In This Issue:
July 1, 2015 - Issue 18

Welcome to our eighteenth issue of Living in the Miracle Zone! 

Here you'll find knowledge, techniques and inspiration to live a life where miracles are simply the order of the day!

The theme of this issue is Living Free From Overwhelm...In the Fun Zone.
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News From Marci & Debra


Hi there,

In our Your Year of Miracles (YOM) program, this is our month on Living Free From Overwhelm: Igniting Divine Balance. To plan for the Monday Miracle Messages and Monthly Mentoring Calls we offer our YOM family, we researched the work of the most respected experts in the field of how to deal with the epidemic of overwhelm. Most of what we uncovered was not that new and included admonitions to slow down, breath, take breaks, let go of the need to be perfect, don't over-schedule yourself and ask for help.

Although not new, we've been struggling to adopt these practices for quite a while - like our whole lives. We're counting on this being a watershed month for us.

Displaying our lack of talent with our friend Janet Attwood as back up singers for Kathy Sledge of Sister Sledge

You know that old adage that we teach what we need to learn? 

But there was one other practice that was offered by almost all the experts that we have no trouble with and that is to take time for mindless, silly fun! We are the queens of mindless, silly fun! And for us, that doesn't mean just taking a spa day (which we also love to do) but it means to do something out of the box like going bowling or riding go-karts or singing and dancing on the stage with Sister Sledge - even if we look totally ridiculous!!

So if you see some women dancing a little awkwardly or laughing so hard that they can hardly roll the ball down the aisle, that would be us - and we are certain that it is one of the reasons we're Living in the Miracle Zone.


With Janet (of course!) and our friend Nini White. 
Notice how Marci's ball matches her shirt!

Wishing you a weekend full of silly, mindless fun...or perhaps even a summer-full!

Always miraculously yours,


Marci and Debra


Miracle Message
Ten Ways to Find Time
from Brigid Schulte

Do you have the big challenge that almost everyone deals with these days? Overwhelm. We certainly do, which is why we're so excited to spend a month in our Your Year of Miracles program devoted to the subject. We don't know anyone who doesn't have a to-do list a mile long or who doesn't feel barraged by email overload...

So we were thrilled to interview award winning journalist for the Washington Post and NY Times bestselling author of Overwhelmed: How to Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time, Brigid Schulte.

She shared with us these Ten Ways to Find Time Out of "Time Confetti" and Toward "Time Serenity" in Work, Love and Play.  

We found them useful and we thought you would too:

1. Pause. Just take a moment to stop. Breathe. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes to disrupt the mindless cycle of busyness.  Ask yourself: Do I really want to be baking these cupcakes at 2 am? Be at the office until late at night? Why am I doing this? Create space to reflect about what's most important to you and how to make time for THAT!

2. Be aware of the pressure of cultural ideals. At work, we value the Ideal Worker who puts in insanely long hours of overwork and devotes body and soul to the job. At home, we value the Ideal Mother who is self-sacrificing and always available to her children. The standards for what we think it takes to be a good mother have never been higher, nor have we expected mothers to do so much alone. Be aware that right now, we wear our busyness like a badge of honor. Watch how you talk and think about your time. Are you really that busy, or need to be? Or do you feel compelled to be because everyone else is, and that's how we show our status and fit in? Be aware that these cultural ideals can work powerfully on an unconscious level. Uncover. Strive to make unconscious bias conscious.

3. Set your OWN priorities. And create a network of like-minded people so you can support each other in NOT being busy, glorifying overwork or overdoing at home. It's hard to buck the status quo on your own.

4. Mind the Gap. The best time management strategies? Plan. Do. Review. What's your vision for what you really want? Think about where you are, and the gap that it will take to get you where you want to go. Then experiment to find ways to bridge that gap. Plan it. Do it, then take time to review. Tweak. Repeat.

5. Flip the List. The To Do list is meant to help you, not tyrannize your life. The working memory can only hold 7 pieces of information at any one time. So give your brain a break. Write stuff down...but think of it as a brain dump - getting it all out on paper or on the computer or smartphone somewhere. That gives your brain a rest, it can stop expending energy trying to remember. And give yourself permission not to do any of it. Your real To Do list? Make sure you put what gives you joy, the priorities you've set, on that list and put them up high. The stuff of life never goes away, try not to devote more than 5 percent of your time and energy to it.

