| Ash Wednesday & Lent in Two Minutes |
Sunday School Information |
Spring Sunday School
Teachers and locations (on 2nd floor Parish Life Building):
- PreSchool - Kinder (3-5 yrs): Melinda Merwin -- Classroom E
- 1st - 2nd grade: Carol Smith -- Classroom A
- 3rd - 5th grade: Pam Greene -- Classroom F
- Jr./Sr. High: Father Todd -- Classroom C
News from Mrs. Merwin to 3 year olds - Kinder: The 3 year - K Sunday School class has been learning about Jesus beginning His ministry by calling 4 fishermen to follow Him and be His first disciples and teaching them (us) to be fishers of men. We've been learning finger plays and songs which reinforce following Jesus and how we can bring people to Him. Later this month we'll talk about Jesus' love, make valentines, and learn about His miracles.
News from Mrs. Smith to 1st - 2nd Grades: First and second graders will continue playing games, learning new music to play with the bells, and producing art projects that remind them of the parables that Jesus told, to teach us about God and his teachings. We will conclude with the parable of the unmerciful servant, then will learn about Jesus ministry and association with Zaccheus, followed by a Valentine's Day love story. During February our class will take time to think of others by making cards for homebound members in our church family, with handmade bookmarks included with their Valentine gift of love. Mrs Smith, Mrs.Care, Mrs. Hanovich, and Mrs. Adimora-N'gozi
News from Mrs. Greene to 3rd - 5th Grades: We are continuing to study heroes from the Old Testament. (Feb. 3) Samson: God is our refuge and our strength. (Feb 10) Ruth and Naomi - God blesses us when we are kind and love one another. (Feb. 17) Lenten study (Feb. 24) Samuel - Listening to God
February - Baseball / T-Ball signups have begun Online registration for t-ball and baseball is now available at the following site: Registration
Family Soccer Saturdays will be every Saturday at 11 AM until baseball/t-ball season starts.
Here are a few rules:
1) Every child must be with a parent or guardian at all times. There are no coaches or designated parents to supervise your children.
2) All parents and guardians must help. This is not time to be a spectator.
3) Bring your own water and snacks.
4) If you have a soccer ball, bring it. There is no guarantee that there will be a ball for everyone.
5) Treat the equipment like it is yours. No hanging on the net or goals!
Sunday, February 3 - OPEN HOUSE at the Bryants Please join us from 4:30-6pm for football and food for adults and kids. Hope to see you there! RSVP is never required, but always helpful. Or just drop on by! Monday, February 5 - Kidventure Summer Camp Registration OPENS! Please sign up early! We have learned that Grace School will have no summer programs this year so many more students will be signing for Kidventure. We want our students to have the time slots they need. See www.kidventure.com for more information. Sunday, February 10 - Guest Speaker, Enrique Saavedra You will not want to miss hearing a guest speaker, Enrique Saavedra, who will be speaking on his Bay of Pigs experiences, faith vs hope. He is the grandfather of 2 of our Ascension Church and School children, Madeleine and Yvette Mattern. Sunday, February 10 - Valentine's Social Date night! You and/or yours are invited to attend a Valentine's Day celebration dinner at 6pm, in Parish Hall. Tickets are $15 each (cash bar, $5 each). Childcare is available upon request. RSVP by February 6th to Carol Smith (713-784-5033).  Tuesday, February 12 - Pancake Supper The Boy Scouts (Troop 1836) will be serving pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. 6:30 - 7:30pm. In Parish Hall. Wednesday, February 13 - Ash Wednesday Join us at 8:30am (with the school; non-Eucharist), noon (Eucharist) or 7pm (Eucharist) for worship. (No childcare available at any of these services. Bring your child to experience the ashes. Its a very powerful experience to do with a child!)
Wednesdays in Lent - Lenten Soup Wednesdays Beginning February 20th and continuing through March 27th, join us for 6pm prayer service followed by light soup dinner and adult study of the book of Joshua. There will be a children's Lenten program at the same time for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Nursery will also be open for younger children. |
Junior Acolytes
February 3: Lauren Blanchard, Canaan Strobel, Alexandra Pettit
February 10: Ana Deny, Patrick Nielsen, Lauren Bryant
February 17: Ella Wonsowski, Zoe & Reese Adler
February 24: Mallory & Marlowe Taylor, Sarah Haywood
February 10: Felicity Whitney
February 17: Nicholas Pettit
Children's Chapel February 3: Ann Wilkerson, Carol Goulet February 10: Hope Everett, Kimberly Strobel February 17: Cristina Mattern, Bryan Everett February 24: Sayle & Michael Fox
If your child is interested in being a Junior Acolyte, please contact Thom Fenner (thomfenner@earthlink.net). Kinder through 2nd graders are welcome! (Starting in 3rd grade, your child moves up to Acolyte, no longer junior!)
If you are interested in being a Children's Chapel volunteer, please contact Caroline Barker (cbarker002@comcast.net) for more information. |
We pray that this Lent will be a powerful time for you and your family. We hope to see you at any of the many activities happening on campus!
Sincerely, The Children's Ministry Team Ascension Episcopal Church |
Sunday Mornings
8am: Church (traditional liturgy, no music)
9am - noon: Nursery OPEN (in Parish Life Building)
9am: Breakfast in Parish Hall
9:30am: Sunday school for children, youth and adults
10:30am: Church (larger service, more families, children's chapel)