In This Issue:
January 15, 2015 - Issue 7

Welcome to our seventh issue of Living in the Miracle Zone. 

Here you'll find all the knowledge and techniques you need to live a life where miracles are the order of the day!

Your Year of Miracles 2015          Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter 
News From Marci & Debra


Hi there,    


Good news!  By now you know that our year-long mentoring program Your Year of Miracles has begun.  Just one week into the program and participants are already experiencing magnificent miracles in every area of life!  The good news is that with registrations showing no signs of slowing down, we're going to keep it open for another two weeks.


To create your miraculous year, simply click here:


If you'd like to listen to a live seminar where we share the 3 Secrets to Creating a Life Filled with Miracles and also give you the details about the Your Year of Miracles program, click below:

Please reserve me a spot on this online seminar!


If you can't listen live, go ahead and click on the link to register and we'll gladly send you the recording once the seminar is completed.

If you're looking for an awakening in your life; if you're through with suffering; if you know that everything you want is waiting for you just outside your reach but you don't know how to grab it; you'll want to hear what we have to say.

Wishing you once again, a year filled with happiness, success, good health, and of course, miracles.

With our love,


Marci and Debra


Miracle Message from Debra: 
Thank you for Sharing


While we'd like to have the support and encouragement of the people in our lives when we share our visions, we've all had the experience of our loved ones telling us to be realistic or completely stomping on our dreams.

It hurts to be criticized or even ridiculed. And although I believe that everyone is doing the best they can given their own life circumstances, we do need to be careful with whom we share our cherished dreams.

When you have an idea that lights you up and you share it with a member of what I call the discouragement committee and they tell you immediately all the reasons why your idea will never work, it could blow your candle out, often never to be lit again.

It's not that these people consciously don't want you to be happy, but they most likely are unconsciously threatened in some way by your vision. Maybe they're afraid that you'll leave them behind as you pursue your dreams or they wrongly think that your success in some way will take success away from them.

So sometimes it's good to keep our cherished dreams to ourselves. The words sacred and secret come from the same 

root--that which is sacred should be kept secret and your precious dreams certainly fall into that category.

In an ideal world, we would always be surrounded by positive, encouraging people but since we can't control others, if you do encounter the discouragement committee, just don't allow yourself to be dissuaded - or even use their discouragement as "inspirational dissatisfaction."

When Henry Ford had the idea to build the Model T, he shared his idea with his dad who said to him, " And you gave up a good $5 a week job to chase a crazy idea like that?" Ford said that that was the moment that he committed beyond a doubt to creating his vision of a horseless carriage.

Several decades ago my brother-in-law came to one of my Yes to Success seminars. He had always loved music, was a disc jockey in college, wrote a music column in his school newspaper and had a real eye for talent. His dream was to pursue a career as a manager or agent in the music industry.

At the seminar he told me that his parents were encouraging him to be practical and go into computers and were going to pay for him to attend graduate school in that field, admonishing him that the music industry was too difficult and hardly anyone makes it. During the seminar he had an epiphany. He realized that he didn't care how difficult it was or how few people made it, it was what lit him up and made his heart sing. He told his parents thanks but no thanks.

So he went out and started a small independent record label and one day in a caf� in Seattle playing to a room of about 12 people he heard a band that he knew could be hot so he signed them to his label and that little group named Nirvana became one of the most successful bands in music history. Soon my brother-in-law's little record label was worth 10's of millions of dollars.

Remember the quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "There's nothing capricious in nature. The implanting of a desire indicates that its gratification is in the constitution of the creature who feels it."

You wouldn't have had the idea in the first place if you weren't meant to bring it to fruition. So you can tell the naysayers, "Thank you for sharing," and continue to make your dreams come true. Remember your dreams want you as much as you want them.

Wishing you all the joy, freedom and fulfillment living your dreams will bring.


We'd love to hear your results! If you'd like to share your miracles experience you can do that at 

[email protected].


"Never give up on your dreams because of the time it will take to accomplish them.  The time will pass anyway."

~ Earl Nightingale 

"It always seems impossible until it's done." 
~ Nelson Mandela

About Marci


Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love.  Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.  

Marci is also the woman's face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of six books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. With total book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. 

Marci is also a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret and the host of the national PBS TV show called Happy for No Reason.  

President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on happiness, empowerment, and peak performance to Fortune 500 companies, professional and non-profit organizations, and women's associations. Dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives, Marci's current passion is mentoring people to create miracles in their lives.


About Debra


Debra Poneman spent the decade of the 70's teaching meditation to thousands and studying with some of the greatest spiritual Masters of the east - often in deep meditation for 10 to 12 hours a day and silence for weeks at a time. In the early 1980's, she began examining the knowledge of the great Masters of western metaphysical thought and founded Yes to Success Seminars to bring to the masses then "radical" ideas like everything is energy and your thoughts create your reality.

Within a few short years, Debra's seminars were established in cities across the US and internationally on four continents. Debra's infomercial was the first to ever to offer a "self-improvement" product and was broadcast in dozens of major US markets. She regularly appeared on TV, radio and in print from coast to coast. Her client list included Fortune 500 companies - at a time when there were only a handful of women corporate trainers - and her students went on to become mega-successful entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors, renowned transformational leaders, millionaires, billionaires, and even household names.

In 1988 in the midst of negotiations for her own daytime TV talk show and with a contract in hand with a major publisher for her Yes to Success book, Debra chose to follow a different passion. For 20 years she disappeared from the public eye to be a stay-at-home mom.

Debra, now a best-selling author, is back once again sharing her knowledge with the world on what it takes to create a life of success, happiness and miracles.


 Click Here For More Info on the Your Year of Miracles 2015 program

 Click Here for More Info and to Register for The 3 Secrets On-Line Seminar


Join our Miracles Family for a Miraculous 2015!