Newsletter April 2016
Thank YOU for Making the 2016 Indiana Summit on Out-of-School Learning a Great Success! 

The 2016 Summit Planning Team sends much gratitude to all of the sponsors, participants, presenters, exhibitors and volunteers for helping to make the 2016 Summit a productive and exciting experience for all! What a team! Thank you! Stay tuned this summer for 2017 dates!

#IANsummit2016 Storify: We've created the story of this year's Summit using YOUR photos and tweets from social media. Check out the conference highlights HERE.
April 25-29 is the First Ever Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week! 
Here is your chance to show your appreciation for all of the afterschool professionals across the nation who are dedicated to enriching children's lives during out-of-school time programs. 
An estimated 10.2 million children participate in afterschool programs each year. Today, afterschool programs are viewed as much more than just childcare. They are widely credited as the way to enhance education in STEM, literacy, the arts, social and emotional learning, health and wellness, and more. With that demand comes increased responsibility on the estimated 850,000 professionals who are making a difference in the lives of our children. 
Join the movement. Celebrate the #HeartofAfterschool  Learn more

State Senator Dennis Kruse Named to NAA's Most Influential in State and Local Government
These state and local government officials are distinguished for being strong advocates and supporters of afterschool and out-of-school time programs. Their service, research and action in local government influence and affect large numbers of children and families. Sen. Kruse authored the first afterschool funding bill in many years for the state of Indiana. He includes "afterschool" in his top ten education priorities and has used his position to be a key champion over the past three years. 

"I think the greatest effect of afterschool programs is that they provide a space to meet students' unique needs. I am a huge advocate of these programs because they provide an alternative setting for students to develop academically, socially and creatively, helping them improve in and out of the classroom. It's important that before-school and afterschool programs maintain their presence in schools, and I will continue to support them in Indiana and across the nation." - Senator Dennis Kruse

Upcoming Regional Afterschool Network Meetings 

Afterschool Tippecanoe 
April 27 10 AM 
Tippecanoe Arts Federation 
638 North Street Lafayette, IN 47901 

Now We're Involved NWI Afterschool & Out of School Network 
April 26 10 AM CT 
Safe Harbor 
100 Manny Court Michigan City, IN 46360 

Morgan CAN 
May 4 10 AM 
Morgan County Community Foundation 
56 N Main St Martinsville, IN 46151

Indiana Youth Institute offers FREE proposal review
If you're applying for a grant, submit your proposal and an IYI consultant will offer you free feedback to strengthen your submission. More HERE.

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program Request For Proposals (RFP) to be released by the Indiana Department of Education in August 2016 
Various RFP workshops will be held across the state this June. The workshops will discuss the upcoming RFP, Best Practices and provide training on how to align 21st CCLC programs with school day education. Click HERE to see the schedule.

Indiana Kids
Serve Indiana is pleased to announce Indiana Kids, a funding opportunity made possible through the Family and Social Services Agency's (FSSA) -Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding. The purpose of TANF is to 1) provide assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes 2) end the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work, and marriage 3) prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establish annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies 4) encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. Organizations pursuing Indiana Kids funding will focus on TANF priority 3 and/or 4. Organizations reaching sites in multiple counties are highly encouraged to apply.
DUE May 27. Amount varies.

The Playlists for Learning Challenge is now accepting applications Apply by May 13th @ 5pm PST. $700,000 will be awarded to projects that create innovative connected learning playlists. Awards from $50,000 to $125,000

Education-Workforce Partnership Planning Grants 
The Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) is pleased to announce a new planning grant opportunity to aid in the development of education-workforce models. This funding (up to $20,000) may be used for the research of promising practices and the creation of an implementation plan. The Education-Workforce Partnership awardees, with technical assistance from CELL, will use promising models of education-workforce alignment to design an implementation plan that will be eligible for further funding in 2017. Implementation plans could include robust Early College career and technical education centers, polytechnic models, academy models, or more organically developed customized approaches (See Request for Proposals below for further details).
Application Due Date: 4 p.m. EST, May 6, 2016 

The NEA Foundation is inviting applications for its Learning and Leadership Grants program. The program provides support to public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education through grants to individuals to fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences such as summer institutes or action research; or to groups for collegial study (including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for new faculty or staff). To be eligible, applicants must be a public school educator in grades Pre-K-12; a public school education support professional; or faculty and staff members at a public institution of higher education. Preference will be given to members of the National Education Association. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study. All $5,000 group grant applicants must include partner information. Deadlines for applications are due February 1, June 1, and October 15.
IU Health Strong Schools
Would you like to add 30 minutes of physical activity to your elementary students' day and help build their academic success? Because healthier and more active kids tend to learn better, IU Health will provide 30 IU Health Strong Schools grants to elementary schools in the 15 counties that house an IU Health hospital across the state. The following IU Health Strong Schools grants are available:

- $1500 IU Health Stronger Schools (Focus on students & staff) - Grants include Fitnessgram software to collect wellness metrics.
- $3000 IU Health Strongest Schools (Focus on students, staff & community) - Grants include Fitnessgram software to collect wellness metrics.

