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Aging News and Notes
February 2014
"Mindfulness-Based Elder Care"
with Lucia McBee as Gerontology Institute's Distinguished Speaker
Monday, February 24, at 7 p.m.
Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall, Ithaca College 


Lucia McBee is a licensed clinical geriatric social worker who has worked with elders and their caregivers for 30 years. For the past 15 years she has integrated mindfulness, gentle movement, aromatherapy, hand massage, and other complementary therapies into her practice with frail elders in nursing homes, with homebound elders, and with their caregivers. Her book describing these practices, Mindfulness-Based Elder Care, was published in 2008 and will be available for sale. Click here for more on this free event. 

Free Mindfulness Workshop to be Offered  
Lucia McBee will also be presenting a workshop, "Mindfulness 
in Elder Care: Practical Tools for Stress Reduction" on Tuesday, February 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Kendal at Ithaca auditorium. Long-term care leaders, staff, and other caregivers are invited to participate.
Registration is required for this free event, and space is limited. This training is funded by the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center, and is offered in collaboration with Kendal at Ithaca.
Register Now for Spring Workshops  
You can now register for our upcoming workshops on financial elder abuse, sensory integration strategies, and linking late-life depression to dementia. To see full descriptions and costs, and to register, go to our workshops website. All three events will be held at the Country Inn and Suites on Rte. 96B.

Financial Elder Abuse

Wednesday, March 19, 2:00-4:30 p.m.



Art Mason, LMSW, Director, Elder Abuse Prevention Program, Lifespan of Greater Rochester

Michael Danaher, Assistant Attorney General, Binghamton Regional Office, New York State Office of the Attorney General

Lisa Kendall, LCSW-R, CSW-G

Marcie Finlay, Attorney, Blumkin & Finlay LLP

Participants will learn about current scams and what to do when problems occur, understand the personal, familial, and social factors that may make elders more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, and potential ways to increase resilience. Legal responses to financial abuse, in particular guardianship, trusts, powers of attorney, and other vehicles for protecting someone who is being financially exploited, will be addressed.

Application of Sensory Integrative Strategies with
Aging Adults

Tuesday, April 8, 2:00-4:30 p.m.


Presenter: Mary Siniscarco, MS, OTR/L, Assistant Professor, Chair, Health Studies Program, Utica College


Sensory integration refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses. Aging adults often experience changes in their sensory systems (balance, smell, taste, vision, and hearing) as a normal part of aging. However, these sensory changes can impact their overall level of function and independence. Specific sensory integrative strategies will be discussed to address needs and concerns.



Linking Late-Life Depression to Dementia

Thursday, May 1, 2:00-4:30 p.m.


Presenter: Dr. Noman Afzal, MBBS, Geriatric Psychiatry Fellow, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program, University of Rochester 


Dr. Afzal will specify the relationship between depression and dementia in older adults, identify the clinical manifestations and significance of mild cognitive impairment with major depression, and provide an overview of behavioral intervention treatment options for older adults with late-life depression and/or dementia. 

Recruiting Retirees in Service to the Environment (RISE) for Program Training 

The Gerontology Institute, in partnership with the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, is recruiting participants to take part in an innovative program that trains retirees about environmental issues and connects them with volunteer environmental stewardship experiences at Ithaca College and in local communities. Training to participate in RISE (Retirees in Service to the Environment) will begin on Friday, March 28, at Longview retirement community in Ithaca, with an orientation session
(9 a.m.-2 p.m.) that includes training in leadership, communication, and environmental stewardship skills. Workshops will continue over seven additional Friday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon, from April 4 to May 23 (no meeting on April 18). Topics will include health and the environment, climate change, water quality, permaculture, invasive species, citizen science, and planning the volunteer experience.

Registration for the program is required, but the program is free to participants, thanks to generous support from Ithaca College and Longview. Questions? Please contact IC intern Mary McKean '15, at mmckean1@ithaca.edu or 978-333-1892.
RISE Program Receives "Sign of Sustainability" Award 
Sustainable Tompkins, an organization devoted to catalyzing sustainable development in our region, has awarded a "Sign of Sustainability" to the IC Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences and the Gerontology Institute for their joint development of the 2013 Retirees in Service to the Environment (RISE) program.
Our Mission
The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute provides high quality education to students and professionals, empowering them to positively impact the lives of older people.  
In This Issue

Quick Links


 National Alzheimer's Project Act Update 


5 New Year's Resolutions From the Wisest Americans  


Aging? It's about Attitude, Says French Author  


Aging Parent Hospitalizations and Observation Status 


The Getting Was Good 


Growing Number of Seniors Caring for Other Seniors  


National Study of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program  


More About the Gerontology Institute 


The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute is on Facebook and waiting for you to join us!