/Sponsor/Advertise at 15thWCQTCM:
Sponsorship Opportunities:



Healthy Food News: New Study Says Organic Farming Outperforms Conventional Chemical Farming in Yields! 
Tai Chi & Qigong are part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as is acupuncture and
herbology. Chinese cooking has traditionally been a form of herbology. Tai Chi and
Qigong's Mind-Body science, coupled with a Food as Medicine approach to
eating is a powerful way to health & healing.

Ms. Wong's Tasty Health Reciepe of the Week  



A popular myth purports that organic farming is inadequate to feed the growing
populations of the world, and that cultivating so-called high yield conventional
and genetically-modified (GM) crops is a necessary solution. But data compiled
by the Rodale Institute's Farming Systems Trial (FST) shows that quite the
opposite is true -- in every single category, organic farming systems proved to
be far more viable and sustainable than any conventional or GM system.

Learn more: 





 Natural is better!
Food Inc - Official Trailer [HD]
Food Inc - Official Trailer [HD]

Medical Research: CNN Airs Explosive New Documentary Exposing Trillions Wasted by Not Using Mind-Body Wholistic Health Solutions!

Earlier this year worked with the producers of a profound and courageous documentary called "Escape Fire" to get tai chi and qigong teachers to participate in discussion panels at the premiere openings of this powerful film.




This film proves how America could save trillions of dollars in health costs by advancing natural mind-body solutions to our health challenges, and moving away from our over reliance on surgical and drug options. It blows the lid off of a scandal of epic proportions showing how the drug, medical supplies, and insurance industry are looting our nation.


EVERYONE should see this film!  Disturbing, infuriating, enlightening, and hopeful!


Escape Fire Documentary Film
Escape Fire Documentary Film







 Works to Help Tai Chi & Qigong
Groups and Teachers Gain Wider Attention - Acceptance
We Just Re-Listed World Tai Chi & Qigong Day for
Chase Calendar of Events 2014 Edition!

Chases Calendar of Events  

McGraw-Hill Publishing produces the definitive "calendar of events" each year. This reference book is THE book used by libraries, broadcast and print media, senior center and activity directors, event planners, public relations professionals, instittutional food service companies, speakers, publishers, travel agents - and to consumers in bookstores.


So, when you utilize our Media Kits to contact media to "hook them" with your part in a worldwide event called World Tai Chi & Qigong Day ... they see your event validated in Chase's Calendar of Events book. Likewise with your government officials, when you ask for an official proclamation.




Read more about McGraw-Hill's Chase's Calendar of Event's ...





PR services can be staggeringly expensive, but's voluminous services to tai chi and qigong groups has been free. is like a free PR, public relations service, for tai chi and qigong groups and teachers worldwide. The small staff of Bill Douglas and Angela Wong-Douglas bring formidable skills.


Bill Douglas worked for nearly two decades in issue-politics (human rights, environmental) before founding World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, where he created public educational material, and did media work, television, radio, and print media work for many notable figures.


Bill worked on the campaign staff of now Governor Jerry Brown's campaign; Senator Alan Cranston's Project Democracy; and ran outreach offices for several Congressional Districts for presidential campaigns.


Bill's years of issue organizing taught him how to get massive information out on a small budget.


Angela Wong-Douglas has a Business Management Degree from the University of Kansas at Ft. Hays. Angela's formidable business and accounting skills have enable World Tai Chi & Qigong Day to have a major impact on the world on a shoe string budget.


From the beginning, Bill and Angela wanted to keep World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's services and tools free and open to the public, charging no membership fees to use them, to list schools, etc. so that the entire world could be part of this global health education event.


Bill & Angela have dedicated their lives to World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, and its vision of contributing to the creation of a clearer, calmer, and healthier world by supporting the work of tai chi and qigong teachers and groups worldwide.





 Helps Reduce Prison Costs by Helping Prisoners in Prisons to Change!

Today, the United States imprisons more of its people than any nation on the planet, at a staggering cost to our government and nation, as well as the human suffering involved in both crimes and punishment.


Tai Chi and Qigong programs have been proven to lower the recidivism rate of prison inmates, making them more likely to succeed in the world and not return to prison. Every prison and jail in the world should provide mind-body, tai chi, qigong, meditation type classes for all inmates who want to take advantage of them. has worked to connect tai chi and qigong teachers to Penal and Drug Rehab. groups. has also provided meditation and tai chi presentations for various court and prison programs, including one at Folsom Maximum Security Prison through Tai Chi Chih teacher, Judith Trethway's program.