Application deadline: Monday, May 2, 2016. More info HERE.

The Safeway Foundation supports nonprofit organizations whose mission is aligned with four priority areas: hunger relief, education, health and human services, and assisting people with disabilities. All organizations funded by The Safeway Foundation must serve the community where we operate stores. Amount: Varies. Deadline: Quarterly.

Walmart Foundation: Community Grant Program
Through the annual program, grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded to local nonprofit organization within the service area of individual Walmart stores. Grants will be awarded in the areas of hunger relief and healthy eating, sustainability, women's economic empowerment, and/or career opportunities. Due December 31st. 

Target Field Trip Grants
Deadline: August 1 - September 30, 2016 It's become increasingly difficult for schools to fund learning opportunities outside the classroom. To help them out, Target launched Field Trip Grants in 2007. Since then, they've made it possible for millions of students to go on a field trips. Each grant is valued up to $700. More info HERE.

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA.) The fund awards grants to organizations involved in the operation of youth baseball and softball programs and facilities. The mission of BTF is to promote and enhance the growth of youth participation in baseball and softball throughout the world. BTF funds programs, fields, coaches training and uniforms, equipment and other selected program expenses. In addition, BTF provides educational support to grant recipients and applicants, to help organizations become self-sufficient and effective. Rolling deadline. More HERE.

Grant Opportunities: Voices for Healthy Kids
Both opportunities have rolling deadlines and the amount varies. More info HERE.  
Strategic Campaign Funds: (Open RFA grant opportunity) aim to fund strategic issue advocacy campaigns focused on fighting childhood obesity through state, local, and tribal public policy campaigns. The duration of these grants will vary but will generally be 1 year or less. Awards can be made up to $90,000. Applications must be specific to an individual campaign goaled to change public policy in one state, local, or tribal geographic location and must align with one of the six Voices for Healthy Kids policy priorities. Budgets must include one Campaign Coordinator position and a legal contingency of no less than 5% of the operating budget as well as matching funds on behalf of the applicant.
Rapid Response grant opportunities: aim to fund short-term, reactive projects expected to be pushing policies for passage in the next three to six months and must align with one of the six Voices for Healthy Kids policy priorities. These grants provide strategic and supplemental funding for ongoing state, local, and tribal public policy issue campaigns in order to increase public policy impact in the fight against childhood obesity. Rapid Response awards range from $15,000 to $100,000 and project duration is anywhere between two weeks to six months. Funding is for non-lobbying activities only, must include a legal contingency of no less that 5%, and cannot be used for staff salaries.


The Indiana Afterschool Network helps promote and strengthen program quality in out-of-school learning across Indiana.


1.  Use Indiana's Top Ten Quality Standards for OST as a pathway to quality improvement.

2.  Assess your program sites and organization by using the Indiana Quality Program Self-Assessment (IN-QPSA)

3.  Develop your staff using the NEW! Indiana Academy for Out-of-School Learning.  A high quality, online training specifically designed for Out-of-School Time Professionals

This NEW online PD system was created in partnership with the National Afterschool Association and Child Care Aware and offers the latest in training specifically designed for Indiana's before school, after school, school age child care and summer programs.

Benefits to Your Program and Staff:
*    Professional Development anytime, anywhere!
*    36 Best Practice Learning Modules (2 hours each)
*    Aligned with IN Afterschool Standards and IN Youth Development Credential (IYD)
*    In-depth curriculum content, interactivity and rich visuals
*    Useful resources and real life scenarios
*    Pre- and Post-tests
*    Certificates and User accounts to track progress
*    Customer Service
*    Technical Assistance

Thanks to a generous grant from Lilly Endowment.
For more information:
Contact Bri Gaston-Bell
The STEM Connection is a non-profit corporation aimed at facilitating outdoor and hands-on science, technology, engineering and math experiences at Moore Road Farm and other educational sites. The STEM Connection 30 acre outdoor learning site at Moore Road Farm is located conveniently on the northwest side of Indianapolis in the Traders Point Rural Historic District. The ecosystems of the farm include deciduous forest, Eagle Creek, fields of crops and a garden open for exploration and learning. Programming is connected with ongoing conservation projects that honor the land and waterways of Indiana. The STEM Connection programming includes field trips, after school clubs, summer camps and traveling STEM experiences.
Open House Thursday, April 28 - 3:30 - 5:30 pm Moore Road Farm, 8407 Moore Road, Indianapolis
For more information, visit 

