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New National RTAP Product: Marketing Transit Toolkit

National RTAP's newest product, the online Marketing Transit Toolkit, is designed to help rural and tribal transit systems (particularly those without dedicated marketing staff) develop or enhance their marketing plans and implement various marketing strategies. It provides a wealth of information, tools, and resources, but you can also just focus on what you need and jump right to those sections of the toolkit.
National RTAP Marketing Toolkit Demonstration

Join us on Tuesday, November 17th at 2:30 EST for our second session exploring the Marketing Transit Toolkit. Our new Marketing Transit Toolkit includes a How-to Guide to marketing transit; Marketing Plan Worksheets; Publisher Templates for passenger guides, newspaper ads, and more; Photo and Graphics Libraries; and detailed instructions on how to use the tools. 

During this webinar, Selena Barlow of Transit Marketing LLC, who developed the toolkit for National RTAP, will provide a demonstration of how to use the marketing templates and other tools. Register Now!
National RTAP Peer Call: Tribal Transit

Tribal Transit, tribal concerns and tribal voices. Join National RTAP for a Peer to Peer conversation with Review board Member Jennie Rowland, of Bois Forte, JD Tovey of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla and other tribal  participants from the National Rural and Tribal Technical Assistance Conference in Denver. Outreach, technology, partnership and education were raised as priorities. Strategies, trainings, and next steps for support and development of tribal transit programs are on the agenda for the call November 18th at 2:30 EST.  Please register now and add your voice to the conversation. 

The National RTAP Peer Call series is intended to be a chance for interested parties to talk and work with each other to identify issues, identify possible solutions, and build a community. 
Notes and Recording Available from National RTAP Marketing Toolkit Overview Webinar

Thanks to those who joined us yesterday for our Webinar on the FTA Intercity Bus Program. The webinar recording and both speakers presentations are now available via the National RTAP website

Federal Transit Administration and US DOT Updates

Interested in creating safer transit for everyone? The U.S Department of Transportation recently released a report with Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Assessments

FTA launches Transportation and Health Tool to help show the health impacts of transportation in communities. Read the blog post, or go directly to the FTA's page.
Resources and News


New Report from the National League of Cities Explores the Future of Mobility and Technology in Cities - From Mass Transit "A new report released from the National League of Cities (NLC) explores trends in mobility and technology in cities and identifies what cities can do to move seamlessly and efficiently into the future of mobility". read the article on Mass Transit


Check out CTAA's analysis of the FTA's proposed Transit Asset Management Rule, with a reminder that any comments on the rule are due by November 30th!


Check out SURTC's blog on their new report - Research Report - Developing a Method for Assessing National Demand-Response Transit Level of Service 


Abstract submission for the International Conference on Transport & Health (ICTH) 2016 - USA opens 31 October 2016! Click here to review the submission guidelines. 

Interested in the National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus ? Abstract submissions are due for the conference by January 8th, 2016

The NTI is offering a Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems course on  on November 16-17. The course gives an overview of transit procurement, emphasizing "best practices" for contract procurement by systems who are recipients of FTA funding. NTI is also offering a course on Understanding ADA.

Upcoming NTI Training Opportunities

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises - March 22nd, 2016, Phoenix AZ

Introduction to Transit Asset Management - Various Dates & Locations
November 12, 2015
National Transit Institute (NTI)
Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems
November 16-17
Fargo, ND

National RTAP
Marketing Toolkit Demonstration
November 17, 2:30 ET

National RTAP
Peer Call: Tribal Transit
November 18, 2:30 ET

Louisiana Public Transit Association
Louisiana Public Transit Conference
November 17-19
Baton Rouge, LA

Annual Meeting
January 10-14
Washington, D.C.

Freedom Through Transit Conference
February 1-3
Mesa, AZ

Drug and Alcohol Conference
March 22-24
Sacramento, CA

2016 Expo
May 22-27
Portland, OR

National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus
October 2-5
Asheville, NC

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our Calendar. If you'd like to submit an event, please email info@nationalrtap.org.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Check out National RTAP's newest training products!

National RTAP Marketing Toolkit:
National RTAP's newest product, the online Marketing Transit Toolkit, is designed to help rural and tribal transit systems create marketing plans and materials. 
National RTAP eLearning:
An online learning management system providing access to free online courses. Find out more and get started today!
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001