November 2015 Newsletter
A Note from the Executive Director
Happy Thanksgiving! NMASHBC hopes that all of you have relaxing plans with loved ones for this holiday weekend. So many of you work hard to advance the health needs of children and families, and we at NMASBHC want you to know that this is not thankless work! We are grateful for all you do for New Mexico. We hope you will find the contents of this newsletter useful, but most of all we are sending a message of gratitude to all.
Please let us know what NMASBHC can provide or support as you continue your work. Many thanks!
Nancy Rodriguez
What You'll Find in This Newsletter (click to jump to section)
  • SBHC Highlights
    • Gallup High School SBHC Health Fair
  • SBHC Sponsor Corner
    • Monthly Feature for SBHC Sponsoring Entity Administrators
      • Work Flow Suggestion to Ensure EPSDTs are Reimbursed
  • HSD/Medicaid Resources
    • EPSDT/Comprehensive Wellness Exam Guidance
    • Xerox Support: ICD-10 and NPI Numbers
  • NMASBHC Updates
    • Legislative Advocacy Plans
    • Thanksgiving Outreach
    • Support NMASBHC by Holiday Shopping
      • Gift wrapping for tips at West ABQ Barnes & Noble
      • AmazonSmile
  • Clinic Resources
    • Envision New Mexico Webinar Training Opportunities
    • Counseling Vaccine-Hesitant Families: A Helpful Powerpoint Presentation
    • Head to Toe Abstract Deadline Extended
  • Adolescent Patient Resources
    • Helmet Safety: Remind Your Patients to Stay Safe This Winter
    • NMDOH BrdzNBz Program: Free Resources
highlightsSBHC Highlights
Gallup High School SBHC Hosts Health Fair 
Congratulations to the Gallup High School SBHC, their Coordinator Karen Sharp (pictured below), and their Youth SHAC on a successful Health Fair! On November 3rd, NMASBHC staff were lucky to participate in a Health Fair hosted at Gallup High School and to visit the campus' SBHC. We were warmly greeted by two of the youth SHAC members, Danielle R. Dawes and Lionel Johnson, who shared the flyer they made to promote the event to students (see image below). Many health care and social services agencies were present to share their resources with students and the school community. NMASBHC shared many of the youth health literacy tools that are part of our Youth Health Literacy Guide, and encouraged students to visit their SBHC (see our Program Manager Kim Stanek at our booth below). Karen was kind enough to give us a tour of their clinic, including the warm reception area (see picture below) painted and decorated by other Presbyterian Medical Services (PMS) staff. If you'd like NMASBHC to attend one of your SBHC-sponsored events, please let us know!

cornerSBHC Sponsor Corner
At the suggestion of the NMDOH Office of School and Adolescent Health, NMASBHC has added this monthly feature that includes information critical to SBHC operations that sponsoring entities will want to pay special attention to. If you have ideas or questions for this feature, please let us know! While we encourage you to ALWAYS read this section of the newsletter, we also hope you will check out all resources, especially those related to Medicaid (see below) as you work to make your SBHC financially sustainable.

Work Flow Suggestion to Ensure EPSDTs Are Reimbursed
SBHCs working to ensure that all of their patients receive comprehensive wellness exams and that their agency is reimbursed for that care, may be interested in utilizing the work flow chart developed by OSAH's Kristin Oreskovich: Medicaid will not reimburse for more than one EPSDT in a year, and the year is based on the year of the child's life, NOT the school year. For more, see the information provided by NMHSD below.

hsdHSD/Medicaid Resources
EPSDT/Comprehensive Wellness Exam Guidance
NMHSD has provided guidance for SBHCs regarding the reimbursement regulations and periodicity recommendations for EPSDTs that will be helpful to all SBHCs. Please visit to see the update. There are three tools under November 2015 that can be of help in the delivery and reimbursement for EPSDTs.

Xerox Support: ICD-10 and NPI Numbers 
Xerox is an HSD-contracted entity that provides a number of services and data resources related to Medicaid billing. Two newly advertised tools may be of special interest to SBHCs:
  • Xerox Web Portal NPI Search Feature: clinics seeking the correct NPI Number for their clinic or provider, may search the portal by name or NPI to determine if a provider is actively enrolled in fee-for-service (FFS) and/or through a managed care organization. No secure sign-in is required for this new service. This feature is located on the left navigation of the Provider Login and Provider Information pages. Visit: to use the service.
  • As of 10/1/15, Xerox also has new Provider ICD-10 Support Contact Information to accommodate Provider related ICD-10 inquiries. Business hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday and Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. General ICD-10 Questions and Issues: Xerox PR Call Center 1-800-299-7304 Option 7 or locally at 505-246-0710.
nmasbhcNMASBHC Updates
Legislative Advocacy Plans 
NMASBHC is proud to announce that Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino is sponsoring a bill to add $550,000 to the NMDOH budget for additional service hours at SBHCs; this bill was endorsed by the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee last week. If you believe, as we at NMASBHC do, that extra hours of clinical care for children at SBHCs could help our state, please take the time to call your legislator between now and the legislative session to ask them to support this bill. If you have questions about who your legislator is or need other information about the bill, please feel free to contact us. Every dollar spent on SBHCs brings $7.01 back to New Mexico!

