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Federal Transit Administration/Department of Transportation Updates
What's New in the National RTAP Resource Library

Energy Savings Strategies for Transit Agencies  discusses ways to reduce energy through technology, operations, maintenance, buildings, and other means.


A Qualitative Analysis of Bus Simulator Training on Transit Incidents-A Case Study in Florida is the result of tracking three public transit agencies in Florida as they implemented bus simulator training. The report discusses the results of implementation, as well as best practices for implementing this type of training.


...and Other Resources


Should Private Nonprofits Run Public Transit? Article from the Nonprofit Quarterly.


Federal Agencies Collaborate to Better Assist Tribal Communities, a FastLane blog post.


Community Transportation Association of America's (CTAA) Community Transportation Magazine, Minnesota Edition.


National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has archived a webinar on Alternative Fuel Vehicles.


Ohio DOT issued a report, Linking Land Use, Transportation and Travel Behavior in Ohio.


Measuring the Performance of Livability Programs


Apply for ESPA's Accessible Transportation Technical Support Project
The deadline is August 15th to apply for technical assistance from Easter Seals Project ACTION under their Accessible Transportation Technical Support (ATTS) Project. Recipients of the ATTS Project assistance will work with ESPA to formulate and carry out a plan that addresses specific, local accessible transportation needs. Technical assistance is provided via webinar, telephone, forums, and other means of remote communication. Assistance is provided at no cost to the recipient. Apply at this address
August 8, 2013
Tribal Transportation Planning: Transportation Capacity Building Series
August 19

Excellence in Service for Paratransit Managers
September 16-November 22

Forming Partnerships With Transit
October 7-November 15

Employment and Transportation: Ensuring People with Disabilities Have Equal Access to the Workforce
October 23

Transit Trainers Workshop
March 30-April 1, 2014
Long Beach, CA

10th National Conference on Asset Management
April 28-30, 2014
Miami, FL

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our new EventShare Calendar!

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Customer Service Resources

Training Materials (available to download or order)

Customer Driven Service describes best practices in delivering customer service in public transit.

Scheduling and Dispatching provides best practices for customer service in a scheduling/dispatching role.

Technical Briefs (available to download)

For more information, call 888-589-6821 or email info@nationalrtap.org
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main: 5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.: 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036, 202-772-2039