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National RTAP Launching a 101 Webinar Series

National RTAP is excited to announce the start of a 101 Webinar Series for transit agencies and other stakeholders. Webinars will be held every two months, and will focus on topics such as MAP-21 safety and asset management requirements, FTA charter regulations, drug and alcohol testing programs, and marketing transit services. The first webinar is going to take place on September 25th at 3PM, and will cover social media for transit agencies, including how to use social media to market services and provide service updates to passengers. Registration information to come in the next eNews, so keep an eye out and save the date!
Federal Transit Administration/Department of Transportation Updates


New CMAQ Guidance from FHWA.

FTA issued final guidance on New and Small Starts.

New Starts/Small Starts Standard Cost Categories for Capital Projects has been updated.
Transportation Secretary Foxx has issued a proposal that would allow states to manage the environmental review process for transit.
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library
TCRP Research Results Digest 99: Improving Mobility for Veterans (April 2011) discusses issues facing veterans and transportation, and outlines some possible strategies for transit agencies who want to address these issues.
Framework for Action: Building the Fully Coordinated Transportation System (2004) will help communities assess current systems, develop a mobility management plan, and then implement the plan, as part of a community-wide group.
Emergency Preparedness Guide for Transit Employees (2008)  presents the demands of emergency response for transit drivers, including how drivers can protect their families even when they need to stay on the job during an incident.

...and Other Resources


TxDOT Resource for Linking Planning with Project Planning in Support of NEPA


RITA Multimodal Transportation Indicators: August 2013


VelociRFTA Bus Rapid Transit celebrates the start of service as the first rural BRT


Effortless Passenger ID Systems: Transit IDEA Project 
CTAA's Community Transportation magazine, The Challenge of Growth: Public-Private Solutions 


SURTC has a job opening for a Trainer/Training Coordinator


NTI is accepting Achievements in Transit Training Awards nominations, until October 25th


TRB's NCHRP Legal Research Digest 60: Legal Aspects of Conservation Easements: A Primer for Transportation Agencies

National RTAP Looking for Photos of Maintenance Facilities

Do you have high quality photos of your maintenance facilities? We are looking for a variety of different shots for an upcoming training module about emergency procedures in vehicle maintenance facilities. If you are interested in providing photos for possible use in our module or on our website, please download this consent form and send it along with the photos to info@nationalrtap.org. We are looking for specific types of images-if you'd like the list, send us an email.
September 6, 2013
Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (3rd Edition): Overview
September 12

Excellence in Service for Paratransit Managers
September 16-November 22

Accessible Transportation and Emergency Preparedness Planning
September 18

Annual Meeting
September 29-October 2
Chicago, IL

National Tribal Transportation Conference 2013
October 28-November 1
Prior Lake, MN

Forming Partnerships With Transit
October 7-November 15

Employment and Transportation: Ensuring People with Disabilities Have Equal Access to the Workforce
October 23

Transit Trainers Workshop
March 30-April 1, 2014
Long Beach, CA

10th National Conference on Asset Management
April 28-30, 2014
Miami, FL

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our new EventShare Calendar!

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Resource Library Becomes More User-Friendly

We have re-classified all of the resources in the Resource Library, so finding resources is now easier than ever! 

With new categories that better reflect current transit issues and trends, you will be able to find the information you are looking for quickly and easily.

To see the new subject list and look for resources you need, visit our Advanced Search page, scroll to the bottom, and check one or more categories. Then click Search. 

We welcome feedback about our updates at info@nationalrtap.org
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036, 202-772-2039