National RTAP Looking for Photos of Maintenance Facilities
Do you have high quality photos of your maintenance facilities? We are looking for a variety of different shots for an upcoming training module about emergency procedures in vehicle maintenance facilities. If you are interested in providing photos for possible use in our module or on our website, please download this consent form and send it along with the photos to We are looking for specific types of images-if you'd like the list, send us an email.
Federal Transit Administration/Department of Transportation Updates
FTA is offering demos of TrAMS, the next generation of TEAM on the following dates: August 27, August 29, September 4, all from 1-3PM ET.
Rural Transportation Current Topic in NCST's Senior Transportation Exchange
Do you provide senior transportation services in a rural area? Join the Senior Transportation Exchange through the National Center on Senior Transportation and reach out to peers who are providing similar services. Discuss rural transportation issues and observations as they relate to senior transportation. Potential discussions include medical trips, long-distance travel, shopping trips from rural to urban centers, and many more. Rural Transportation will be the discussion topic through November 15th. Join the Senior Transportation Exchange.
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library
NCST Modes and Services Series: Fixed-Route Buses focuses on the definitions of fixed-route services, as well as what some of those services are doing to enhance accessible and older adult-friendly transit services.
SURTC's 2013 Rural Transit Fact Book provides a resource for national statistics about rural transit in the U.S. The data include travel behavior, rural demographics, financial and operating statistics for agencies receiving 5311 funding. Statistics are presented by state, FTA region, tribe, and mode as well as nationally.
Easter Seals Project ACTION Releases Glossary and Toolkits Page
Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) recently released a handy guide to disability and other transit words, the Glossary of Disability and Transit Terms. This is an excellent resource that explains complex transit terms for easy understanding. While focusing on concepts relating to passengers with disabilities, terms such as demand-response, transit, fixed-route, and code of federal regulations are all defined.
ESPA also created an easy-to-use webpage for their online toolkits. Current toolkits include travel instruction, veterans transportation, and self-advocacy in transportation.