First Robotics State Championship
Friday, April 15 - 10:30 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday, April 16 - 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Kokomo Memorial Gymnasium, 200 N. Apperson Way, Kokomo, IN
At more than 125 events around the world this season, Alliances of three robots are on a Quest to breach their opponents' fortifications, weaken their tower with boulders, and capture their tower. Watch Indiana high school robotics teams on their quest to conquer the 2016 FRC Challenge: FIRST Stronghold. Contact: Cost: Free and open to the public! 

1st MakerSpace Summer Programs - discounts 
When registering for 1st MakerSpace 3D Design and Printing summer camp programs at  - put in the IAN25 code to receive a $25 discount.

Eleven Fifty Academy and their partners are looking forward to delivering "Cool Coding Awareness Week" to 20 Indiana communities over the next year.
"Cool Coding Awareness Week" is an interactive week-long initiative that teaches students the concepts of coding and equips them with the tools and support necessary to continue their coding learning through a trained community educator. To find to more about having your communities considered as one of the 20, visit: 

Magnify Learning PBL workshops will be held June 20-23.
Columbus - Columbus Signature Academy New Tech High School
Plymouth - Riverside Intermediate School
Indianapolis, Chapel Hill 7th/8th Grade Center
These workshops are open to all educators, K-16. We encourage you to bring a group from your school or organization, including administrators, in order to lay the framework for a collaborative PBL system designed to meet your particular school culture and needs. Go to  for details and to register.

The Indiana Conservation Challenge: A Project Based Learning Initiative  The Indianapolis Zoo wants to inspire students and teachers to take part in local conservation projects through Project Based Learning and Service Learning projects. Our friends at Valley Mills Elementary in Decatur Township have started a recycling initiative to help Indiana wildlife. Learn what you and your students can do to take part in the Challenge HERE.   

Afterschool Alliance list of STEM funding

Indiana Department of Education STEM School Certification Program
For details on the process to earn the IDOE designation of a STEM School, follow THIS LINK Note that, to be certified as an IDOE STEM school, a school must offer an afterschool program in STEM.
Connect & collaborate with STEM programs through The Connectory!
With the launch of The Connectory, it's easier than ever for kids to connect with STEM programs and opportunities, and for STEM practitioners to collaborate, develop partnerships, and share resources. This free online collaboration tool gives STEM program providers a chance to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families. Families, in turn, have a free, go-to resource to connect the children in their lives to STEM learning opportunities in their community.   
NASA Ignite! Free Curriculum and Training in Indiana
You don't have to be a STEM expert to facilitate fun, hands-on activities to help kids learn about survival in space, how to train like an astronaut, rocketry, and much more. NASA Ignite provides free staff training and easy to implement curricula, games, and videos for afterschool, summer and in-school learning. Each activity gives you a lesson plan, list of supplies, and estimated preparation/implementation time.. Activities are geared toward youth in grades 4-9, but can be modified for any grade level. Contact the NASA Ignite! team to learn more and get started. Visit the Ignite! Dashboard for upcoming events, free training materials, webinars, lesson plans, and more.
2016 Postsecondary Counseling Institute presented by Kroger
Thursday, June 16, 2016 - Friday, June 17, 2016
Westin Indianapolis Hotel 50 South Capitol Ave, Indianapolis
The Postsecondary Counseling Institute is an intensive two-day conference designed to give school counselors, mentoring organizations and others who guide youth on their education options after high school the skills and tools they need to help their students explore a wide range of education options after high school, from traditional four-year colleges to apprenticeship programs.
All participants will receive a free digital copy of College Board's College Counseling SourceBook 7th Edition (a $60 value), provided on a USB drive, as well as tons of useful skills to help them better counsel their students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days.
More info HERE

Summer Honors is an Indiana State University program that enables high school students to explore an academic interest, experience campus life and earn University credit. The program will be held July 17 - 23, 2016. Students will have the opportunity to live in a residence hall and take one of twenty college-level seminars being offered that week. Applications and more details are available at  

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education is a 14-member public body created in 1971 to define the missions of Indiana's colleges and universities, plan and coordinate the state's postsecondary education system, and ensure that Indiana's higher education system is aligned to meet the needs of students and the state. Full report HERE.

