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A Note from Lorna Wilson

As I near my last days at the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), I wanted to say thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your Section 5311 Transportation Program Specialist for the past twelve years. Managing the Rural, National Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP), Public Transportation on Indian Reservations (Tribal Transit Program), and newly created Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance (ADTAP) programs has been a rewarding experience. The Section 5311 program is important to rural mobility, and just knowing that I had a small part in creating transit options for constituents across the United States is most humbling. Developing the Tribal Transit Program was one of the most exciting and life-changing experiences in my public transit career to date, and I now have a wonderful opportunity to transition to the FHWA's Federal Lands Highway Administration. As many of you may be aware, FTA's Tribal Transit Program was transferred to Élan Flippin, Transportation Program Specialist, in November of 2012. Please continue to work with Élan on Tribal Transit, and you may also contact her for your Section 5311 program needs until the position is posted and filled. Élan can be reached at elan.flippin@dot.gov.

I would also like to say that the Intercity Bus Program (ICB) has evolved since my first TRB Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation conference and has and always will be an integral companion to Section 5311. I trust that FTA, State DOT's and the ICB Industry will continue to work together in order to make meaningful connections to the larger ICB network. I want to give a big shout out to Randy Isaacs, Ted Knappen and Fred Fravel, my three amigos, for their tireless efforts. Last but not least FTA solicited proposals for the National RTAP in December of 2013, and a review process was conducted; however, a selection has not been made but FTA is close to making an award. In the interim please rest assured that there will be continuity of services during this time and know that National RTAP will continue to deliver phenomenal products and services to enhance the way that transit is provided across the United States. Cindy Frene, Patti Monahan, Rob Tassinari, Frank Condon, and the rest of the NVTMA team have made the last five years of my life a lot easier because of their dedication to the delivery of technical assistance and willingness to be teachable, flexible and just downright awesome!

Again, thank you for trusting me at times and questioning me in other instances but knowing that I have always had the rural programs' best interest at heart. Mary Martha Churchman once told me that the "Rural" program was the heart and soul of FTA and I am a believer.

Best Regards,

Lorna R. Wilson

Grants for Transportation of Veterans in Highly Rural Areas Due May 27th

The US Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Transportation Program announced the availability of this funding in December 2013. Awards will be made for innovative approaches to transporting veterans to VA Medical Centers and related trips. Eligible recipients include certain counties only; a list of eligible counties can be found here by clicking on the "Full Announcement" tab, and clicking on the Supporting Documents PDF at the bottom of the list: States that have highly rural counties. For the full application and instructions, including a webinar about applying for this program, see the Grants.gov page.

FTA/DOT Updates

FTA issued a correction to the State of Good Repair circular in the Federal Register. The date by which comments are due has been corrected to May 2nd.

FMCSA has updated its website, making it much more user-friendly.

Resources and News

Reports and Journals
TCRP Report 164: Community Tools to Improve Transportation Options for Veterans, Military Service Members, and Their Families, explores using mobility management and transportation coordination to improve transportation services for veterans, service members, and their families.
CTAA's most recent edition of Community Transportation Magazine focuses on rural transit.

TRB's Transportation Research Record: Transit 2013, Volume 3, a collection of transit-related studies.

Newsletters and Announcements

Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) is hosting an FTA National Online Dialogue seeking input on Section 5310 performance measures. The dialogue will be open until April 18th.

The National Center for Mobility Management's recent webinar on NEMT is available for viewing.
2014 STAR Awards for Volunteer Transportation are now open, with applications due April 11th.
Apply to be a part of the One-Call/One-Click training workshop through CTAA.
Take ESPA's Emergency Preparedness questionnaire, assessing the readiness of communities to evacuate people with disabilities and older adults in the case of an emergency.


The FastLane Blog recently featured an post about why transit is necessary for veterans and their families.

April 3, 2014
Build, Grow, Sustain: A Model for Travel Training Program Success
April 23

Connected Vehicle Basics
April 24

Advanced Practices in Paratransit Service
April 28-June 13

Bus and Paratransit Conference
May 4-7
Kansas City, MO

NTD Non-Major Incident Reporting
May 6

NTD Major Incident Reporting
May 8

North American Conference on Elder Mobility
May 11-14
Detroit, MI

Mobility Management Conference and
June 8-14
St. Paul, MN

National LTAP/TTAP Conference
July 21-24
St. Louis, MO

National Rural ITS Conference
August 24-27
Branson, MO

Conference on Transportation and Federal Lands
September 15-17
Washington, D.C.

National Tribal Transportation Conference
September 22-25
Anchorage, AK

Annual Meeting
October 12-15
Houston, TX

21st National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation
October 26-29
Monterey, CA

2014 National Rural Transportation Conference
December 3-5
Cincinnati, OH

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our EventShare Calendar.

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
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National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036, 202-772-2039