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Spotlight on Employee Wellness Programs

National RTAP highlights OATS Transit system in rural Missouri in our new Best Practices Spotlight article. OATS has created a wildly successful wellness program that has helped employees become healthier and happier. Read about what OATS has done, and how you can start a wellness program at your transit agency. The article also includes a Q & A with OATS, as well as resources for further consideration.

2nd National RTAP Technical Assistance and Tribal Transit Program Conference Planning

We are conducting a quick (2-question) poll to collect your input about the location of our 2015 conference. Some of you may remember that we held the 1st Technical Assistance in Arizona in March of 2012 in conjunction with the National Tribal Transit Association (NTTA). This is the second conference in that series, and we're planning for October of 2015 in one of three locations. We need your input! Answer the two questions to help us plan for the correct number of people, and help choose the location!

101 Webinar on Drug and Alcohol: Federal Custody and Control Forms Now Available

National RTAP has posted the video presentation for the 101 Webinar recorded on Tuesday, September 19th. Robbie Sarles, president of RLS & Associates, gave an overview of how to properly fill out the Federal Custody and Control form for Drug and Alcohol testing. Sarles discussed common errors and how to fix them, as well as transit agencies' oversight responsibilities when it comes to Drug and Alcohol testing. Download the slides and supporting documentation (FCC Form, Affadavit of Correction, and a Vendor Oversight Review Checklist).

FTA/DOT Updates


FTA Announced the Section 5309 Bus & Bus Facilities "Ladders of Opportunity" Initiative Project Selections.


Resources and News


Intergovernmental Challenges in Surface Transportation Funding, a Pew Charitable Trusts report, details the flow of money from federal, state and local governments to transit and highways. 

Who's on Board 2014: Mobility Attitudes Survey, commissioned by TransitCenter, reviews a range of data on the current attitudes towards mobility and transit. 

New edition of the CUTR's Journal of Public Transportation is now available. Highlights include articles about on-board video feedback systems, and reduced-fare programs for older adults and persons with disabilities.

Other Resources

The Rural Public and Intercity Bus Conference Committee is accepting nominations for the Roger Tate is Smiling Award, until October 6th.

View the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)'s products and resources, including best practices, informational briefs, and technical assistance plans.

Smart Growth America is currently accepting applications for technical assistance workshops available at no cost to selected communities about how to implement smart growth principles in their communities. Deadline is Thursday, October 23rd at 5PM ET.

Listen to a Community Transportation (CT) Podcast on HIPAA, Privacy and Community Public Transportation.

Need a trainer? Are you a trainer? Don't forget about our Directory of Trainers, a self-submitted listing of instructors in all regions of the US. If you'd like to be listed in the Directory, please send an email with your contact information, the area in which you are willing to travel, and the classes you teach. 

For National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Members: Excellence in Regional Transportation Award nominations are due October 31st. These awards highlight rural and small metropolitan transportation planning projects. 

October 2, 2014
MAP-21: The "New" 5310 Program
October 8

Annual Meeting
October 12-15
Houston, TX

2014 Conference
October 17-20
Albuquerque, NM

21st National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation
October 26-29
Monterey, CA

Shaping the New Future of Paratransit
October 29-31
Monterey, CA

2014 National Rural Transportation Conference
December 3-5
Cincinnati, OH

May 31-June 5
Tampa, FL

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our EventShare Calendar.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
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Want the most current rural and tribal transit news before everyone else? Want to see great transit-themed song covers and videos, and sometimes the occasional animal dressed in a bus costume? 

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National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 122 C Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20001