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April 2016 Newsletter

I attended the ATYC AGM on 21st March in the illustrious surroundings of the Thames Motor Yacht Club at Hampton Court. The Chairman, David Jones, reflected on the events of the year and his disappointment that numbers were down at the Annual Dinner Dance held in March and that last years ATYC Rally at Henley had been cancelled at the last moment due to a lack of support.

This years rally will take place at West India Docks on the weekend 27th/28th August and member clubs were encouraged to support it. Demonstrations of the 3 rally tests included in the boat handling competition will take place at the Thames Motor Yacht Club on Saturday 17th April at 10am for anybody that is interested in taking part. The organisers are looking for both competitors and  judges, both of which have been in short supply recently. 

Best wishes  

Andrew Kirkwood
Coming Up

Friday 22nd April -  Indian at Sami Spice with visitors from RYC and TYC.   
Boats from Richmond Yacht Club and Twickenham Yacht Club will be coming to visit us in Brentford and will join us for a curry at Sami Spice. Timings are fluid at this stage however Steve and I will be on hand to welcome our guests. 

If time permits, we might start with a pint in the Brewery Tap, before heading on to Sami Spice where we have a table booked for 6.30pm. Please let me know if you would like to come along as we need a fairly clear idea of numbers so that the restaurant can plan accordingly. 

Just Been
Richmond Yacht Club's Fitting Out Supper 
A party of 5 from BCC joined members from Greenwich Yacht Club, Twickenham Yacht Club and Weybridge Mariners (and probably some other clubs too) at Richmond's excellent Fitting Out Supper. Followings its refurbishment, Richmond's clubhouse now looks fantastic with a brand new kitchen now at the back of the building and lovely glazed doors overlooking the river at the front. We were treated to a fantastic four course meal followed by a solo singer who sang a great repetoire of dance floor fillers from the sixties onwards. Thanks again to RYC for their kind invitation. 

Lindon Lewis Marine - ATYC Members Special Offers
Lindon Lewis at Shepperton are holding an Open Day on the 23rd April. They are offering members of ATYC affiliated clubs special offers on the day. To see the full details of the day and the offers click HERE

For Sale 
SOM - Lovely little cabin Cruiser looking for a new owner - �3950 Available to view in Brentford Dock. Contact Steve on 07710-990413

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