New 21st Century Scholar Resource Available! The purpose of the Community Partner Training Manual is to provide schools, youth serving organizations, colleges and volunteers with tools, guidance and information to best support 21st Century Scholars. Click here for additional Scholar resources available on our website.
With most public and private public not-fot-profit colleges and universities in Indiana incorporating online degree programs there are even more opportunities to pursue higher education. has researched and published many valuable resources that can help students and their families discover everything that is available. Here are some highlighted tools that students should review:  
Connecting Learning & Life
Naviance is a comprehensive college and career readiness solution for middle and high schools that helps align student strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, and improve student outcomes.

ISM College Planning promotes educated decision making for higher education choices to students, families and counselors. Strong choices before college are the best way to limit debt after college. For over 30 years, the goal of ISM has been to provide students and their parents with solutions to help put higher education within reach. To learn more about ISM College Planning please contact us via email, phone, or in person.

Indiana Department of Education Office of College and Career Readiness This site will provide you with helpful information regarding the new Indiana Academic Standards, as well as information about content subject areas, Career and Technical Education, STEM and eLearning. What does it mean to be college and career ready? In Indiana, this is defined as an individual who has the knowledge, skills and abilities to succeed in post-secondary education and economically viable career opportunities.

The Commission for Higher Education's Outreach Staff are looking to connect with community leaders, volunteers, community-based organizations, college partners and school leaders to trainings and support on enrolling students into the 21st Century Scholars Program, guiding Scholars in the Scholar Success Program requirements and utilizing Learn More Indiana's resources around college planning and career success. To learn more about training and partnership opportunities within your community, please contact your Regional Outreach Coordinator.   

* Visit Learn More Indiana's NEW website:   
* To track your LMI shipment order visit the "Educators" tab on the Learn More Indiana website or go to: 
* Counselors and Partners who are in need of Learn More Indiana resources can request materials by completing the following request form. Learn More Indiana Material Request Form. 

Indiana Youth Institute's Trip to College Alerts program provides students, parents and youth-serving professionals with the most up-to-date information about preparing for college. Subscribers to this FREE service receive three to four texts per month with reminders about deadlines for tests, applications and financial aid, tips to prepare for college and encouragement to stay on track with postsecondary goals. To sign up, text grad + the student's graduation year (ie: "grad2015") to 69979.
Professional Development Grants from IYI
IYI offers professional development grants of up to $750 to help youth-serving professionals pay for the registration cost and hotel or travel costs associated with a professional development opportunity. Submit an application by the tenth of the month to receive a decision by the first of the following month. More HERE.

Indiana Youth Institute FREE webinar, "The Psychology of College Readiness and Persistence: Applying Key Research Findings in your Work to Help More of your Students Reach their Educational Goals
April 27, 2016
More than 65 percent of Hoosier students enter college the fall semester after high school graduation, but only 25 percent of those graduate on time, and only 44 percent graduate at all. Why do some succeed, while others do not? Dr. Monica Heller will discuss the most influential factors impacting college student success. 1-2:30 PM (EDT) Register HERE.

Camptown First Aid Training 
 You can gain the skills and confidence to act in an emergency.  Every year millions of people learn how to help their families, co-workers and neighbors with courses in First Aid, CPR, and AED.  Whether you choose the basic Heart Saver program which includes First Aid, CPR, & AED for Adult, Child, & Infant or you need the Basic Life Support for Healthcare Workers Camptown can meet your training needs.  Camptown offers deeply discounted First Aid & CPR training for schools, churches, camps and other, not for profit organizations.  For more information, please contact us at

Building blocks for starting a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on April 30 from 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Central Library (40 E. St. Clair St.), Indianapolis
This workshop walks you through the steps to defining your mission, obtaining incorporation and nonprofit status and building an effective board. Learn the characteristics of effective nonprofits and assess whether yours is ready for foundation fundraising. Please bring a sack lunch; during lunch there will be small group work and one-on-one Q&A with the presenter. This workshop is designed for those seeking to establish a nonprofit organization. Free. To register, click here.

Human Trafficking 101 - Indiana and the Nation Webinar
May 27, 2016 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Please join us for "Human Trafficking 101-Indiana and the Nation." This webinar is being held on May 27, 2016 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Eastern Time. For more information, see the attachment or click on the registration link below. To register for this event visit

2016 Indiana School Health Network Conference- June 14 and 15
This year we will Pump Up the Volume, bringing you dynamic speakers, engaging and timely breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and exhibitors with valuable information and resources. Join hundreds of school and health advocates as we become One Voice for Indiana School Health in Indianapolis on June 14 and 15 at the Marriott North located at 3645 River Crossing Parkway.

