October 2015 Newsletter
A Note from the Executive Director
Happy Halloween! NMASHBC hopes that all of you have survived the specter of ICD-10 this month, and that you will celebrate by enjoying that extra hour of sleep this weekend. As we all get ready to "fall back," our organization wants to let you know that we are always pushing forward to advance the school-based health movement. A big part of that is partnering with you to hear your needs, provide support, and share tools and best practices. I hope this newsletter does that; read on for information we think can be of great help.

NMASBHC wants to send another thank you to all of the SBHCs that submitted their directory update forms in our second push for completion! We hope you all have received your gift cards, and we're excited to share some stories about what our $100 gift card winners did with their windfall (Congratulations Crownpoint High SBHC and Santa Rosa SBHC!). For those of you who still need to submit your forms, please do so asap. You still have the chance to receive a $10 gift card for your clinic. Please visit: http://www.nmasbhc.org/SBHC_Locator.html to download update forms and submit them if you haven't already.
Please let us know if there are other tools that NMASBHC can provide or support that we may offer. Many thanks!
Nancy Rodriguez
What You'll Find in This Newsletter (click to jump to section)
  • SBHC Highlights
    • Crownpoint and Santa Rosa SBHC Gift Card Ideas
    • Grant Middle School SBHC Scavenger Hunt
  • SBHC Sponsor Corner
    • Official New Mexico SBHC Definition and Defining Characteristics
    • Comprehensive Wellness Exam/EPSDT Resource and Reminder
  • HSD/Medicaid Resources
    • Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Trainings Available in November
    • Xerox Support: ICD-10 and NPI Numbers
  • NMASBHC Updates
    • SBHC Return on Investment: Updated Report Now Available
    • NMASBHC Youth Health Literacy Guide Now Available
    • SBHC Directory - Update Your SBHC Information for the Official Directory
  • Clinic Resources
    • Envision New Mexico Webinar Training Opportunity
    • Head to Toe Abstracts Due Soon! Share Your Best Practices!
  • Adolescent Patient Resources
    • November 10th is Thanks, Birth Control Day
highlightsSBHC Highlights
Crownpoint and Santa Rose SBHC Gift Card Ideas

Congratulations to the two SBHCs who submitted their Directory Update forms by September 21st and won the drawings for $100 Amazon gift cards: Crownpoint SBHC and Santa Rosa SBHC! We asked those clinics to share what they're doing with the gift cards in hopes that their activities will be great ideas that others can replicate in their clinics:

Santa Rosa: Promotion and Marketing 
The Santa Rosa SBHC will be using their gift card to buy a number of promotional items that they'll use to drive students into their clinic to increase the number of students they serve overall in the school.

Crownpoint: Early Literacy 
Many SBHCs serve preschool and elementary-aged children, and many Indian Health Services-sponsored SBHCs participate in a national initiative called Reach Out and Read in order to encourage early literacy. Crownpoint SBHC Nurse Practitioner Laura Veal, shared the following with us: 
 "In addition to being a school based health coordinator in the Eastern Navajo Agency and working at Crownpoint Hospital, I am also the coordinator of our Service Unit's Reach Out and Read program (http://www.reachoutandread.org/) where we try and encourage early pediatric literacy by giving out children's books at well child visits, ages 6 months to 6 yrs. After all, research shows that early literacy makes for better health outcomes later in life! I love being a part of this program, and our patients are extremely grateful for it. Some of our patients live 2 hours from the nearest place to buy children's books. Also a few of our patients still grow up speaking Navajo as their 1st language so giving out books helps with the transition to English for school. However, the ROR grant was quite limited in both age and type of visit. We were not supposed to give out books if children are over 6, if they are here for a sick visit, or if they are staying in our inpatient unit. And now our Reach Out and Read funding has run out entirely due to budget cuts. But the books have become an integral part of the visit, helping to gauge development, teach parent - child interaction, and most of all, grow healthier young minds. So every day we piece together new ways to keep the program going - at this point our budget for the last 2 years has consisted primarily of personal donations from the clinic staff and visiting med students and a very interesting selection of books donated by publishing houses. This month our $100 gift card got us 50 Little Golden Books for which we are very thankful!"

Grant Middle School SBHC Scavenger Hunt

Ruth Williams, YDI Policy Director, generously shared the following story about an event that YDI is having at each of their sponsored SBHCs in order to educate students about their clinics services. Read on to see how you can steal this great idea, and see below some great photos of the enthusiastic student participants!

