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New National RTAP Technical Brief on Oversized Wheeled Mobility Devices

Download National RTAP's newest tech brief, Oversized Wheeled Mobility Devices, which gives you the information you need to be informed about the ADA requirements related to large and/or heavy wheelchairs and the revised ADA wheelchair definition.  

The brief includes strategies and resources that can help rural and tribal transit agencies safely secure and transport passengers that use oversized wheeled mobility devices or when the combined weight of the passenger and chair exceeds the rated lift.

Register for the Upcoming National RTAP 101 Webinar on Title VI Requirements

Our next 101 Webinar will be on Wednesday, July 29 at 2:30pm ET and will feature a presentation and Q&A by FTA's Jonathan Ocana on Title VI.  Register now and find out more on the registration page!

Notes and Recording available from National RTAP Peer Call: Interstate Regulations

Thanks to those who joined us last week for our second Peer Call!  Be sure to fill out the survey you received to improve future calls. 


We're working on a permanent location for the Peer Call notes and recordings, but for now click here to listen to the recording and click here to download the notes.


The Peer Call Series is a new initiative and we appreciate your understanding during its early stages.  Keep in mind that the calls are not formal presentations by experts (like our 101 Webinars), but an opportunity to connect with your peers on issues in rural and tribal transit.  You can share your experience, hear from your peers, and ask questions (which may get answered on the call, or we will send answers or resources after the call).  A Peer Call on a topic may lead to a 101 Webinar or other National RTAP product, but the call is simply an informal forum for discussion and peer information sharing.  

Stay tuned for the topic of the next call, to be held the third Wednesday in August at 2:30pm ET!


National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference

Tuesday-Friday, October 27-30, 2015 in Denver, Colorado

Registration: Register now for the conference and reserve your Westin Denver Downtown hotel room on our Conference Website

When registering you can also sign up for the following workshops (included in the fee, but require an RSVP) taking place on Tuesday: 
  • AARP Pedestrian (Livability Index) Workshop
  • Intercity Bus Route Development 
  • National RTAP Web Apps - GTFS Builder
  • National RTAP Web Apps - Website Builder
  • Tribal Transit Assessment Workshop
Here is a draft agenda - sessions and times still subject to change. 

Vendors: Interested in exhibiting?  Contact us for more information.

Federal Transit Administration and US DOT Updates

The FTA's Bus Safety Program Website will close down on August 6. Users should log in before then to download any bookmarked resources, since not all resources will be available on the new site.

Read about how the US DOT supports small and disadvantaged businesses in this recent Fast Lane blog post.

FTA is seeking nominations for individuals knowledgeable about rail and/or bus safety to serve two-year terms on the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS). Applications are due August 31.

Resources and News


TCRP recently released Policing and Security Practices for Small- and Medium-Sized Public Transit Systems. The report covers risk assessment, security countermeasures, and plan implementation. 

FHWA's Developing a Transportation Safety Plan: Informational Tools for Tribal Governments is now available. The report is aimed at helping tribal transportation planners address critical safety needs.

NCMM's Integrating Services Across Transportation Modes is now available. The brief includes case studies from organizations who integrated different transportation modes to improve service. 

TRB's Selected Studies in Transportation Law - Volume 5 2014 Supplement CD-ROM is now available, providing an analysis of laws pertaining to transit development and operation.

Easter Seals Project ACTION published a downloadable copy of their previously held webinar, FAQ on the ADA: Fixed-Route and ADA Complementary Paratransit


The National Volunteer Transportation Center (NVTC) begins its bi-monthly webinar series on August 6. Registration is open now for the first webinar: Introduction to Volunteer Transportation.

The Military Transportation Committee (AT035) is accepting abstracts for poster presentations at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, January 10-14, 2016. Submissions are due August 31.  


This Mass Transit article highlights a new travel training program in Colorado Springs that helps seniors use the bus system, including trip planning, purchasing tickets, and obtaining large-print materials.


Uber recently participated in the White House Conference on Aging, announcing a pilot program for community-based senior outreach. See Uber's blog for their thoughts on senior mobility.


July 23, 2015
National RTAP
101 Webinar: Title VI Requirements
July 29

National Transit Institute (NTI)
TCRP H-46: Quantifying Transit's Impact on Emissions and Energy Use - The Land Use Component
July 29

National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST)
Safe and Accessible Pedestrian Routes for Older Adults
July 30

South West Transit Association (SWTA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Tribal Transit Drug and Alcohol Training
August 11-13
Durant, OK

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
Small Urban Network Conference
Denver, CO
August 12-14

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
16th Biennial State Program Managers Meeting & State Public Transit Partnerships Conference
August 12-14
Washington, DC

National Transit Institute (NTI)
NTD Safety and Security Reporting: Basic Setup/Non-Major Event Reporting
August 18

National Transit Institute (NTI)
NTD Safety and Security Reporting: Major Event Reporting
August 20

South West Transit Association (SWTA)
Community Mobility Workshop (with NCMM Dialysis Transportation Workshop)
August 24-26
Austin, TX

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Telling the Performance Story
September 8

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Design, Engineering, and Management Planning Workshop for Major Capital Projects
September 15-16
San Francisco, CA

Easter Seals Project ACTION Consulting Introduction to Travel Training Workshop 
September 15-17
Washington, D.C.

18th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference (NTTC)
September 21-14
Myrtle Beach, SC

National Transit Institute (NTI)
Transit Trainers' Workshop
October 11-13
New Orleans, LA

National RTAP
Reaching New Heights in Rural and Tribal Transit
October 27-30
Denver, CO

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our Calendar. If you'd like to submit an event, please email info@nationalrtap.org.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Check out National RTAP's most recent Best Practices Spotlight Article on Travel Training which explores successful travel training programs across the country.

Visit the News tab of our Website for the archived articles on Safety, Employee Wellness, Used Oil Recycling, and Bike Share programs. 
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 122 C Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20001