2016 Postsecondary Counseling Institute presented by Kroger  
Thursday, June 16, 2016 - Friday, June 17, 2016  
Westin Indianapolis Hotel 50 South Capitol Ave, Indianapolis  
The Postsecondary Counseling Institute is an intensive two-day conference designed to give school counselors, mentoring organizations and others who guide youth on their education options after high school the skills and tools they need to help their students explore a wide range of education options after high school, from traditional four-year colleges to apprenticeship programs. 
All participants will receive a free digital copy of College Board's College Counseling SourceBook 7th Edition (a $60 value), provided on a USB drive, as well as tons of useful skills to help them better counsel their students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days.
More info HERE

The Leadership Program Summer Trainings
July 13th and 14th at Conner Prairie Interactive History Park
Many of you know The Leadership Program from their dynamic trainings, but did you know they also have a nationally-recognized, evidence-based leadership curriculum that has been proven to reduce incidents of violence, bullying, and aggression in schools? The Middle and High School student curricula have been recognized by SAMSHA, OJJDP, Crimes.Gov, and others as an effective way to use leadership development as a tool for violence prevention. School districts across the country are getting their staff trained in this curriculum in order to implement it in their schools and programs-why don't you? For more information on how to register, visit: 

Free Domestic Violence 101 and Safe Dates Training for Middle and High School Students
Safe Dates is the only evidence-based curriculum that prevents dating abuse: a factor often linked to alcohol and other drug use. Highly engaging and interactive, Safe Dates helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships. Designated as a Model Program by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. If you or those you know are interested, please contact Amanda Wyneken at Families First Indiana.

The Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network
offers trainings across Indiana on a wide range of nonprofit management topics. The upcoming calendar of workshops and more info here:

Indiana Youth Institute Trainings and Caf�s NEAR YOU
Topics including Technology Safety, Reaching Uninsured Families and others will be provided at various locations in including: Merrillville, South Bend, Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis, Evansville and New Albany.  More info here:


BOOST - Save the Date 
Palm Springs, CA 
April 26 - April 29, 2016 

Registration Open for the 13th Global Youth Justice Training
June 14-16, 2016 Cape Cod, MA
The Global Youth Justice 13th Training Institute is designed for individuals and teams of adults from communities interested in Expanding, Enhancing, Network and Learning about volunteer-driven Youth Justice and Juvenile Justice diversion programs referred to as Teen Court, Youth Court, Student Court, Peer Court and Peer Jury. This 3-Day International Training Institute will include 20+ adult Peer to Peer Training Sessions by participants who volunteer to present in addition to other training topics, and a half day grant writing and funding resources session. For complete details visit our website. 

Join the "Community Schools" movement and Sign-Up for the launch of the FREE mobile app that will help increase engagement and interactions with community partners, families, and schools.
The fall launch of FACEspi will help school and community coordinators by using real time data, innovation, and connectivity to support the whole-child approach to student achievement.
Sign-Up at:

Afterschool Snacks and Meals 2016 Survey
In collaboration with Share Our Strength and the Food Research and Action Center, the Afterschool Alliance is asking program providers like you to participate in this survey about afterschool snacks and meals. This brief survey just takes 15 minutes to fill out, but your insights could help youth for years to come. More than 1 in 3 children in the U.S. are overweight or obese. At the same time, close to 16 million children live in a household without consistent access to food. Afterschool programs play a major role in promoting healthy lifestyles for our youth-through an array of physical activities, nutritious meals and hands-on education.  

Jump IN for Healthy Kids now offers a searchable resource hub full of tips and strategies for organizations striving to create healthier environments for youth. Look for ideas on incorporating physical activity and healthy eating into afterschool programs.  For more tips and strategies tailored to your organization, take the Jump IN Pledge to inspire children and their families to live healthy lives.    

Having the Right Stuff: Hiring High-Quality Summer Camp Staff
Camp season is just around the corner and hiring season is in full swing. How do you know if a potential camp staffer, with little work experience with youth, has what it takes to help campers have a positive and engaging camp experience? NIOST graduate intern Chenine Peloquin discusses the difference between traits and skills and how to define these requirements for staff to be success. Her recent blog article is featured in the online version of Youth Today.  Read more HERE.

Indiana ranked #30 by Assets & Opportunity Scorecard
The 2016 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard released data on Americans' financial security today and their opportunities to create a more financially stable future. The scorecard looks at 130 outcome and policy measures, which describe how well residents are faring and what states are doing to help individuals and families build and protect assets. Some interesting findings from Indiana include: 7% of Indiana households are unbanked, and 17.6% are underbanked; 69% of households have savings accounts; the income poverty rate is 14%; and the asset poverty rate is nearly 24%. View the interactive scorecard, view Indiana data and customize your own Indiana state profile.   