"The scavenger hunt was on at Grant Middle School in Albuquerque, a YDI-Elev8 New Mexico full-service community school, on October 21. The first stop: find the school-based health center. More than 30 students scrambled throughout the school over lunch in search of items on the scavenger hunt list. The prize for each participant was four tickets for food, games and fun at the school's Fall Festival on the following Friday. Planned by Grant's School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), the hunt was designed to introduce students to staff from First Nations Community HealthSource, the new provider at YDI-Elev8's school-based health center. Said Tish Howard, YDI-Elev8's community engagement coordinator at Grant, "I asked a lot of the kids if they had visited the school-based health center. Many said the center is new to them. It was good to get the word out in a fun way." First Nations began seeing students at the center on October 14."

cornerSBHC Sponsor Corner
At the suggestion of the NMDOH Office of School and Adolescent Health, NMASBHC has added this monthly feature that includes information critical to SBHC operations that sponsoring entities will want to pay special attention to. If you have ideas or questions for this feature, please let us know! While we encourage you to ALWAYS read this section of the newsletter, we also hope you will check out all resources, especially those related to Medicaid (see below) as you work to make your SBHC financially sustainable.

Official New Mexico SBHC Definition and Defining Characteristics

Through funding provided as part of an NMDOH contract, the New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care convened a work group that met over the past year to create an official New Mexico SBHC Definition and Defining Characteristics document. The document is now formally adopted and is available for public dissemination at www.nmashbc.org/news.html. This definition can be of great help to policymakers and SBHC sponsors as we work toward best practices for our state. NMASBHC is now engaged in the next level of that work and will release a set of higher level criteria for exemplary SBHCs in 2016. That criteria will be used to formally recognize SBHCs in an event in 2016. Watch our website and future newsletters for more details!

Comprehensive Wellness Exam/EPSDT Resource and Reminder 
The provision of EPSDTs to patients of SBHCs is the key performance measure for which NMDOH-contracted SBHCs are being asked to make improvements. Please visit www.nmasbhc.org/news.html and download the Superpower Flyers from 2015 Head to Toe conference, which include a document with tips on increasing the numbers of comprehensive wellness exams. Sponsors of SBHCs should also read closely a recent communication from OSAH Director, Yolanda Montoya-Cordova; in this email she lays out some key opportunities that SBHC data reveals:
  • Many females with reproductive health visits did not have a comprehensive well exam at the SBHC. SBHCs could invite these patients back for the exam.
  • Some students received a sports physical but not a comprehensive well exam; SBHCs could invite these patients back for the exam.
  • Many patients who received a behavioral health visit did not have a comprehensive well exam at the SBHC; SBHCs could invite these patients back for the exam.
hsdHSD/Medicaid Resources
NM Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Determiner Training Available in November

The PED Training sessions for Presumptive Eligibility Application Assistants have resumed. Please follow the links below to register for the two trainings offered in November.
Session 2: November 17, 2015 https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/6858609867922232834

Seating is limited and space is available on a first come, first served basis. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will include instructions on how to join the training on its scheduled date and time.
If you have any questions regarding entities qualified to participate as PEDs, the PED certification process or for more information on training sessions being scheduled for future months, please e-mail us at: HSD.PEDeterminers@state.nm.us or call 505-476-7151.

Xerox Support: ICD-10 and NPI Numbers

Xerox is an HSD-contracted entity that provides a number of services and data resources related to Medicaid billing. Two newly advertised tools may be of special interest to SBHCs:
  • Xerox Web Portal NPI Search Feature: clinics seeking the correct NPI Number for their clinic or provider, may search the portal by name or NPI to determine if a provider is actively enrolled in fee-for-service (FFS) and/or through a managed care organization. No secure sign-in is required for this new service. This feature is located on the left navigation of the Provider Login and Provider Information pages. Visit: https://nmmedicaid.acs-inc.com/static/ProviderInformation.htm to use the service.
  • As of 10/1/15, Xerox also has new Provider ICD-10 Support Contact Information to accommodate Provider related ICD-10 inquiries. Business hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday and Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. General ICD-10 Questions and Issues: Xerox PR Call Center 1-800-299-7304 Option 7 or locally at 505-246-0710.
nmasbhcNMASBHC Updates
SBHC Return on Investment: Updated Report Now Available

NMASBHC is proud to share two documents which detail the outstanding value of dollars spent on school-based health services. If you are looking for information to share with schools, sponsors, legislators, policymakers or others about how their investment in SBHCs is good for New Mexico, check out our Expected Value-Return On Investment documents. On our website, www.nmasbhc.org/news.html, or by clicking here, you can find the full report that shows the evaluation methods, measures and New Mexico data description as well as a one-page summary. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Every dollar spent on SBHCs brings $7.01 back to New Mexico! 

