CSD News
A weekly newsletter from Christina School District
News this Week from the District
Open Houses Scheduled
Christiana - 7:00 pm
Glasgow - 6:30 pm
Newark - 6:30 pm
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17: Elementary Schools
Bancroft - 5:30-7:00 pm
Downes - Grades K-2: 6:30-8:00 pm
Gallaher - Kindergarten, 6:00 pm; 1st Grade, 6:30 pm; 2nd Grade, 7:00 pm
Leasure - Grades K-2: 6:30-8:00 pm
Marshall - Grades K-2: 5:30-7:00 pm
McVey - Grades 3-5: 6:00-7:00 pm
Montessori Academy at Christina Wilmington / Newark - 5:30-7:00 pm
Smith - 6:00 pm
Stubbs - 5:00-7:00 pm
Wilson - Grades 3-5: 6:00-7:00 pm
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19: Elementary Schools
Brader - 5:30-7:00 pm
Brookside - 6:00-7:00 pm
Downes - Grades 3-5: 6:30-8:00 pm
Elbert-Palmer - 5:20-7:00 pm
Gallaher - 3rd Grade, 6:00 pm; 4th Grade, 6:30 pm; 5th Grade, 7:00 pm
Jones - 6:00-8:00 pm
Keene - 6:00-7:30 pm
Leasure - Grades 3-5: 6:30-8:00 pm
Maclary - 6:30-8:00 pm
Marshall - Grades 3-5: 5:30-7:00 pm
McVey - Grades K-2: 6:00-7:00 pm
Oberle - 6:30-7:30 pm
Pulaski - 5:30-7:00 pm
West Park Place - 6:00-8:00 pm
Wilson - Grades K-2: 6:00-7:00 pm
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: Specialized Schools
Christina Early Education Center - 6:30-7:30 pm
Specific dates and times are scheduled at the school level and are posted on the
Board of Education Workshop Scheduled for September 18
The Christina Board of Education has scheduled a Workshop for Wednesday, September 18 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. to discuss the District Strategic Plan. The Workshop will be held in the Gauger-Cobbs Middle School Staff Development Room, 50 Gender Road, Newark.
Elementary Instrumental Info Night
September 25 ~ 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Christina School District parents and students are invited to attend the Elementary Instrumental Info Night on September 25 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Shue-Medill Middle School, 1500 Capitol Trail, Newark. This introduction to the CSD music program will include staff and local instrument dealers. Parents will have an opportunity to reserve, purchase or rent an instrument from local vendors.
Please come and learn more about the program from CSD's team of experienced teachers who are ready and willing to speak to you and answer any questions you may have regarding the instrumental program. [ Event Flyer]
It's Time to Register for CSD Fall Continuing Education Classes
The Christina School District offers Continuing Education programs through the Adult Education office. Programs and classes include: 
- Adult Dance, Music & Recreation
- Adult Exercise and Fitness
- Area Day Trips
- Children's Classes
- Computer Classes for Adults
- Creative & Personal Growth
- Delaware Center for Distance Adult Learning
- English as a Second Language
- Financial & Personal Growth for Adults
- GED Preparation or Improve Basic Skills
- James H. Groves Adult High School
- Occupational and Recreational Safety
- Volunteer Tutor Training
- and more...
One Night Only: In person registration will be held on Tuesday, September 24 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Glasgow High School Cafeteria, 1901 S. College Avenue, Newark.
Click here for complete registration information and more.
News this Week from Preschool Programs 
Christina Early Education Center Welcomes Over 400 Students!
The staff at the Christina Early Education Center (CEEC) made themselves highly visible to their 400 three and four years olds on September 3rd. By wearing yellow, families were able to easily identify school staff while dropping off their children to school, many for their first school experience.
The staff wanted to represent the school in a unified manner and chose yellow for its vibrant and cheerful nature. Families commented on how much they appreciated the staff and the ease of knowing who could be entrusted with their children. Teachers and paraprofessionals spent the first week of school visiting families in their homes to develop rapport and begin the school-home partnership on a positive visit. The Christina Early Education Center looks forward to a wonderful year providing our youngest students with the best first school experience!