Recommendations for a Thriving Indiana
The IU Public Policy Institute released a new report, Thriving Communities, Thriving State, a compilation report of the work of three independent commissions. Groups of people from rural, suburban and urban communities identified community-based recommendations that require policy decisions at the local, regional and state levels. 

EARN INDIANA- Resource for finding your next afterschool hire!
EARN (Employment Aid Readiness Network) Indiana, launched in Summer 2013, revamped the existing state work-study program. Students with financial need have access to resume-building, experiential, paid internships, while employers receive state matching funds in exchange for hiring these students. EARN Indiana has partnered with Indiana INTERNnet to better match students and employers to maximize each student's academic success and career achievement and to assist employers in finding the perfect fit for their team. EARN Indiana gives students professional experience and networking opportunities, readying them for a career after graduation.

The Children of Indiana Nature Park, A Celebration of the Hoosier Bicentennial,  Coming Summer 2016!
Did you know that kids need nature? They do! Research shows that children who spend time outside are more creative and are better problem solvers. They're healthier, more physically fit, more confident, better test takers, and less stressed!  The Nature Conservancy is inviting schools, libraries and youth-serving organizations to help connect youth to nature by hosting events and activities that focus on nature in Indiana.  The Conservancy is developing a web platform (available June 18, 2016) that will enable libraries, schools, and youth-serving organizations to provide participating K-12 students with honorary deeds to the Children of Indiana Nature Park.  Every K-12 student in Indiana will be eligible to participate in the Indiana Bicentennial by claiming their honorary deed! More information about the project will be provided in upcoming newsletters, as the June 2016 park opening draws nearer.   In the meantime, contact Melissa Moran at or visit for more information about the project.

Unprecedented Access to Thousands of Digital Books
Through the Hoosier Family of Readers initiative, students and their families across the state will have unlimited access to reading material on myON, giving families an opportunity to share rich literacy experiences together regardless of their socioeconomic status or whether or not there is a proficient reader in the home. More info at:    
220 Youth Leadership offers personalized leadership coaching for students in middle school all the way through their senior year in college. Our 1-on-1, group, and online programming helps students define personal success for themselves and teaches our unique goal-setting process to give them the confidence achieve their most challenging goals. Through 220 programs, students set tangible near-term goals around leadership development, academic achievement, and improving communication skills. 220 Youth Leadership is determined to raise each students expectations for themselves so that they can achieve their near-term goals and more importantly, their greatest aspirations in life.

Hoosier Family of Readers, a literacy initiative of Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz and the Indiana Department of Education, encourages all members of the Indiana Afterschool Network to sign up with First Book. First Book is a non-profit social enterprise that distributes tens of millions of new books and educational resources every year to schools and programs serving children in need nationwide. Their mission is to elevate the quality of education by ensuring that educators and organizations like yours get the resources they need to help kids read, learn and succeed. Register with First Book (it's free!) to peruse their site and discover how you can immediately access books for the students you serve:

Accessible High-speed Internet- Connect2Compete (C2C) is a national not for profit initiative through Brighthouse, aimed at bringing students and families nationwide online by providing $9.95/month high-speed Internet, low-cost computers and free digital literacy training. Visit  for more information or to sign up. INTERNET ESSENTIALS, is a Comcast program designed to expand broadband adoption among low-income American households with at least one child eligible to receive free or reduced price school lunches. To learn more or to apply, please call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855�-846�-8376) or visit  

The Office of Child Care's Child Care Technical Assistance Network (CCTAN)
Website featuring a wide range of resources to help communities build integrated child care systems that enable parents to work and promote the health and development of children.

Child Care & Early Education Research Connections provides a continually updated, free, and easily searchable collection of research on child care and early education for researchers and policymakers. The Web site, , provides access to more than 25,000 resources, including original scholarly research, government reports, factsheets and briefs, data sets, and instruments.

The Homework Hotline started in 1991 as a toll-free telephone service. Several online features have been added in recent years, and the iPhone app gives students easier access to Rose-Hulman students that are available as hotline tutors from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday during the school year. Supported by the Lilly Endowment, Inc., the Homework Hotline provides toll-free math and science tutoring services by calling 1-877-ASK-ROSE (1-877-275-7673) or through the website

Resource available Students Stumped by Studies - Thanks to an innovative Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology student, there's now The AskRose app, which links Indiana middle and high-school students with free homework math and science assistance. The app is available at the iTunes App Store

2-1-1 is now State-Wide in Indiana!   All 92 counties with all 6,483,802 Hoosiers now have access to the free 24/7/365 service that helps people find the help they need to obtain safe, affordable housing, food and utilities, mental and physical health care, employment, volunteer opportunities and many other things that can lead to happier, healthier, safer individuals and families in our communities. DIAL 2-1-1 TODAY IF YOU NEED HELP OR IF YOU WANT TO GIVE HELP.

