| Advent in 2 Minutes |
Enjoy a quick refresher of what Advent is!
Sunday School Information |
Fall Sunday School
December Sunday School is all about ADVENT!
Teachers and locations (on 2nd floor Parish Life Building):
- PreSchool - Kinder (3-5 yrs): Melinda Merwin -- Classroom E
- 1st - 2nd grade: Carol Smith -- Classroom A
- 3rd - 5th grade: Pam Greene -- Classroom F
- Jr./Sr. High: Father Todd -- Classroom C
News from Mrs. Merwin to PreSchool - Kinder: During the first weeks of December, we will be focusing on Advent, as we prepare for the celebration of Jesus's birthday. Each week, we'll light a candle on the Advent wreath, and each week our Bible stories will reflect a portion of the Nativity story, beginning with the prophets' foretelling of Jesus's birth on the first Sunday in Advent. Art activities, nativity games and learning Christmas hymns will help reinforce each lesson.
News from Mrs. Smith to 1st - 2nd Grades: December classes will be emphasizing the Advent story through the Biblical phrophesy of the Messiah, as well as through stories of individuals who experienced the coming of the Lord in their lives. During the Advent season, we will learn how "The Shoemaker Michael" and "Amos Gift" were given the special gifts from God; hope, peace, love, and joy. The students will share in creating meaningful crafts and activities that reflect this season of preparation for God's special gift to us, Jesus.
News from Mrs. Greene to 3rd - 5th Grades: In December, we will focus on Advent. This Sunday we will focus more specifically on lighting the first candle of the advent wreath - the candle of hope or expectation: Romans 15:12-13. We will also use the nativity, beginning this week with a focus on Mary. We will add each week. We have designated the first Sunday as our card Sunday. We will make Christmas cards to send to members of our church family who need a special dose of love. As Advent continues, we will also be playing an advent game and there will be related art projects.
NOTE: NO Sunday School on December 23 or December 30!
News: Fall Service Projects |
Thank you to everyone help contribute to or volunteered for the Seafarers' Ministry Christmas Gift Box Program and the Mission of Yahweh Winter Clothing Drive!
Forgotten Seniors - Angel Tree
On Sunday November 25, Alan Burton announced details for the Christmas Angel Tree program in conjunction with the Salvation Army. ALL 50 RECIPIENTS WERE CLAIMED ON THAT SAME DAY!! THANK YOU! If you would still like to participate, Alan will be getting a few more people for us to support. The Angel Tree program at Ascension will focus on Seniors age 62 and older, as they seem to be a "forgotten" group. All Angel Tree gift bags must be returned by Sunday, December 9th and will be picked up by the Salvation Army the following week.
Church Under the Bridge - Sunday, December 16
Opportunities included:
 Bring a lasagna to church on December 16 (sign up in church or email secretary), sign up for prayer team or help serve food at the mission site. Please contact Samantha in church office for more information.
Sunday, December 2 - OPEN HOUSE at the Mattern's Home in BGP
Cristina and Dave (parents of Madeleine & Yvette) have generously offered to have us in their newly renovated, beautiful home! Please join us from 4:30-6pm for fun and food for adults and kids. Reply to this message in order to get the address. Hope to see you there!
Family Soccer Saturdays!
Family Soccer Saturdays will be every Saturday at 11 AM until baseball/t-ball season starts at the beginning of February. Here are a few rules:
1) Every child must be with a parent or guardian at all times. There are no coaches or designated parents to supervise your children.
2) All parents and guardians must help. This is not time to be a spectator.
3) Bring your own water and snacks.
4) If you have a soccer ball, bring it. There is no guarantee that there will be a ball for everyone.
5) Treat the equipment like it is yours. No hanging on the net or goals!

Saturday, December 8 - Parents' Night Out
Registration is OPEN! Register HERE! Registration CLOSES Thursday, December 6th (at 9pm). Hope you can bring the kids and enjoy some solo Christmas shopping! 5 - 9pm. Pack a dinner, drink and sweater for outdoor play (weather permitting).
Thursday, December 20 - Christmas Caroling in Walnut Bend
Children, families, and everyone who enjoys singing, please meet at Polly Epps' house at 5pm. We will sing carols and walk around the neighborhood, finishing around 7pm. We will have carol books and scarves. Please wear Santa hats and carry a flashlight or hurricane lamp. Strollers are definitely helpful for little ones who can't walk too far! Contact church office or reply to this message for Polly's address.
January 2, 3 & 4 - Kidventure Camp at Ascension
We think its the BEST camp around! For more information, click HERE!
Junior Acolytes
December 2: Sarah Haywood, Mallory & Marlowe Taylor
December 9: Zoe & Reese Adler, Lauren Blanchard
December 16: Alexandra Pettit, Canaan Strobel, Ella Wonsowski
December 23: Ana Deny, Lauren Bryant, Patrick Nielsen
December 24 (Christmas Eve early service): Lauren Bryant, Patrick Nielsen, Ella Wonsowski
Children's Chapel December 2: Thom Fenner, Dorothy Harris December 9: Ann Wilkerson, Carol Goulet December 16: Thom Fenner, Sayle/Michael Fox December 23: Carol Smith, Corey Taylor
If your child is interested in being a Junior Acolyte, please contact Thom Fenner (thomfenner@earthlink.net). Kinder through 2nd graders are welcome! (Starting in 3rd grade, your child moves up to Acolyte, no longer junior!)
If you are interested in being a Children's Chapel volunteer, please contact Caroline Barker (cbarker002@comcast.net) for more information. |
Christmas Services Schedule |
Sunday, December 23 Regular Sunday services (No Sunday School); childcare IS available in nursery starting at 9am.
Monday, December 24 5 pm Christmas Eve Service (nursery available) 9 pm Christmas Carols and Anthems (no nursery available) 9:30 pm Christmas Eve Service (no nursery available)
Tuesday, December 25 10:30 am Christmas Day Service (PJs and fuzzy slippers encouraged!) NO nursery available
Sunday, December 30 Regular Sunday services (No Sunday School); childcare IS available in nursery starting at 9am. |
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas! We look forward to celebrating with you and your family.
Sincerely, The Children's Ministry Team Ascension Episcopal Church |
Sunday Mornings
8am: Church (traditional liturgy, no music)
9am - noon: Nursery OPEN (in Parish Life Building)
9am: Breakfast in Parish Hall
9:30am: Sunday school for children, youth and adults
10:30am: Church (larger service, more families, children's chapel)