News this Week from Elementary Schools 
Four Christina Elementary Schools Earn Recognition for Positive Behavior Programs
Four elementary schools in the Christina School District have earned Phase-2 or Phase-3 PBS Recognition for the 2012-2013 school year. They are Gallaher Elementary School, Keene Elementary School, Marshall Elementary School, and Wilson Elementary School. PBS is an acronym that stands for Positive Behavior Support. These school-wide programs promote positive behavior and good citizenship, and reward student conduct through creative incentives and consistent expectations for school behavior. Christina School District was the first district in Delaware to implement the PBS program in all of its schools. The District recently named Jennifer Shields-Russell as a district wide coordinator of PBS programs.
The awards were designated by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project, a collaborative project with the Delaware Department of Education, the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies, and Delaware public schools. This statewide initiative is designed to build the knowledge and skills of Delaware educators in the concepts and practices of Positive Behavior Supports (PBS). Gallaher, Keene, Marshall and Wilson Elementary Schools were recognized for creating caring learning environments that promote the social-emotional and academic development of all children. Wilson Elementary received recognition for participation in the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project's pilot Phase 3 Recognition-Establishing Tier 2: Problem Solving Team.
UD Mascot YouDee and Rocky Bluewinkle Welcome
Elbert-Palmer Elementary School Students on August 27
On August 27, University of Delaware's mascot YouDee and the Wilmington Blue Rocks mascot Rocky Bluewinkle stopped by Elbert-Palmer Elementary School to wish students a wonderful school year. Students and staff enjoyed the visit.
Jones Elementary School Hosts Family Fun Night
Students, staff and families of Jones Elementary School had perfect weather for their annual Family Fun Night, held at the school on September 4. Activities included a firetruck, pony rides, inflatables, information tables, a live DJ, Ronald McDonald, and more. Pizza and ice cream were served, and families had a chance to relax together and celebrate the beginning of a new school year. Students received colored T-shirts with the words "Scholars. Leaders. Inspired. Empowered" printed on the back, which will serve as inspiration as Jones students continue to strive to be their best.
McVey Elementary School to Host First Annual Vendor Fair
McVey Elementary School invites its school families and surrounding communities to its first annual Vendor Fair on Saturday, September 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vendors such as Tastefully Simple, 31, Origami Owl, Party Lite, Lia Sophia, UR Uniforms, and Discovery Toys and more will have information and sample products available. In addition to these local vendors, there will be interactive activities for children, a 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction. Admission is free! Please join McVey Elementary for a day of shopping and fun!
Pulaski Elementary School Cafeteria Gets a Colorful New Mural
Students at Pulaski Elementary School now have a colorful new mural to admire in the school's cafeteria thanks to Pulaski art teacher Mr. Mark Kannengieszer.
Pulaski Elementary School Anti-Bullying Rally Featured on
Fox 29 News
Students, staff, and families at Pulaski Elementary School hosted an anti-bullying rally on September 10 that was featured on Fox 29 News. The rally raised awareness of the issue of bullying, and provided useful advice for students on reporting and stopping bullying, a perfect message for the beginning of the school year. Please visit the following link to learn more about the rally and view the video that aired on Fox 29 http://www.christinak12.org/apps/news/show_news.jsp?REC_ID=281339&id=0
West Park Place Elementary School PTA Seeks Book Donations for the School Library
It's never been easier to help our much-loved, and well-worn, school library. Buy a book of your choice for the Happy Birthday Club, and donate it to West Park's Librarian Mrs. D'Amico in honor of your child's birthday or other special occasion. Mrs. D'Amico has also identified sorely needed titles -- biographies and multicultural folk tales (to help out our proudly multicultural school population!). Please follow the link to find our library's wish list on Amazon. Just buying one book could spark so many West Park readers, for years to come! http://www.amazon.com/registry/giftlist/1PUR35WQA3FL9
News this Week from Middle Schools 
Three Newark National Little League Teammates Honored by Christina Board
Three members of the Newark National Little League team that made it to the Little League World Series this summer are Christina School District students from Gauger-Cobbs, Kirk, and Shue-Medill Middle Schools. Joseph Davis of Gauger-Cobbs Middle School, Nicolas Sharpe of Kirk Middle School, and Brian Green of Shue-Medill Middle School were recognized by the Christina Board of Education at its meeting on September 10. Downes Elementary School teacher Philip Bates was also recognized as one of the coaches for the team.
