| What is Epiphany? |
Sunday School Information |
Spring Sunday School
Teachers and locations (on 2nd floor Parish Life Building):
- PreSchool - Kinder (3-5 yrs): Melinda Merwin -- Classroom E
- 1st - 2nd grade: Carol Smith -- Classroom A
- 3rd - 5th grade: Pam Greene -- Classroom F
- Jr./Sr. High: Father Todd -- Classroom C
News from Mrs. Smith to 1st - 2nd Grades: On January 6th, 1st and 2nd graders will review the Christmas story and discuss the Epiphany story about the wisemen's journey following the star, to worship the Christ child born to be the king of the Jews. We will also prepare a banner of the Christian calendar with symbols that relate to the different seasons of the year. Don't be surprised if we participate in an old Epiphany tradition during classtime, which should be fun for all! Looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year! Mrs Smith, Mrs.Care, Mrs. Hanovich, and Mrs. Adimora-N'gozi
News from Mrs. Greene to 3rd - 5th Grades: On January 6, we will pick up with where we left off before Advent - with Moses receiving the 10 Commandments - and compare the 10 Commandments to the Greatest Commandment from Christ.
We will progress further into the Old Testament: and draw from the books Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua. There are great stories to teach us important lessons. What do we learn from Balaam and the talking donkey- YES a talking Donkey! God blessed His people delivering them into the Promised Land. Can that relate to us today? We will end January by exploring one of the earliest Spy stories with Rahab at the center of this important message from God.
January 2, 3 & 4 - Kidventure Camp at Ascension
We think its the BEST camp around! For more information, click HERE!
 | See a short video of Kidventure's Winter Camp |
Family Soccer Saturdays!
Family Soccer Saturdays will be every Saturday at 11 AM until baseball/t-ball season starts at the beginning of February.
Here are a few rules:
1) Every child must be with a parent or guardian at all times. There are no coaches or designated parents to supervise your children.
2) All parents and guardians must help. This is not time to be a spectator.
3) Bring your own water and snacks.
4) If you have a soccer ball, bring it. There is no guarantee that there will be a ball for everyone.
5) Treat the equipment like it is yours. No hanging on the net or goals!
Sunday, January 6 - OPEN HOUSE at the Bryants
Please join us from 4:30-6pm for fun and food for adults and kids. Should be beautiful weather and a perfect afternoon for a BOUNCY! Yes, we will have another big bouncy. Hope to see you there! RSVP is never required, but always helpful. Or just drop on by!
Thursday, January 10 - Epiphany Dinner
Join our church and school for dinner in Parish Hall, 5:30 - 7pm. Watch the bulletin and Happenings for more information.
Saturday, January 12 - Parents' Night Out
Registration is OPEN! Register HERE! Registration CLOSES Thursday, January 10th (at 9pm). Hope you can bring the kids and enjoy some relaxation time after the crazy and wonderful holidays! 5 - 9pm. Pack a dinner, drink and sweater for outdoor play (weather permitting).
Sunday, January 20 - Annual Meeting
Immediately following the 10:30am church service, we will be gathering for our annual meeting with lunch in Parish Hall. This is a very important meeting for you to attend, as it involves voting for our future vestry members and hearing a report of where we have been in 2012 and where we are headed in 2013. Please come! Feel free to bring a dish to share in the pot luck, if you wish. Childcare is provided, if you wish to use it.
Junior Acolytes
January 6: Ella Wonsowski, Mallory & Marlowe Taylor
January 13: Lauren Blanchard, Canaan Strobel, Alexandra Pettit
January 20: Ana Deny, Patrick Nielsen, Lauren Bryant
January 27: Mallory & Marlowe Taylor, Sarah Haywood
Children's Chapel January 6: Cristina Mattern, Bryan Everett January 13: Susan Fenner, Sayle/Michael Fox January 20: Kimberly Bryant, Marilyn Liles January 27: Sayle Fox, Dorothy Harris
If your child is interested in being a Junior Acolyte, please contact Thom Fenner (thomfenner@earthlink.net). Kinder through 2nd graders are welcome! (Starting in 3rd grade, your child moves up to Acolyte, no longer junior!)
If you are interested in being a Children's Chapel volunteer, please contact Caroline Barker (cbarker002@comcast.net) for more information. |
We look forward to seeing all of our children and youth families in 2013!
Sincerely, The Children's Ministry Team Ascension Episcopal Church |
Sunday Mornings
8am: Church (traditional liturgy, no music)
9am - noon: Nursery OPEN (in Parish Life Building)
9am: Breakfast in Parish Hall
9:30am: Sunday school for children, youth and adults
10:30am: Church (larger service, more families, children's chapel)