Nonprofit Jobs Board
The Not-for-Profit News jobs database, in partnership with ExactHire, which gives nonprofit employers and workers tools to promote and manage your job searches.  

Charitable Advisors also now has newsletters for northern and southern IN


Thomas P. and Sondra D. Sheehan Charitable Foundation 
Tom and Soni Sheehan focus on improving the lives of children facing debilitating medical challenges. They provide financial support for medical treatments, prostheses, and mobility devices that children living with physical deformities and medical issues need to overcome obstacles. More info HERE.

Delta Dental Foundation provides financial support through its Brighter Futures Community Grants program to various community organizations and programs which promote/provide oral health care for children. This year, the DDF will be providing $150,000 to support programs which specifically focus on children's oral health. More HERE.

Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation
Supports a wide range of programs that serve vulnerable children including children who are ill, orphaned, disabled, injured, abused or malnourished as well as children with limited or no access to education. Grant range:  $1,000 - $15,000.  Deadline:  rolling. 

The American Electric Power Foundation considers requests from organizations in communities served by AEP's regional utilities. The Foundation focuses on improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education, protecting the environment, providing basic human services in the areas of hunger, housing, health and safety, and enriching the quality of life in communities through art, music and cultural heritage. Deadline: Rolling Amount: not less than $15,000.
American Family Insurance protects dreams by helping strengthen and support individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities. American Family Insurance also sponsors events and activities that build stronger ties with customers through memorable, beneficial experiences. Deadline: rolling Amount: $250-$10,000 Info HERE.

Signing for Change grants available from $1,000 to $10,000 for nonprofit organizations driving social change in their communities. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. For more information including selection criteria, click HERE.

Wish You Well Foundation
The Wish You Well Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations that promote family literacy in the United States. The focus of the Foundation's grantmaking is on the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs. Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: Rolling
Finish Line Youth Foundation
The Finish Line Youth Foundation provides funding to organizations that youth athletic programs and sports-based camps, especially those serving disadvantaged and special needs children. Deadline: Rolling  Grants range from $1,000 - $5,000.

Advancing Student Achievement, a program of the Actuarial Foundation

ASA grants support math programs that open students' minds to the practical power of math. The purpose of an ASA grant is to support math enhancement programs that bridge the gap between classroom and real world mathematics. MORE HERE. 
Deadline: Rolling Amount: up to $5,000
The First Lady's Foundation exists for the purpose of encouraging and supporting Indiana youth and families. Deadline: Rolling (one application per 365-day period) Amount: $500 or $1,000
Marsh Supermarkets believes that giving back to the community is essential for their growth. Their participation carries forward a long tradition and a steadfast commitment to help improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.  Under $1,000: Six weeks in advance of the event or date needed.$1,000 or more: Six months in advance- preferably by November of the year prior to your event for consideration during annual budget planning.

Sears Holdings
The goal of Sears Holdings is to be part of the community and contribute in ways that enrich the lives of people residing in those areas. By helping to create stronger communities, they enhance the quality of life for customers and associates. Amount varies. Deadline varies.

Beyond traditional banking products and services, Key supports communities through the important work of KeyBank Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization founded in 1969 and funded by KeyCorp. The Foundation's mission is to support organizations and programs that prepare individuals for thriving futures and is advanced through the two funding priorities of thriving students and a thriving workforce. Amount varies.

The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood provides grants for innovative, creative projects and programs that will significantly enhance the development, health, safety, education or quality of life of children from infancy through five years of age. Amount varies.

The Bright House Classroom Innovators Grants is an ongoing program to assist innovative educators with classroom needs. The program is available to educators who teach K-12 curriculum at public and private schools or at an afterschool nonprofit program that are within Bright House Networks service areas. Recipients are eligible to receive up to one grant per year of no less than $250 and no greater than $500, to assist in their efforts to move students toward a brighter future through innovative learning.

My Macy's District Grants support nonprofit organizations and initiatives that are important to individual local communities where Macy's stores are located and that fall within the Macy's focus areas-arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS and women's issues. Amount varies. MORE HERE. 

The Children's Obesity Fund
offers grants to nonprofit organizations that share its mission for improving children's health. Preference is given to organizations with programs that fight childhood obesity. Amount varies.

