National RTAP Launching a 101 Webinar Series
National RTAP is excited to announce the start of a 101 Webinar Series for transit agencies and other stakeholders. Webinars will be held every two months, and will focus on topics such as MAP-21 safety and asset management requirements, FTA charter regulations, drug and alcohol testing programs, and marketing transit services. The first webinar is going to take place on September 25th at 3PM, and will cover social media for transit agencies, including how to use social media to market services and provide service updates to passengers. Registration information to come in the next eNews, so keep an eye out and save the date!
Federal Transit Administration/Department of Transportation Updates
Transportation Secretary Foxx has issued a proposal that would allow states to manage the environmental review process for transit.
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library
TCRP Research Results Digest 99: Improving Mobility for Veterans (April 2011) discusses issues facing veterans and transportation, and outlines some possible strategies for transit agencies who want to address these issues.
National RTAP Looking for Photos of Maintenance Facilities
Do you have high quality photos of your maintenance facilities? We are looking for a variety of different shots for an upcoming training module about emergency procedures in vehicle maintenance facilities. If you are interested in providing photos for possible use in our module or on our website, please download this consent form and send it along with the photos to We are looking for specific types of images-if you'd like the list, send us an email.