National RTAP Announces Launch of New Website and Support Center
- New Resource Library landing page
- Improved browsing, with the ability to drill down from a general subject area into specific categories
- Cleaner design of the search interfaces
- Auto-fill function when searching
- New topic guides that provide quick and simple help finding resources in various subject areas
- Ability for customers to edit resource orders after they are placed
National RTAP has also redesigned its Support Center, where customers can find instructional documents and videos for all of the National RTAP in the Cloud web apps. Viewers can easily reach the Support Center both from within National RTAP in the Cloud and the National RTAP website to access multimedia help resources. Enhancements to the Support Center include the following:
- Improved site design that allows visitors to easily and quickly find information
- Updated instructional documents and videos
- Website search function that allows visitors to use keywords to quickly find the information they need
Patti Monahan, Executive Director of National RTAP, says "We hope you enjoy the new National RTAP website and think of it as a resource that you can refer to often for the latest rural transit industry information and access to National RTAP's products and services. Please take a look and let us know what you think!"
New Items in the Resource Library
...and Other Resources of Interest
View the 101 Webinar: FTA Charter Regulations and School Transportation Presentation
Missed the most recent 101 webinar on charter regulations and school transportation? You can now view the popular presentation, given by Greater Minnesota Public Transit Coordinator and former National RTAP Review Board member Sarah Brodt-Lenz.
National RTAP on Facebook
Visit and "Like" National RTAP on Facebook for access to content you won't find in eNews or on our website! Recent posts include resources about alternative fuels and energy, winter driving, and webinar notices.
National RTAP Looking for 2 the Point Training Feedback
National RTAP wants to know how you have been using 2 the Point Training. Do you have a special "training day" every week, or do you give prizes out for completed card sets? Send us your tips for using the training cards by writing an email to, or replying to this eNews. We'll share our favorites in a future eNews!