Tyson Foods invests in community projects that make a difference in the Tyson Foods communities where employees live and work. Tyson Foods focuses on hunger relief, health and nutrition, education, community development, and environment and sustainable agriculture. Amount Varies

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF)
awards grants to non-profit and tax-exempt organizations involved in the operation of youth baseball and/or softball programs and facilities. Organizations operating in the U.S. and international locations are eligible to apply. To date, an average of 400 requests are received annually; approximately 10 percent are awarded grants. Grants are awarded on a quarterly basis. More HERE

Lockheed Martin: Grants for Education

Lockheed Martin provides grants for K-16 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education. This includes Lockheed Martin's K-12 STEM Education Initiative, Engineers in the Classroom, as well as STEM-focused curricular and extracurricular programs that provide employee engagement opportunities in a community in which Lockheed Martin has employees or business interests. Maximum award: varies. Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations that deliver standards-based science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to students in K-16. Amount: Varies Deadline: Rolling. More HERE.

Reiman Foundation Grant
The Reiman Foundation focuses its giving in four main areas: Health Care, Education, The Arts & Children. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Deadline: Rolling Award Amount: Vary

Let's Play grants offer ten different grant opportunities for organizations in need of support for youth sports or recess equipment, afterschool programming and playgrounds/outdoor fitness equipment. Amount: varies Deadline: varies

The Hearst Foundation
Amount varies. Deadline: Rolling
The Hearst Foundations support well-established nonprofit organizations that address significant issues within their major areas of interests - culture, education, health and social service - and that primarily serve large demographic and/or geographic constituencies.

The Kroger Company Foundation's philanthropic objective is to enhance the quality of life in communities with a concentration of Kroger customers and employees. The Foundation exists for the betterment of the people and communities where Kroger operates.
The PNC Foundation supports a variety of nonprofit organizations with a special emphasis on those that work to achieve sustainability and touch a diverse population, in particular, those that support early childhood education and/or economic development. Amount: Varies

Connect a Million Minds (Time Warner)
Connect A Million Minds supports include after-school STEM programs, mentorship programs that inspire the pursuit of STEM education and careers, STEM-related competitions, visitations to technology companies and labs, and apprenticeship programs.
No deadline. For more information, go to: 
Wells Fargo offers grants to assist a variety of nonprofit organizations that provide human services, community development, educational, artistic, cultural, civic and environmental programs. Applications are accepted in Indiana on a rolling basis; organizations are encouraged to prepare a proposal using the guidelines and contact their local Wells Fargo location to submit an application.

RGK Foundation awards grants in the broad areas of education, community, and medicine/health. Human service programs of particular interest to the foundation include children and family services, early childhood development, and parenting education. The foundation supports a variety of community improvement programs including those that enhance nonprofit management and promote philanthropy and volunteerism. Youth development programs supported by the foundation typically include after-school educational enrichment programs that supplement and enhance formal education systems to increase the chances for successful outcomes in school and life.  Deadline: Rolling  Amount varies.

The World We Want Foundation
Offers youth-led service learning grants.
Deadline: Rolling,  Amount varies.

Ford Foundation Educational Grants
The foundation's grantmaking focuses on reducing poverty and injustice; promoting democratic values; and advancing human knowledge, creativity and achievement. Types of grants the foundation makes: General/core support, Project, Planning, Competition, Matching, Recoverable, Individual, Endowment, Foundation-administered project, and Program-related investment. Amount varies. Deadline: Rolling

Share Our Strength Grants
Share Our Strength offers grants to non-profit organizations, schools, and other eligible organizations involved in increasing access to nutrition and anti-hunger advocacy. Amount varies. Deadline: Rolling 
Lumber Liquidators offers in-kind donations for nonprofit organizations in need of new flooring for their facilities.
KaBoom! offers "Let's Play Land Use" playground grants. Deadline: Rolling

Public Welfare Foundation is accepting letters of intent from organizations and programs working to end the criminalization and over-incarceration of youth. Deadline: Rolling More info HERE.

The Indiana Division of State Parks and Reservoirs is pleased to offer field trip grants to Indiana educators and their students. Field trips can engage students in learning about Indiana's fish, forest, wildlife, or natural habitats and their conservation, or about Indiana's history and cultural resources as they relate to Indiana State Parks and Reservoirs.

Half Price Books
will consider book donation requests from nonprofit organizations and educators that focus on literacy, the environment, or education.

AND  for more grants-

Afterschool Alliance list of STEM funding

STEMfinity STEM Grants Listings: Indiana

The BOOST Collaborative  Funding Opportunities Listing

Find a long list of grants and deadlines including several open deadline opportunities:
The Youth Today Newsletter Grants Newsletter
Fundsnet, Inc. offers nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies the opportunity to identify potential funding sources for their programs or projects as well as resources to mentor these organizations through the grantseeking process.   
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