Congratulations to these student athletes for representing our school district, community, and state so well.
News this Week from High Schools 
Glasgow High School Red Dragon Marching Band Participates in 2013 Wilmington Labor Day Parade
Four Glasgow High School Students Selected as 2013-2014 GHS DelOne Tellers
The following Banking III students have been selected as the 2013-2014 Glasgow High School DelOne tellers: Grant Furrowh, Ryan Kohler, Tiffany Sewell and William Smith. The selected students began their DelOne training on September 10.
Newark High School Student Named National Merit Scholarship Program Semi-Finalist
On September 11, officials of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the names of approximately 16,000 semi-finalists in the 59th Annual National Merit Scholarship Program. The list included Newark High School senior Jakub Simacek. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million that will be offered in the spring of 2014. Semi-finalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 90% of the semi-finalists are expected to attain finalist standing, and more than half of the finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar title.
Newark and Conrad High School Field Hockey Teams
Honor Heroes of 9/11
Newark High School and Conrad Schools of Science field hockey teams took a moment before beginning the Yellowjackets home opener on September 11 to honor the American heroes of 9/11. Conrad pulled out a hard fought 2-1 battle on a very hot and humid afternoon. We wish the field hockey team good luck in the remainder of their season.
Newark High PTSA Seeks Donations for Annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon
The Newark High School (NHS) PTSA is hosting a welcome back "Picnic in the Park (Library)" Luncheon for the NHS staff on September 27. Help is needed to make this another successful event. There are several ways you can help out: sign-up to donate food items, donate your time, or possibly make a cash donation. Please take a moment to review the sign-up slots of requested items.
Monetary donations can be dropped off at the main office marked and checks payable to "NHS -PTSA". Food donations (clearly label containers to be returned) may be dropped off on the day of the event to Room A-108 from 7:00 am - 10:00 am.
Save the Date...Newark High School All Class Reunion
Scheduled for November 30
Save the Date! The Newark High School Alumni Association will be holding an "All Class Reunion" on Saturday, November 30 beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Deer Park Tavern in Newark. You may pay at the door, but the Alumni Association is asking for you to RSVP here so they know how many folks to plan for.
$10.00 per person (proceeds benefit the NHS Alumni Scholarship Fund)
Cash bar and Hors d'oeuvres.
Calendar Reminders 
Thursday, September 12
Saturday, September 14
- 10:00 am-4:00 pm: First Annual Vendor Fair at McVey Elementary School [more]
Sunday, September 15
- City of Newark Community Day
Tuesday, September 17
Wednesday, September 18
- 6:30-9:30 pm: Board of Education Workshop, Gauger-Cobbs Middle School Staff Development Room, 50 Gender Road, Newark
Thursday, September 19
Tuesday, September 24
- 6:00-7:30 pm: CSD Continuing Education In Person Registration - ONE NIGHT ONLY [more]
Wednesday, September 25
- 6:00-8:00 pm: Elementary Instrumental Info Night, Shue-Medill Middle School, 1500 Capitol Trail, Newark [more]
Questions or comments regarding the CSDNews may be directed to the Christina School District Public Information Office at 302-552-2670 or feedback@christina.k12.de.us
Christina School District, 600 N. Lombard Street, Wilmington. DE 19801