6. Set Common Standards and Share the Load. Research shows that even the most egalitarian-minded couples start to slide into traditional gender roles once the baby comes home. One study found that women began to do more around the house, and men less. Much of that is a function of our system, that's more likely to permit women to take maternity leave, giving them the time to develop confidence and competence with the new baby. Men don't get that. Paternity leave, if they have access to any, is short, and tends to be taken along with the mother. Take a page from gay couples. Figure out all the work it takes to run the house and family. Find a way to share work and home duties fairly. It may not be 50/50, but it has to FEEL fair to both of you. Set common standards. Automate. Create systems for who does what, so you don't have to keep negotiating and keeping score, and find a way to keep each other accountable. Stop redoing chores that you think your partners have done badly. And focus on the fun you'll all have when the chores are done - or not.

7. Chunk your time. As much as you can, gather your bits of time confetti and do like things at one time. Chunk household errands, or phone calls. Set boundaries on the time you'll spend on email and social media, rather than check throughout the day if you can. Remember, humans have 90 minute attention spans. Work in concentrated 90 minute chunks, then take a break. Remember, your brain is wired for the insights to come in breaks in the action.

8. More is NOT better. Find the sweet spot. Think of the inverted U curve. Too little isn't enough. Too much, and you get stress and overwhelm. Find the sweet spot, the "good enough" spot for your work, your activities (does it have to be an hour-long work out to count? How about 20 sit ups, 20 squats and 20 push ups on days you're pressed for time. That counts. Want to meditate everyday? Give yourself a back door. Five breaths on the edge of the bed counts.

9. Schedule PLAY. What gets scheduled gets done. And until play and leisure become more acceptable in our work-focused culture, we're going to need to make an effort to bring play into our lives. That means taking vacation - and leaving work behind and cellphones off, at least for some of the time. That means letting your kids have unstructured time to wonder, wander, noodle, get bored and learn how to get un-bored. That means women, who've never had a history or culture of leisure, need to realize that they don't have to earn leisure by getting to the end of a To Do list, which never ends. But that they deserve it. Right now. Couples "cosponsor" each other - to make sure you each have time to do what gives you joy and feeds your soul on your own - and then make time to connect with each other.

10. Shorten your Time Horizon. In the end, we really are on this earth for a short time. Take a lesson from older people - when you're more conscious that life will be over soon, you're much more likely to realize that today is a beautiful day.


"Just do it. Make time for leisure when the spirit seizes you, no matter what you happen to be wearing."


"It's the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they're gonna shut the game down. I gotta have as much fun and go around the board as many times as I can before it's my turn to leave."
~Rapper Tupac Shakur

About Marci


Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love.  Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.  

Marci is also the woman's face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. With total book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. 

Marci is also a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret and the host of the national PBS TV show called Happy for No Reason.  

President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on happiness, empowerment, and peak performance to Fortune 500 companies, professional and non-profit organizations, and women's associations. Dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives, Marci's current passion is mentoring people to create miracles in their lives.


About Debra


Debra Poneman spent the decade of the 70's teaching meditation to thousands and studying with some of the greatest spiritual Masters of the east - often in deep meditation for 10 to 12 hours a day and silence for weeks at a time. In the early 1980's, she began examining the knowledge of the great Masters of western metaphysical thought and founded Yes to Success Seminars to bring to the masses then "radical" ideas like everything is energy and your thoughts create your reality.

Within a few short years, Debra's seminars were established in cities across the US and internationally on four continents. Debra's infomercial was the first to ever to offer a "self-improvement" product and was broadcast in dozens of major US markets. She regularly appeared on TV, radio and in print from coast to coast. Her client list included Fortune 500 companies - at a time when there were only a handful of women corporate trainers - and her students went on to become mega-successful entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors, renowned transformational leaders, millionaires, billionaires, and even household names.

In 1988 in the midst of negotiations for her own daytime TV talk show and with a contract in hand with a major publisher for her Yes to Success book, Debra chose to follow a different passion. For 20 years she disappeared from the public eye to be a stay-at-home mom.

Debra, now a best-selling author, is back once again sharing her knowledge with the world on what it takes to create a life of success, happiness and miracles.


 Click Here For More Info on the Your Year of Miracles 2015 program

 Click Here for More Info and to Register for The 3 Secrets On-Line Seminar


Join our Miracles Family for a Miraculous 2015!