NMASBHC Youth Health Literacy Guide Now Available

This PED-funded tool was created to support SBHCs and GRADS teachers and case managers as they educate young patients and students about how to navigate the health care system, with special chapters that focus on the needs of expectant and parenting teens. The guide was expressly created as a collection of separate tools so that providers, teachers, patients, students and any other interested parties can use individual parts or the whole to meet their needs for information. While the primary aim is to support those working with expectant and parenting teens, SBHCs will find many health literacy tools that are applicable to all youth who need to learn about the health care system. The tool is available for download at www.nmasbhc.org/news.html.

Help Us Update the NM SBHC Directory!

NMASBHC works every fall to update the NM SBHC Directory to include accurate information about our state's SBHCs. This is a critical resource for community members seeking care and for legislators hoping to learn more about SBHCs as we advocate for policies and funding that support your work. How can you help? Complete the update form located here: http://www.nmasbhc.org/SBHC_Locator.html and submit either by email to nancyrodrigueznmasbhc@gmail.com or by mail to NMASBHC, 3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Suite 288, Albuquerque, NM 87120. To thank you for your participation, every SBHC that submits their form after September 21st will receive a $10 gift card to Wal-Mart. 
clinicClinic Resources and Opportunities
Envision New Mexico Launches New Webinar Series

Envision New Mexico and NMASBHC are partnering to present a new webinar series focused on the information that SBHC and GRADS staff need in order to best serve Expectant and Parenting Teens. Envision will be launching the series with a November webinar focused on Legal Rights for Youth and Expectant/Parenting Teens. For more information about the series, view or download the flyer at http://www.nmasbhc.org/news.html or visit www.envisionnm.org and visit the calendar for listings of all webinars.

2016 Head to Toe Conference Abstracts Due Soon! Share Your Best Practices!

November 16th is the deadline for submitting abstracts for the 2016 Head to Toe Conference. Here's a note from the conference planners, inviting you to present at the 20th Annual Conference:

"You are invited to share your expertise at Head to Toe: a conference for people working to improve student health and academic success. New Mexico's school health personnel need you to share your cutting-edge information, success stories, and best practices at the 20th Annual Head to Toe Conference, April 20-22 in Albuquerque, NM. The Call for Presentations is now open. We are accepting applications from people like you - people who work in our schools, with educators, healthcare providers, and youth. People who are experts in their fields, people who know the issues and people who can recommend solutions. Submitting an application is simple - all it takes is a few clicks. Information and instructions are all included in the Head to Toe Call for Presentations website. The deadline to submit is Monday, November 16, 2015. Questions? The conference management office is available at (505) 266-3451 or H2T@KessJones.com." 
adolescentAdolescent Patient Resources
November 10th is Thanks, Birth Control Day

If your SBHC is striving to serve the birth control education needs of patients, National Birth Control Day is an excellent opportunity to promote accurate information and resources. Here are two resources that SBHCs can utilize in such an effort:

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy 
Thanks, Birth Control is a social media campaign that asks everyone to publicly support birth control and all that it makes possible for individuals and society. The National Campaign has as its goal with this effort to turn up the volume and turn down the controversy on birth control. They are asking communities and individuals to speak up, dispel myths, share facts, and mobilize friends and colleagues to say #ThxBirthControl.
What's the point? 
Well...birth control matters, especially for young people: The ability to plan, prevent, and space pregnancies is directly linked to benefits to women, men, children, and society, including more educational and economic opportunities, healthier babies, more stable families, and reduced taxpayer burden.

http://thenationalcampaign.org/resource/thanks-birth-control-2015 for more information and great resources to support Thanks, Birth Control Day.

NMDOH Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource: Free BrdzNBz New Mexico Tools
Help families get the right information about sexual health when you're not available to answer their questions (or if they are just a little too shy to ask).The BrdsNBz text line offers free, anonymous, and real-time responses for teens and parents across New Mexico who have questions about puberty, sexual health, and healthy relationships. Teens will receive medically accurate and values neutral answers from a certified health educator as well as referrals to local clinics in their communities. The service is available in either English or Spanish. All teens have to do is text NMTeen to 66746 to opt in and then start asking questions! Consult DOH Family Planning for more information about the parent line.
If you need a new way to reach teens regarding sexual health consider ordering free BrdsNBz materials. They have posters, palm cards, pens, notepads, and bookmarks! Click here for an order form. You can submit order forms to the DOH Family Planning Program fax at 505-476-8898, or you may email Angelique Peterson at angelique.peterson@state.nm.us. If you have specific questions regarding the BrdsNBz service, you can also contact our Program Manager for Constituent Services, Kim Stanek at kimstanek.nmasbhc@gmail.com.