The Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning will begin to take applications for the School Age Child Care Project Fund (SACC) Request for Funds (RFF)

To support a school age child care program which offers care to children between the ages of 5 to 15 to include; 
  • Before and/or after school care 
  • Periods when school is not in session excluding summer break 
  • Care for children that attend kindergarten - either full or half day kindergarten 
  • Care for children that are enrolled in summer school 
  • Funds will be available to be used for program enrichment, staffing, equipment and staff development. 
To be considered for these grants, all proposals must be submitted by close of business, 5:00p.m. December 11, 2015.
Late submissions will not be accepted.

Public Notice: 

SACC RFF Application: 

If you missed the webinar held on October 20, 2015, please click below:
SACC Project Fund Webinar

To request a hard copy: Please contact Laura Sullivan at

Do you operate an unlicensed registered child care ministry in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion or Morgan County? Are you interested in increasing your quality of care for children and families and possibly advancing through the Levels of Paths to Quality? If so, you may qualify for educational enhancements for your program including free training and technical assistance, a multitude of curriculum resources and materials, literacy programs, and grant funding for facilities improvements from United Way of Central Indiana!

Please contact Anne Gabbert at 317-921-1381 or for more information.

More information on the Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning, HERE.

Indiana Afterschool Network

Vision: Indiana is a place where all K-12 youth have  access to high quality learning opportunities beyond the school day that  prepare them for success in school, college, careers, and life.

Mission: We are a nonprofit organization that champions afterschool and summer  learning by inspiring, empowering and connecting youth workers, partners  and advocates at the state and local levels.

445 N Pennsylvania St.  
Suite 945  
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 822-8211