Final 5311 Circular Released
The Federal Transit Administration has released the final version of the Formula Grants for Rural Areas, Section 5311 Circular. For the Federal Register notice, which lists comments and changes to each section, please click here. The Section 5311 Program provides formula funds to states and federally-recognized tribes to support public transportation in rural areas (population of less than 50,000). The funds can be used for capital and planning projects, job access and reverse commute projects, operating assistance and administration costs.
MAP-21 expanded eligible activities and set-asides for the Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program (ADPTAP), the Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP), and the Tribal Transit Program.
Although not much changed in the final circular, some overall updates and clarifications to the program include:
- Program Goals: providing funds for mobility management projects, including individuals with disabilities, older adults, and low-income individuals; increasing transportation options through intercity bus and; encouraging mobility management, job-related transportation, joint development, and transit-oriented development.
- Programs formerly under Job Access and Reverse Commute continue to be considered job access and reverse commute maintenance projects under 5311.
- Non-profit organizations are eligible subrecipients for 5311.
- Section 5310 funds are no longer eligible to be transferred to Section 5311.
- New chapter on the Tribal Transit Program
- New chapter on the Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program
National RTAP will be updating our resources to reflect the new circular.
Save the Date for the Next 101 Webinar
National RTAP is pleased to announce the next 101 Webinar on December 10th from 2:30-3:30. The presentation will be a partnership with Easter Seals Project ACTION and will focus on ADA Customer Service and Compliance for Rural and Tribal Transit. Stay tuned for the registration information in the next couple of weeks!
Resources and News
Web Resources
The National Center for Mobility Management has many new resources for viewing best practices in mobility management from across the US. Share and search them here.
MAP-21: The New 5310 Program webinar recording from the National Center on Senior Transportation, October 8th.
Articles and Blogs