THE ALLRED UNIT PENITENTIARY IN IOWA PARK, TEXAS IS LOOKING FOR A TAI CHI OR QIGONG TEACHER WHO CAN VOLUNTEER TO DO WEEKLY CLASSES THERE. If you are in that part of Texas, and are interested, contact and I'll connect you to the inmate group. They have been using WTCQD Founder's tai chi book and DVD, but would like to start a live class as well. has provided tai chi and qigong resources and connections through various instituions for penal rehab. including the Kansas Women's Correctional Facility; the Allred Unit Penitentiary in Texas, court rehab. programs, etc.




What you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto me

-- Matthew 25:40 


. . . never to turn aside the stranger, for it is like turning
       aside the most high God.

                              -- The Torah


Full of love for all things in the world; practicing virtue in
      order to benefit others, this man alone is happy.

-- The Buddha



Repel (evil) with that which is better ...

       -- The Quaran







Read more about efforts to reduce prison costs worldwide ...



 Helps Veterans of War Worldwide!
EarthDamage     has worked to connect tai chi and qigong teachers to Veterans Support groups. has also provided meditation audios to returning veterans through Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals across the country, as well as to active duty soldiers. has provided Qigong Meditation audios for War Veterans in other nations as well, including to members of the United Kingdom Veterans for Peace organization.


If you teach tai chi or qigong professionally, the local Veterans Administration Hospital may be able to use your services, either as a volunteer or perhaps with a grant.


If you have no experience with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, educate yourself, and realize that Tai Chi and Qigong can, and in many ways are designed to, unearth deep emotional blocks in the mind, heart, and body. Give these veterans space and acceptance, let them know that it is okay to feel these things, to remember to breathe and let go of their grip on them again and again and again, evaporating and untangling layers of psychic tension with each loosening movement, each surrendering breath.


Over time tai chi and qigong meditative tools can help evaporate and untangle some of those layers, but it happens in its own good time. Your main job isn't to "fix" these men or women, but to give them space and permission to go through what they go through, reminding them they are in a place of safety and acceptance when practicing these mind-body tools. Founder, Bill Douglas's father suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder his entire life, as did his family, as the war was brought home to them via PTSD and the turmoil it explodes within a home.


Read more about support for Veterans of War ...





Dr. Effie Chow in San Francisco has started a Qigong for Veterans program nationwide.


Learn more about Dr. Chow's program for War Veterans ...


Veterans Chow Qigong    








Canadian traditional Chinese medicine school seeks university status!
Zang Fu Color
Click to see Info on Tai Chi and Qigong as Integral Part of Traditional Chinese Medicine

VANCOUVER, March 8 (Xinhua) -- Following six years of preparations, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) school in the Canadian province of British Columbia has applied to local
educational authorities to become the first institute in the country to offer a TCM curriculum
at the university-degree level.


Read more ...

 offers free resources explaining how Tai Chi and Qigong are an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine!


Click to learn more ...








FREE Banner/Poster/Flyer Artwork
for Your WTCQD Event




We have created FREE BANNER Artwork for a 8 foot x 3 foot banner (you can have your
printer print it smaller if you like), so that the public will know what your event is when they
walk or drive by, and also so that the media will have an image capturing your part in a
global health & healing event.

You can also help support our work, and get a PERSONALIZED version of the banner with|
your local group/school/organization's website included on the poster.

Also, you'll find FREE 3' x 4' POSTER Artwork you can use to get posters printed for
placement in bookstores, healthfood stores, etc. etc. to let your local community know
about your coming event, and how they can connect with you and your group to get
involved. The artwork provides a space where you can type in your local
group/school/organization's contact info.

You'll also find FREE 11" x 8.5" FLYER Artwork that you can use to print flyers, also with
space to include your local group/school/organization's contact info. These flyers will
enable your students and friends and loved ones to become part of your Organizing efforts,
passing flyers out at church, temple, or mosque, healthfood stores, libraries, or leaving
them at their doctor's offices, or community organizations ... so they too can be a part of
expanding world health & healing. People like to feel empowered to be a part of something
good and larger than themselves, don't deny your students this opportunity
to feel empowered.

 cannot do what we do without your support, via the
Official WTCQD T-Shirts - Please, organize your local group to pre-order
Official T-Shirts at the discounted pre-order price (bottom of email).




      T-Shirt 2013 Mockup 


Official T-shirts include "One World ... One Breath"
in 34 LANGUAGES on the back.


Official T-Shirt Prices Increase in 4 Days! If Your Order Now, You Can Save!


THANK YOU to all the groups who've supported our year-round work by getting our beautiful and meaningful official t-shirts!


"One World ... One Breath"

in 34 languages.