NMASBHC Thanksgiving Outreach
Many of you will have already received a Thanksgiving card from our staff and Board by the publishing of this newsletter; we hope you know how grateful we are for your work. We want all SBHCs and partners to know that we sent similar cards of thanks to every principal and superintendent in the state with an SBHC. We also sent cards to every state legislator with an SBHC in his/her district to let them know about the good work happening with their constituents. We hope this will generate additional awareness and interest in these constituencies about the school-based health care movement!

Support NMASBHC by Holiday Shopping

NMASBHC is a non-profit organization, and we are constantly seeking donations to support our work. If you value what we do, we encourage you to make our organization a part of any end-of-year donations you may make. If you are unable to do so, we hope you will consider the opportunities below to support our work:

Gift Wrapping for Tips at West ABQ Barnes & Noble
If you'll be doing any holiday shopping this weekend in Albuquerque, please consider stopping by the Barnes & Noble on the west side of town near Cottonwood Mall. Between 10:00am and 2:00pm on Sunday, November 29th, Board members and volunteers from NMASBHC will be wrapping gifts for tips. If you have any questions, feel free to email

If you do any shopping on, you can participate in a passive fundraising effort in which NMASBHC participates year-round. If you're shopping at, .5% of your eligible Amazon purchase can go back to NMASBHC when you make it through: Set this up as your default Amazon account page for easy shopping. Many of the eligible items are also eligible for Prime shipping.  

clinicClinic Resources and Opportunities
Envision New Mexico Launches New Webinar Series
Envision New Mexico and NMASBHC are partnering to present a new webinar series focused on the information that SBHC and GRADS staff need in order to best serve Expectant and Parenting Teens. The series was launched with a November webinar focused on Legal Rights for Youth and Expectant/Parenting Teens. If you missed the webinar but are still interested in viewing it and getting the 0.5 CME/CEU credit offered, you can watch the recorded session and pass the quiz through the online learning platform called Moodle. Visit under November 2015 for a downloadable instruction sheet for use of Moodle. All future GRADS series webinars will be available through Moodle within the week after they have taken place live. For more information about the series, view or download the flyer at under October 2015 or visit and visit the calendar for listings of all webinars.

Counseling Vaccine-Hesitant Families: A Helpful PowerPoint Presentation
If you counsel parents about which vaccines their children need and when, you may be interested in Dr. William Dehority's powerpoint presentation about working with vaccine-hesitant families. This powerpoint, presented at a recent New Mexico Immunization Coalition meeting, may be helpful:

2016 Head to Toe Conference Abstract Deadline Extended!
December 5th is the NEW deadline for submitting abstracts for the 2016 Head to Toe Conference. Here's a note from the conference planners, inviting you to present at the 20th Annual Conference:

"You are invited to share your expertise at Head to Toe: a conference for people working to improve student health and academic success. New Mexico's school health personnel need you to share your cutting-edge information, success stories, and best practices at the 20th Annual Head to Toe Conference, April 20-22 in Albuquerque, NM. The Call for Presentations is now open. We are accepting applications from people like you - people who work in our schools, with educators, healthcare providers, and youth. People who are experts in their fields, people who know the issues and people who can recommend solutions. Submitting an application is simple - all it takes is a few clicks. Information and instructions are all included in the Head to Toe Call for Presentations website: Questions? The conference management office is available at (505) 266-3451 or" 
adolescentAdolescent Patient Resources
Helmet Safety: Remind Your Patients to Stay Safe This Winter
If your SBHC sees students involved in sports or other outdoor activities, you may be concerned about concussions. A variety of sports and outdoor activities that young people love can contribute to head injuries. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons the top 10 sports for head injuries in kids 14 and under are cycling, football, baseball/softball, basketball, skateboards/scooters, water sports, soccer, powered recreational vehicles, winter sports and trampolines. As students head out for winter break encourage them to use helmets when doing these activities, and encourage families to buy helmets if they'll be buying holiday presents related to these sports. Here are some tips related to helmets to share with patients:  
1) Fit is critical: it should be the right size for the person, should never rock forward, back or side-to-side, and the rim should be about two finger-widths above the eyebrows. The helmet should touch the head at all contact points, and the child should never be able to tip the helmet back..
2) The helmet should meet U.S. Consumer Product Safety standards, and this is designated by a CPSC label on the helmet.
3) The straps should always be snug and form a V under the ears.
4) If a helmet was in a crash, it must be replaced as it no longer provides the same level of protection.

NMDOH Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource: Free BrdzNBz New Mexico Tools
Help families get the right information about sexual health when you're not available to answer their questions (or if they are just a little too shy to ask).The BrdsNBz text line offers free, anonymous, and real-time responses for teens and parents across New Mexico who have questions about puberty, sexual health, and healthy relationships. Teens will receive medically accurate and values neutral answers from a certified health educator as well as referrals to local clinics in their communities. The service is available in either English or Spanish. All teens have to do is text NMTeen to 66746 to opt in and then start asking questions! Consult DOH Family Planning for more information about the parent line.
If you need a new way to reach teens regarding sexual health consider ordering free BrdsNBz materials. They have posters, palm cards, pens, notepads, and bookmarks! If interested, you may email Kate Daniel at If you have specific questions regarding the BrdsNBz service, you can also contact our Program Manager for Constituent Services, Kim Stanek at