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National RTAP Issues Call for Technical Assistance Projects

National RTAP is soliciting technical assistance projects from rural and tribal transportation programs. We are interested in providing technical assistance to help you comply with federal regulations and build your system's capacity to respond to the needs in your community operationally or administratively. We are particularly interested in identifying best practices for rural/tribal transportation systems that we can share with your colleagues nationally. MAP 21 and the requirements for asset security and management, Title IV, as well as existing coordinated planning, alcohol and drug testing, driver training, Ladders of Opportunity, and increasing customer expectations are areas for which we would like to help you step up your game.

In this round, we are looking for small to medium size projects with an equivalent dollar value of between $25,000 and $50,000 with the expectation of choosing two to three projects. 

Please submit your preliminary application via this link. The online application is set up so that you can access it multiple times until the application period is over. Requested data include: statistics on your service area (population, unemployment rate, median and mean household income, poverty rate, percent of seniors), details on transportation services, type of technical assistance you require and information on other potential funding sources. 

All applications are due at 12:00 PM EST on Friday February 28, 2015. 

If you have any questions please contact Robin Phillips, National RTAP Executive Director, at rphillips@nationalrtap.org or 202-780-4595.
Save the Date for National RTAP's 2015 Conference: Reaching New Heights in Rural and Tribal Transit

National RTAP will be hosting our second Technical Assistance Conference in Denver, CO from October 27-30, 2015Reaching New Heights in Rural and Tribal Transit will be packed with sessions on how to write the policies and plans you need, overviews of transit and state program management, and questions and answers with experts in the field. Come to Denver and step up your game! Watch for more information in the next eNews.
Updates from FTA's Tribal Transit Program Discretionary Funding Webinar

During the recent Federal Transit Administration Tribal Transit Program Discretionary Funding Webinar last week, the FTA highlighted some important information about the program's future.
  • There may not be a discretionary grant solicitation in 2015, so if your tribal transit system will need funding in the next two years, you must apply during this solicitation. The FTA is hoping to award the discretionary funds for FY14 and FY15 using just this one solicitation.
  • Operating assistance is limited to new programs and to tribes who received less than $20,000 in TTP formula funding in the last funding round.
  • If you are requesting capital equipment, you must demonstrate that you have sustainable funds for operations.
  • Priority will be given to projects that meet FTA's Ladders of Opportunity program guidelines, including access to jobs, education, healthcare and other services, as well as to projects demonstrating coordination and partnerships. The FTA is also looking for projects that are scalable.
  • Be sure to submit your application early. Grants.gov will be down for scheduled maintenance February 14-17.
  • FTA will be conducting Technical Assistance Assessments at the SWTA Conference (March 1-4) and in Denver and Sacramento in April. These are not related to grant applications or specific projects, but holistic assessments of tribal transit programs. Contact your regional tribal liaison for more information.
The webinar recording is not available yet. To view the Notice of Funding Availability, click here. Applications are due February 18th, 2015. For more information, please contact Elan Flippin at 202-366-3800 or by email at Elan.Flippin@dot.gov.
Resources and News


TCRP Report 173: Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Providers, Volume I: Transit Integration Manual explores ways to integrate transit services in areas with more than one transit provider.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report finding that Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is poorly-coordinated, and requires additional federal leadership. Also available is an evaluation of the US DOT's progress towards the performance-based approaches put forth in MAP-21. 

In-Person Courses

The National Transit Institute has upcoming courses on Environmental Justice in GA, PA, and WA, and Transit ITS in UT and CA. They are also hosting a hands-on class on TERM-Lite in TX and NC. For a full listing of NTI courses, click here

Web Resources

The Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network has published the Extreme Event Preparedness and Response for Operations LibGuide. The tool includes many resources relevant to rural and tribal transit operators. 

The new National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) offers resources for the transportation systems management and operations community. 
January 22, 2015
Easter Seals Project Action Consulting
10 Steps to Starting a Travel Training Program
February 18

South West Transit Association 
Joint Annual Conference and EXPO (with NMTA)
March 1-4
Santa Fe, NM

Fundamentals of Transportation Data (Pt 1)
March 10

Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference
April 28-30
Atlanta, GA

Community Transportation Association of America EXPO
May 31-June 5
Tampa, FL

Fundamentals of Transportation Data (Pt 2)
June 9

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
Annual Conference and Tradeshow
July 11-15
Philadelphia, PA

Telling the Performance Story
September 8

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our EventShare Calendar.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Spotlight on Safety Best Practices

If you haven't already, take a look at our newest Spotlight article on Safety Best Practices. Ideas shared include an innovative way to display Safety Data Sheets, a monthly safety flyer program for drivers, and a law enforcement officer visibility program on buses. Read the article here
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 122 C Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20001