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Register for the Next our 101 Webinar: Ethics in Transit Decision-Making

National RTAP will host our next 101 Webinar on Wednesday, March 18th from 3-4PM ET. Join SURTC Director Jill Hough as she explores ethics and the need for ethical education in the transit workplace. 

What is ethics? Is ethics merely the difference between right and wrong or good and bad? What issues should be considered in ethical decision-making? Various decision-making tests exists for ethics and will be examined during this webinar. Register now!
Do you have a travel training program?

National RTAP is looking for a few more transit agencies with travel training programs to highlight in our upcoming Best Practices Spotlight article. To participate, answer this short survey!
National RTAP Seeking Presenters for 2015 Conference

National RTAP is seeking presentation proposals for our second Technical Assistance Conference in Denver, CO from October 27-30, 2015Reaching New Heights in Rural and Tribal Transit will be filled with sessions in five major routes: planning, design, integration and implementation; policy, funding and finance; special topics in rural mobility; operations; and technology. To submit an abstract, visit the conference website. Abstracts accepted through May 31st
FTA/DOT Updates

Encourage your city to sign up for the Safer Streets Mayors' Challenge. Pledged cities will do more to make pedestrians and bicyclists safer in the community, which is great for getting people to ride transit!

The US DOT has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to "obtain informed views of the opportunities and challenges to the development, deployment, operation, and use of accessible transportation applications and corresponding infrastructure systems related to the (ATTRI) program."
Resources and News


TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 115: Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transit Agencies explores best practices in dealing with open data (schedule and real-time operational data), for transit planning, service quality, and customer information

The National Center for Transit Research (NCTR) published a report on Automated Vehicle Technology for transit. Find out what the future holds in the way of connected vehicles in transit. 

Emergency Preparedness Handbook for Tribal Governments, published by the Mountain Plains Consortium University Transportation Center, is a primer on planning for and managing emergency situations. 


Apply for funding in the Healthcare Access Mobility Design Challenge, a Ladders of Opportunity Initiative. Applications are due March 27th, 2015 for projects that will create or improve healthcare-related transit in their communities. 

Web Resources

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) published a web brief on Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) as a vital part of a healthy community. 

The Community Transportation Association of America's (CTAA) latest edition of CT Magazine, Communication: Critical, focuses on the importance of communication and marketing for transit systems. 

The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) published a new brief on Facilitating Public Input into Transportation Plans: The Role for Mobility Management Practitioners


Metro Magazine recently published a blog about how to stay safe in a transit emergency. For more information, download or order National RTAP's Emergency Procedures training module. 
March 5, 2015
Fundamentals of Transportation Data (Pt 1)
March 10

National RTAP
101 Webinar on Ethics in Rural Transit
March 18

TCRP Report 164: Community Tools to Improve Transportation Options for Veterans, Military Service Members, and Their Families
March 12

Introduction to Travel Training
March 24-26
Washington, DC

Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference
April 28-30
Atlanta, GA

Community Transportation Association of America EXPO
May 31-June 5
Tampa, FL

Fundamentals of Transportation Data (Pt 2)
June 9

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
Annual Conference and Tradeshow
July 11-15
Philadelphia, PA

Telling the Performance Story
September 8

National RTAP
Reaching New Heights in Rural and Tribal Transit
October 27-30
Denver, CO

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our EventShare Calendar.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Some of your best resources are National RTAP staff

Here's where we'll be in the next few months:

Rides to Wellness Executive Summit, Washington, D.C. (March 11)

NEPTA Conference, Hartford, CT (March 24-25)

NJ TransAction Conference, Atlantic City, NJ (April 21-23)

Virginia Transit Association Conference,Williamsburg, VA (May 20-21)

(June 2-4)

Or, reach us anytime at 888-589-6820, info@nationalrtap.org, or through our website at www.nationalrtap.org.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 122 C Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20001